
HTC Desire HD ROM Exposed, Ported to the HD2


How quick was that? We’re just under a week outside of HTC’s event last week where they unveiled the HTC Desire HD and HTC Desire Z and a determined developer’s already hacked up a nice port of the HD’s image to slap onto the HTC HD2. Quite fitting that this happened so fast considering the name. If you want to flash the device for yourself, head over to developer DarkStone1337’s AndroidSpin page to download the ROM now.

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For the rest of us not fortunate enough to have an HD2, we can either wait for a port to our own devices, or we can check out some of these nice looking screenshots of the new HTC Sense. I’ve included a couple above, but be sure to stop by AndroidSpin – today’s benefactors – for the full suite.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Guys I am planning to port this ROM on my HD2 today please do let me know if everything is working fine with the Phone after installing this ROM.


  2. Xda developers please port to Galaxy S Captivate………..I would even pay for this port. I love my device but think HTC Sense has more support and would love to use there sync features. If this can be done let us know. Love Android

  3. Just bring the damn desire HD to T-mobile and call it a year….or two

  4. the desire wont cut it once the dual core snap 1.2 ghz+ start to drop with 1280×760 resolution. Believe me.. any geek who purchases a phone a this point is not going to seem up to date a couple of months later.

  5. @jose: you are the kind of people who waited for nVidia GTX470/GTX480, while i was enjoying the HD5870 for over half year.

    Yes, in Q3/Q4 2011 Desire/Desire HD/Desire Z will be a bit outdated devices. Same applies to your dual core devices in Q3/Q4 2012… It’s called progress, and you can wait until the eternity because there will be always “a better device comming soon”, or just buy stuff and sell it when you want to swap to something better.

  6. Please XDA developers, port this to the galaxyS vibrant. please

  7. agreed with 6! i’ve got galaxy s i9000 port it for that one too!!! i love you xda developers :)

  8. Do you have a rom for the hd7

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