
LG Flipping The Android Switch With NVIDIA


lg-optimusYou can’t deny that HTC and Motorola have been leading the way by a wide margin in terms of Android manufacturing. You also can’t deny that on the processor side, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors seem to get more love than any of their competitors in terms of Android. Well I suppose you could deny all of that… but then you’d be wrong.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

LG and NVIDIA, powerhouses in the manufacturing and processor industries, are finally deciding Android is an ample play and are about to make a solid push into robot territory. We’re almost in September and by the end of the year, LG plans to launch 10 new smartphones. This is supposed to start with the LG Optimus 1 which will launch next month on 120 carriers globally.

nvidia-logo-728-75That’s a lot of carriers for one device and LG has 9 more to pump out. Add the tablet they claim will be super productive and you can see why they’re hoping to push 5 million units over the remainder of the year.

In addition to the Optimus series, we’re assuming and hoping the LG enV Touch 2 (my enV Droid name is better) will be one of the 10 phones in question.

[Via Engadget, WSJ, WSJ Interview]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. HTC,Tegra’s, and Droid’s, Oh My! Anyone else foresee an pseudo flip phone called Optimus PRime?

  2. Where does Nvidia fit in here? Does LG use Tegra in their devices? Tegra 1 or Tegra 2?
    Should have clearified that a little…

  3. I am also wondering why nvidia was even mentioned if there are not details about what they’re coming out with.

  4. nVIDIDA makes processors, and gpu’s, the best graphics processors in the world. Why wouldnt they have a hand in the smartphone market now that they are all going high def and starting to play games?

  5. I’m with mt, why is NVidia mentioned? Are they supplying processors or graphics for the LG products, releasing some of their own, or what??

  6. nVidia is mentioned because LG’s tablet will be running on nVidia’s Tegra2 soc, which is also based off arm cortex8 like Snapdragon, Hummingbird, and A8. The nVidia soc supposed has the best graphics performance of any of the cortex8 based soc’s. nVidia also stated earlier this year that they would push in to the smartphone market after trying to focus on nettops, netbooks and tablets last year with Tegra1.

  7. The Droid, Droid X and Droid 2 all use TI processors, not the snapdragon and they are by far the best selling Android phones to date.

    I hearby deny that Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors get more love than any of their competitors in terms of Android. And I am right! :-)

  8. @jay

    I Second that motion

  9. Hummingbird is the best

  10. there could be a whole line of transphoners.
    hmmm, actually not a bad idea.


    all with decepticon logos

    and with autobot logos

    ironhide(waterproof/ruggedized phone)
    brawn(another waterproof/ruggedized phone)

  11. You are only right in the sense that Verizon does a much better job at marketing their Droid lineup in comparison to any of the other carriers and their respective Android phones thus being why they sell more. Who really cares who sells what honestly? You will purchase what is best for you and the same goes for every other consumer in the world.

  12. Well.. if this story .. is true, then everything is relevant.. Actually it makes what might have been a semi-interesting offering kind of worth a second look.. dual core 1 Ghz by the graphics chip king sounds good.. If it’s matched with a good screen then they will have a chance against the competition.. We’ll have to see if this is really what they deliver and how it performs..

  13. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon is popular around here in HTC products, but among the masses, Motorola’s Droids take the cake. That means TI has the most mobile processors out there.

  14. Worldwide though?
    Acer Liquid/Liquid E/Stream, Nexus One, HTC Desire/Evo/Incredible, Dell Streak, SonyEricsson Xperia X10.

    There are way more Snapdragon phones than there are Droids.

  15. I’d be concerned about battery life on anything with a tegra2 and a dual core chip. that’s a lot of power consumption, and hence battery life. if it doesn’t have at least 7 hours talk time and several hunderd on standby, i’m not interested. I hate phones that drain themselves over night.

    Also, the tegra2 is only on the LG tablet (to my understanding).

  16. @ John the Lesser

    I would totally buy an all metal black and purple phone with the Decep logo on the back, called the Skywarp.

  17. R2D2 vs Transformers: which childhood robot classic will reign supreme?
    oh breaking news…HTC is planning on the Voltron series…

  18. Battery life is an issue but research nvidia optimus technology before you do. Optimus found in mobile gpu current platform allows the power consumption to be minimal when not in use but when need be it uses what it needs. So it will not drain power overnight unless u are using the phone.

  19. Lets see the end results if this can improve the gaming experience over the Android’s .
    Something revolutionary has to be done in the Android phones

  20. It’s also about content. That’s why a Nvidia powered smartphone may yield nothing. The Sony Playstation phone on the other hand would be a monster.

  21. Just wait…. AMD BLOWS THE DOORS off nVidia in this too. By the way, I assume ( dangerous I know ) everyone has heard how nVidia screwed Laptop Manufacturers over on selling their defective laptop video chips to various companies, right? iNvidia dumped the MOBILE VIDEO GPUs on Apple, HP, ACER, Toshiba, and several others. The industry ( againa Apple, HP, ACER, et al)lost BILLIONS in having to accept the defective laptops back and replace the part / motherboards. Literally! This is documented, people!!! SO do I trust nVidia NOW…. Umm.

    Technical analysis, pertinent links here…
    There’s LOTS more. So again, do you blame me!

  22. @zeo

    Actually Tegra 2 has two Cortex A9 processors not A8’s. The A9’s are not only faster but better on power. The Tegra soc’s (dual cores + GPU) are suppose to only use a few watts under full load. Nvidia has also added GPU acceleration for flash, text rendering, and HD video. I currently have a G1 and I have been holding out for a phone based on Tegra for a while.


    I have had many discrete Nvidia video cards in my systems for years and haven’t had any problems. Laptop components are crap to begin with, I’ve seen more laptop CD/DVD drives die within the computers first few months than any other component. Where is the outrage there?

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