Latest NPD Figures Confirm Android’s Dominant Q2 Sales, Accounts for One Third of All Smartphones Sold
Kevin Krause
A recent report from Nielsen presented numbers that were sure to get any Android fan excited. For the first time Android had surpassed the iPhone in quarterly new installations. Now figures from NPD Group not only bolster the Nielsen findings, but also show that Android not only dominated Apple’s second quarter sales, they also took RIM to task as well. It is important to note that this research was based on the consumer market — we are assuming the large lead Blackberry holds in enterprise and corporate situations still sticks — but when it comes to your everyday smartphone user 33 percent chose Android as their OS last quarter. RIM held 28 percent of new purchases while Apple trailed at 22 percent.
In terms of the most popular Android phones, the Motorola Droid led the pack, no doubt aided by special offers at Verizon in the form of price cuts and BOGO deals. Following the Droid were the HTC Droid Incredible, HTC EVO 4G, HTC Hero, and HTC Droid Eris respectively.