
Video Chat Coming in Adobe AIR 2.5


Looks like Adobe has another trick up their sleeve. As the release of Adobe AIR 2.5 draws closer, engineers have had some time to devote to more ambitious elements that may or may not make it into the next build. One such feature is the so-called “FlashTime,” which no doubt is a direct jab at Apple’s iPhone, the first handset to feature two-way video chatting via a front-facing camera through FaceTime (what’s that? Apple wasn’t the first to have that!?).

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Now functional in the newest version of AIR is camera, microphone, StageWebView, and NativeExtensions, all making functions that make P2P video chatting that much easier to get working on the platform. Check out a fairly lengthy demo below:

[Flash Mobile Blog via Droid-Life]

FlashTime Demo – P2P Video on Android with AIR2.5 from Mark Doherty on Vimeo.

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  1. Ok, can someone break this down for me… I got lost :so how is this working b/c i missed that. He was using a Nexus, but they don’t have a front facing camera. So is he using Scripts and codes to make them work together? because i’m getting the DroidX and if that’s possible that will make the X that MUCH hotter!

  2. Adobe may want to make flash actually work on Windows, Mac and Linux before getting too cocky. It takes crazy CPU just to play a video.

  3. and yet flash is currently better than HTML5 hands down… sorry but i think HTML5 has a lot further to go than flash does AT THE MOMENT. but right now they’re the best option for reasons, don’t say stuff just to say it, yes it requires CPU power… not crazy normal, just normal power, and it’s much better than having

  4. They need Android phones with front facing camera’s first ;)

  5. Was that tongue in cheek when you said the iPhone was the first mobile phone to have mobile to mobile video calling?

    R E S E A R C H !

  6. iphone is the first to make you cry in tears over their mobile to mobile video calling

  7. Mike C,

    Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung EPIC 4g, HTC Evo have FFCs, would be interesting to note which version of android it supports, I am betting 2.2

  8. hmmm a usb or hdmi web cam for the droid x sounds nice

  9. Just love it, this is great, building a very simple app that can bring video calling to almost any smartphone using P2P (by the way who says you need a front cam? He’s using regular cams on those 2 Nexus One, and since these phone can be hold in anyways that you want there is no problems). But what I like the most is the fact that he’s doing it using Flash Builder on a Mac that’s running either CS4 or CS5 without to much issues, and the 2 Nexus One don’t have issues running Flash and Air. I’m sure that’s the kind of demo Steve Jobs would love.

  10. You can’t compare HTML5 to Flash. It’s not the same thing.

  11. sweeet finally we can get some facetime action! ;)

  12. Steve, it does work. Where have you been the past decade?

  13. What’s funny is Apple has commercial for that Facetime app, an app I could build in a day in flash/flex/air. And for those that don’t understand the tech part of web based video. Decoding H.264 video takes more CPU to decode than any other codec (it’s a cpu hog to decode). Flash has been play and decoding H.264 for 3 or 4 years. Whether it be HTML 5 or Flash (right now flash is better at decoding H.264) you will see the same thing when decoding H.264(ramped up cpu) it’s not as bad on the PC because of the open hardware acceleration api, Apple didn’t open that up to third party software till this year (if you’re on Mac get Flash Gala Beta came out six days after Apple allowed an open hardware acceleration api). You have to have open hardware accleartion to better decode H.264.

  14. Hello. What is the password to watch the video? I really want to see it given that I am an upcoming phone developer.

  15. Hi,
    Mark Doherty is coming this Aug at Adobe Flash Platform Summit 2010 to Speaks on AIR 2.5 for Android. The summit will take place on 25 and 26 Aug’10. For details log on to

  16. Hi,
    Mark Doherty is coming this Aug at Adobe Flash Platform Summit 2010 to Speaks on AIR 2.5 for Android. The summit will take place on 25 and 26 Aug’10. For details log on to adobesummit dot com

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