
Motorola STINGRAY to be Name of Tablet (MOTMZ600)?


The Motorola MOTMZ600 tablet that we just learned about this morning has appeared on the cached pages of a Spanish Verizon Wireless site as the Motorola STINGRAY. It’s listed alongside other devices such as the pair of KIN phones, the Samsung Fascinate, and some of Moto’s other Android phones. There’s no telling if this is a codename or what Motorola and Verizon ends up calling it once it’s out (hopefully before year’s end), but it’s a lot better than having to refer to it by its model number.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


[via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I hope they do this like the I*ad and offer a good price for one without a contract. I would really like one if they make it affordable

  2. It’s not just on the Spanish version. Google’s cache of the Advanced Device List (English version) lists the Stingray, along with a bunch of other unreleased devices like the Samsung Fascinate and the Samsung GEM. They were removed sometime after August 11, which is when Google last crawled the page.

  3. If this tablet is wifi only, and runs unskinned android, I will buy ten of them.

  4. @Adman- Why would it be in Verizon’s inventory if it is Wi-Fi only? Then it wouldn’t need verizon.

  5. That kinda sucks. Motorola is getting to be an exclusive Verizon partner. They should open up their selling strategy abit and see how much beneficial it can be for them.

  6. They need a WiFi version because why be stuck on Verizon when I can pay $20 per month on Tmo and use my free tethering with my Nexus One and on top of that get 6mbps all day long. :)

  7. Don’t get near this one, mates!

  8. Jdog – I love TMo has much as the next guy but where do you get 6mbps? Hell I live in DC where they have supposedly released…. whatever their nextgen service is called (something + I’m embarassingly blanking on the name right now and too lazy to look it up just for this post) and still get MAAAYBE 1.3mbps.

  9. Ooh, ooh, SAMSUNG FASCINATE NEWS!!! Not to mention the Samsung Gem. And what the heck is the Samsung Continuum? Hmm, why is nobody else picking up on these tidbits?

  10. This document, if real, is old. Treo Pro, Touch Pro 2, Kin One. Yeah, they would be on a recent roadmap for sure……

  11. Ummm… is there any signifigance of seeing the Entourage Edge in the listing? o_O

  12. I am and hoping to hear a release date for the facinate soon. I am looking to get that to tide me over till next summer when the LTE really kicks in. It would be nice to see it next month with the gps fix and froyo.

  13. Gosh I hope it doesnt need a f*cking data plan. That would suck. If it does need one I’ll just buy a… iPad. :O

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