
Samsung Epic 4G Now Available


It’s August 31st and that means some of you will be up bright and early to head out for the Samsung Epic 4G. We know Sprint’s opening their stores at 8am across the country for the special occasion, and we know you guys’ll be there an hour early unable to contain your excitement. You can grab the device today for $249.99 after mail-in rebates and instant savings, but don’t forget that Amazon is offering it for $50 less so it’s right in tune with what you’re used to paying for a new high-end Android these days.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Get started at Sprint’s site today if you don’t mind waiting on your device to ship. After you’ve done that, double back to AndroidForums.com because we know you won’t be able to resist talking about the phone every second it’s in your hands. Luckily, we have a crazed community of would-be fellow owners there to share your pain (or joy, depending on how you see it). Be sure to say hello in the Epic 4G section.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Would those of you who buy please report on the call quality with this phone? How do other people sound? And how do you sound to others?



  2. When it started up at the Sprint Store i just said…


  3. First furth, gotaa say if its anything like the quality on the Vibrant, which is damn near the exact same phone, its really good. Much louder speaker than most other phones on the market, speaker phone is pretty good as well

  4. Price differences already, can not believe that ordering from Sprint you pay 249 and Walmart and Amazon is selling for 199. I am sure it will go down to pennies like Captivate and Vibrant. What a shame?
    Sprint should do something about it.

  5. Yeah, that’s just what happens to be one of the “first” to own it. I’m sure the price will drop.

  6. Did they seriously put “epic win” in the slogan/catchphrase of that phone? That just reads so _wrong_ from a corp like Samsung, I should be seeing that from a facebook status or while browsing /b/

  7. Ok, picked phone up about a half an hour ago and I LOVE this phone….touchwiz is good, screen is amazing, its light weight, sturdy and feels good in hand. It does not feel bulky at all. So far everything is working well no GPS issues…call quality is great. It was worth that extra $50!! Samsung and Sprint truly scored on this phone!!! Great Job!!!!

  8. @ DPS – The $199 price at Walmart and Amazon is only for new customers, not for upgrades for current Sprint customers. Trust me, Sprint is perfectly content with this, it gets them new subscribers. Then, when the sales volume goes down, the phones are offered for a penny for new subscribers.

  9. I find it interesting that you could not find an HTC EVO anywhere for the past 15 days and, now that the EPIC has been released, you can find EVOs everywhere. You don’t suppose that Sprint was holding back inventory on the EVO to build hype for the EPIC??

  10. Picked up the phone at 8 a.m. Really love the touchwiz, screen clarity, great keys on qwerty, and excellent call quality compared to my Blackberry Tour 9630. I am the type that needs a qwerty, but with that touchwiz, why bother. The phone itself is sturdy, well-built, but NOT heavy by any means. Great phone and definitely worth the price of admission. I have been raving non-stop to my friends and family to get one.

  11. i paid 11 dollars for mine

  12. meet, you beat me! i had to pay twelve…


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