
New HTC Sense and HTCSense.com Will Give Remote Access to Lost Phone



Along with today’s announcement of the HTC Desire Z and HTC Desire HD came news of a revamped HTC Sense featuring an online component at HTCSense.com. The site will allow users to interact remotely with an HTC Sense handset with backups, security features, and other handset interactions.

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Phone lost? HTCSense.com will allow you to ping the handset, pushing the ringer to max volume and giving you a location on a map. Is it on the move on the map? Well you either left it in a moving vehicle or someone stole it, and in that case you can remotely lock and wipe the handset of all sensitive info. But don’t worry, the service also creates automatic backups so if you ever have to erase your phone’s memory you can get all of your info right back with archives of contacts, text messages, call history, customizations and data.

The new HTC Sense is also bringing some enhanced multimedia capabilities giving users more options in creating and sharing content, including new photo and video effects to give you that extra artsy touch when capturing photos and videos. The new Sense should be featured on today’s newly announced Desire Z and Desire HD handsets.

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Kevin Krause
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HTC Desire Z and Desire HD are Official, Available October in Asia and Europe

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  1. “Where’s My Droid?”

    I think I’ll use some random app/site to find out, instead of the perfectly functional and free “Where’s my Droid?”

    Playing…the more options the better I say.

  2. What if you have fallen and can’t get up? Will it call an ambulance?

  3. Sounds like longer wait times for Android updates..I love sense but when will they let it just die..or better yet release it as a launcer replacement like LancherPro or ADW

  4. @ Feech

    Sense is not just a user interface. It’s a whole experience. Before Android 2.1, a lot of features were Sense specific.

    And that is what HTC is keep doing. Improving Sense.

    Sense is like a distro of Linux. If done, completely changing.

  5. I agree with Feech, all launchers need to be replacment launchers like LauncherPro… I feel that Android, just like all the other OS’s, needs to insist on having all phone’s be Android plain. If you buy a HTC phone have that be an optional apk downloaded from htc’s main site or something to that effect. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like what HTC’s sence UI brings to the table. Custom widgets and my favorite feature HTC’s copy and paste (I’d take that over the Galaxy’s / stock highlight copy & paste any day).

  6. Any word on when this would go live?

  7. Is the new HTC sense features avaible only on the Desire or also in other models, like HTC Evo??

  8. wasnt there also something mentioned that ring volumes would be louder in the pockets and bags compared to when its in the open and in use?

    ooo ooo and that the new sense can cache maps?? :D

  9. Is this an update for new phones only or will current HTC phoness get the update as well?

  10. Wow, another reason to get a HTC phone…I like.

  11. @Eddie:

    Download FoxyRing. It adjusts the volume of your ring based on the ambient noise.

  12. how about letting me access the phones camera? and locating it quietly would be a plus as well. if it is stolen do i really want the thieves to know the gig is up?
    so, let me access the camera once i know it’s on the move or in an “odd” location. then allow me to make it ring so the phone thief looks at it(even have a “contact” come up so it looks like a legit call) and snap a picture of their face(as well as the surroundings). then phone retrieval would be much easier.
    honestly, i don’t have all that much “secure” information in my phone. i do however have things(like pictures) that i would NOT want to lose, and the last thing i want is for anyone who took the phone to decide it’s time to dump it in the nearest body of water, or break it and toss it away.

  13. To all the people complaining about Sense delaying updates, thats not true. Sense is just an app, it will be backwards compatible, the delay is not due to the UI, it is due to carrier testing…and optimising the lower levels of the stack to the phone.

  14. My only concern is “will all this be FREE?!?!”

  15. Hi guys will other model from HTC like legend able to have this new sense and the free downloaded map?which is lot easy. Any way have any idea where i can get a panaroma apps for my legend?i dont see anything good in the market…any suggestion?seem even my fren nokia N82 build in apps did better in that camera way >.<

    Hope HTC able to improved their camera and video quality in future model

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