
Motorola Droid to Receive Android 2.2 Update Next Week



We heard rumors earlier in the week that Verizon’s high-end Android phones could all expect to see Android 2.2 next week. With a leak of Froyo for the HTC Droid Incredible and a Sense-enabled Android 2.2 being sent to the EVO 4G soon, it seems likely that this rumor could stick. Confirming at least part of the claims is a report over at Engadget where they received word from Verizon that the original Motorola Droid would be getting the updated firmware sometime in the next week. The hasty announcement is no doubt spurred on by the “competitive” release of Froyo for the EVO, the first handset to get an official update to 2.2 other than Google’s own Nexus One. Good news for owners of the original Droid who just can’t pull the trigger on the Droid X or upcoming Droid 2, as it should breathe some life back into the device that is currently on its way out at Verizon.

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[via Engadget]

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  1. Woah. If this came from my tip that was scarily fast.

    Anyway, here’s to hoping Motorola decide to show some Milestone-love alongside the affection the Droid is getting.

  2. Verizon’s website now has FRG01B update in the System Update section of their website.


  3. Call me jaded, but ill belive it when I see it

  4. Sweet! (no pun intended)

  5. “I’ve hard that one before” is the last thing I want to say.

  6. @Shez: http://twitter.com/o2myhandy/status/19935907541

    O2 Germany says end of September. Motorola can’t be serious… On positive side they will provide us Android 2.2 if this is true, but on other side another 2 months ? Seems like Motorola has 2 people doing updates for all their phones :/

  7. its a shame that motorola gets to release the first froyo installed phone on the market. The droid x should have had the 2.2 pre-installed. they are too busy building new verison of motoblur, there is proof.
    F U C K motorola.

  8. Name *one* device that ships with 2.2.

  9. I don’t just want to see froyo rolled out. I want them to have TV ads that show Flash running on any droid. People will associate android as the phone OS that can view all the web.

  10. @F. Augusztin Thanks for the link! Naturally I wasn’t following that Twitter feed since German is not my first language (though I do understand it), good to hear some positive news about Motorola for once.

  11. Will Google post the manual update or will I have to wait for the OTA? I sure hope someone posts the Update.zip file before loading!

  12. This “rumor” is confirmed. see the link below from the motorola forums.

    and the Motorola software update site.

    so far as I’m concerned that makes it pretty official. Granted they could be just tormenting us for giggles but I think it’s real.

  13. If companies can roll out firmware updates this fast I might think about leaving my N1 for some kind of droid phone.

  14. With an ota update will it automatically be downloaded to my phone or will I have to download it?

  15. Yes I hope this is true to because a phone as coolish as the X should have had 2.2 On it out the box as the guy above me said. Outside its no front facing cam…its still one of the best phones out there if not the best…y0

  16. Wow, I’m surprise with motorola! How f*%#$@g the droid going to have a 2.2 and motorola cliq are stock with the damn 1.5 and we had the promise update for Q2 and we close to the half of Q3. What’s going on? Are the goodies are exclusively for vzw?? I’m not jelaous; I’m dying of envy!!! Of course… btw, congrats for the update!

  17. I hope it is true as I turned out to be unable to get the DROIDX because I was outside my thirty day grace period. I love my moto droid but it seems like everyone is knocking it now because of the latest releases. The DROID deserves the Froyo update ASAP because it really is a great phone that doesn’t have the bugs so many new androids have.

  18. Droid will be getting 2.2 VERY soon. If you go to verizonwireless.com and go to the update page for motorola droid it shows a picture of the phone and the screen of the phone shows software update then it sais froyo 2.2

  19. It’s still not here!!!!

    Stupid Verizon… I’m getting edgy…

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