
Android Shipments Up Nearly 900% compared to a Year Ago


Financial reports from most major companies – including smartphone manufacturers – have been pouring in by the truckload. With that, research firm Canalys has done the dirty work to probe each company’s financial reports to determine how much the smartphone market has grown compared to the same quarter in 2009. Overall, shipments have increased by 64% year over year. That’s already impressive in and of itself. What about Android handsets, though?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


From their vantage point, Android handset shipments increased by 886% in contrast to Q2 2009. The huge wave of high-end Android handsets supported by some compelling mid-ranged offerings since the end of 2009 and the start of 2010 have been key factors in pushing us right along. While quarter-t0-quarter growth doesn’t seem as massive, it takes time for anything to grow, and Android’s spurt is meeting (and probably surpassing) many expectations. A little over a year ago, that 900% growth rate prediction might’ve sounded crazy (even after Android got more than just one foot into the door after the now-retired T-Mobile G1), but it suddenly doesn’t surprise us. Go, Android, go!

[via IntoMobile]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. has android beaten IPhone sales already ?

  2. There’s been about 900% more phones sporting Android, too. Well, no, far more than that.

  3. @Ben When the iPhone 4 came out for the first 23 days they sold 3.2 million so that means they sold 140,000 per day compared to Android’s 160,000, so yeah we beat them.

  4. @Ben, Not yet, but with the increasing # of android phones on an increasing # of carriers, it is only a matter of time. iPhone is still the sales king, atm.

  5. Sorry I was going off the total # sold over the life of each phone..…There are more iPhones out there(not to mention upgrades), but not for long.

  6. I believe android is more than 160K devices per day at present.

  7. @thehaggis, The report from Canalys says:
    The Android platform now has a 34% market share. In second place with 32% is BlackBerry.
    In third place with 23% is Apple.

  8. matt, that is sales in previous quarter. Whereas installed base i think IPhone is more than Android in US, might catch up by year end. And I feel currently android is being sold at more than 160K per day. It has to be much much more. Droid X, Galaxy S and a number of mid and low end android smartphones were released worldwide in July. At a guess, I think it must be around 250K devices per day.

  9. Android has been selling more phones than than the iPhone since the beginning of this year.

    Today, Android vendors combined are selling 3 phones for each 1 iPhone that is sold.

    By the end of the year, Android phone vendors combined will be selling 10 phones for each iPhone that is sold.

    The push happens once you can buy $250 unlocked Android super phones. As and others prove it, manufacturing a HTC Incredible costs less than $165 in Bill of material, plus less than $10 in manufacturing. With the increased competition in the smart phone market thanks to Android, there is no reason we won’t see unlocked Android phones sold below $250, without contracts needed, compatible with pre-paid plans.

  10. Android is doing great, but to compare iPhone sales with android sales isn’t really on the same playing field. It’s comparing 1 phone on 1 carrier (technically) to numerous phones on 4 carriers…

  11. Android sales will jump up again when the Samsung Vibrant and HTC Desire comes out in Canada.

  12. Dont forget Samsung Epic. Yum Yum Eat Em UP!!

  13. Can’t really compare to iPhone..

    iPhone is meant as hardware and there iOS.
    Android is just an OS.

  14. @Emil Ghoting – No one but shareholders and employees of Apple give a damned about that logic. All anyone in the rest of the world care about is platform growth. iOS vs Android vs WinMo vs. WebOS vs Blackberry vs Symbian. So in the only metric that matters, Android is kicking serious ass.

  15. @Emil Ghoting and @Chris

    The thing about what yall said….WinMo has been on all 4 carriers, multiple phones for years. The iPhone spanking WinMo wasnt complained about….WinMo is just an OS..

    So why bring up multiple carriers, phones now?

  16. When its all said and done, its just Android vs Apple. Froyo 2.2 vs iOS4 (or android 2.1/1.6/1.5). Don’t say its not fair to compare….apple chose to stick to 1 model, 1 carrier. And its a major reason why Android is doing so well. Its human nature to wanna break barriers. This summer has been huge for Google….Nexus one, Evo 4G, Droid X……and those are just a few of the 1Ghz elites to be recently released (there has been a new android smartphone released on every major US carrier so far this year). Rest assured that once the Droid 2 and Samsung Epic 4G drop, things will look pretty grim for apple indeed. Yep, I’d say its a beautiful time to be an android owner. I absolutely LOVE my HTC Evo 4G.

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