
Tumblr Stumbles Into the Android Market


Tumblr released their official Android application for the Android market this past weekend, if you haven’t already heard, downloaded, and micro-blogged your boredom away. If you already know what Tumblr is, then you’re already headed to the Android market to check out this companion app. If you don’t know, then it’s best to describe Tumblr as “Twitter on steroids”. It’s micro-blogging with the ability to post pictures, video, audio, quotes, etc. and allows you to see a constant stream of activity from all the people you follow posting similar types of media (alongside text, of course.)

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[via Android & Me]


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Twitter is so gay. Why would I need this?

  2. …What? Am I the only one who’s excited about this? o.O

  3. I guess I live under a rock. I have no idea what Tumblr is. :)

  4. And someone who calls themselves “bigbill” knows all about gay things im sure..

  5. Twitter on steroids… Pictures and video. Oh, Facebook. Right, I’ve got that.

  6. Tumblr is mostly for teenage girls. Good to know though!

  7. Is it for the cool people who want to say “I was one of the first users on ________ social network”. Half the people on there are there because I signed up and linked them…

  8. I think Tumblr tumbles into the Android Market would have sounded better. :)

  9. LOL@Zach. Laugh for the day…check.

    I too have no idea what Tumblr is, all I know is social networking is becoming annoying. There are way too many.

  10. I don’t know I am liking TweetDeck and not sure anything else would be better in my personal opinion.

  11. Does anyone still use Twitter? Didn’t that fad die out 2 years ago? Am I the only one sick of the “follow me” crap? Is it some kind of contest or something to get as many people as possible to get notified every time you pinch off a loaf? Honestly, Twitter is so ghey…

  12. Uh Tim? Aside from the fact that saying “ghey” means you can’t possibly be above the age of 16, you seem to have an odd way of telling time. How can the fad die two years ago when it didn’t really hit the mainstream until a year and a half ago? What are you talking about?

    And no, it’s not a fad that will be dying anytime soon. It’s quite useful and fun when used in correct ways. Yes, plenty of people post pointless shit, much like any site. However it’s also become an important communication tool. For example, during the Iran protests a little over a year ago, when the government blocked other modes of communication.

  13. @Tim I just recently got onto twitter… I don’t even tweet crap I just like reading from the celebs that I like. Most of the time it’s when i’m relaxing at home during some 420 time or when i’m “pinching a loaf” in the morning. As you so nicely put it. :)

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