
Android 2.2 Rooted on the EVO 4G



The official Froyo update for the HTC EVO 4G could only stymy root so long, as it too has been cracked to provide super user access for Android 2.2. There are step by step instructions over at XDA, though this isn’t your pappy’s easy-as-pie Android 2.1 root method. No, you will need to get a bit more intimate with your phone’s firmware if you want to get Froyo cracked, but if you are the type to risk bricking your phone for the simple rush of it you may want to check out the directions at the source link below. As always, we expect a much more streamlined and easy method to become available in a short matter of time.

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[via XDA Developers]

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  1. how can i update my rooted 2.1 with unrevoked3 to 2.2 i neeeeeeeeed helppppppp

  2. I got root and unlocked NAND on my Evo 2.2 this morning and running Cyanogen 6 RC2!!! Just follow the instructions and you’ll be fine.
    NOTE!!! This method does NOT unlock NAND, so if you want to install Cyanogen ROM, you need to search the XDA forum for instructions how to unlock NAND after you gained root.
    Again, the key is to precisely follow instructions.

  3. Kay Kay –

    Seriously? Read the xda posting for unrevoked forever. Honestly, here’s what I did:

    a) Rooted 2.1 with unrevoked3
    b) Ran unrevoked forever
    c) Nandroid backuped my rooted 2.1
    d) Got the rooted odexed 2.2 from netarchy’s thread on xda as well as the new radio and wimax files on the same thread.
    e) Downloaded titanium backup and did a backup.
    f) wiped cache and dalvik cache. I did not do a full wipe.
    g) Installed the rooted odexed 2.2. Rebooted.
    h) Went into recovery and installed the new radio. Rebooted.
    i) Went into recovery and installed the new wimax. Rebooted.
    j) If everything works, nandroid backup this clean rom in case you ever need it.

    Some people say to do a full wipe, some don’t. My phone has been this way since the day after unrevoked forever came out, so a couple of weeks. No issues with not doing a full wipe – wifi works, 4g works, etc. I didn’t lose any of my settings. I haven’t put on any custom roms but I am running netarchy’s 4.1.8 kernel and wifi-tether pre8 works. Wired tether still does not.

  4. Great info, Joe! I have a feeling I have a slew of friends coming to me with EVOs over the next few weeks that are going to need some help with their phones, haha. I already can’t wait for CM6.1… it should be a meaaaaan release!

  5. TheMobileWorx,

    Are your friends on stock 2.1 or 2.2? If they’re coming to you with 2.1 and you want to use the method I described, well that won’t let you flash CM6. Cyanogen checks for the ENG bootloader being unlocked. See post #6 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=766299 That same post also has a link to flash the .76 ENG bootloader which will let you flash CM6. Other custom roms based off of Sense, not AOSP, should work (YMMV).

    Now if they’re coming from 2.2 the regular method for rooting that was just released should let them get CM6 on their phones.

  6. Please tell me why my HTC EVO will not play Sprint tv or football. It tells me I’m required to download a more recent update . Than after disabling WiFi as stated, it starts the update only to fail ..please help…thank-you!

  7. did you have any luck?

  8. did you have any luck?

  9. did you have any luck?

  10. did you have any luck?

  11. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  12. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  13. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  14. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  15. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  16. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  17. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  18. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

  19. I have a rooted Evo that I would like to update to 2.2. I have 2.1 update 1 now.
    I have rooted the phone with Unrevoked 3 and Unrevoked for ever.
    I have lost everything so I dont mind restarting.
    I do have alot of stuff on my SD card.

    Please help a knobologist. Thanks

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