Sony Ericsson Posts Profitable Q2 Thanks to Android

sony-ericsson-androidIn a trend that doesn’t end with HTC, Sony Ericsson’s posting their second quarter financial results and they proved to be very positive for the company. Sony’s striking up a round of applause for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 as they recognize it as one of the devices that’s helped push their mobile phones division along for their second consecutive profitable quarter.

Furthermore, they state that the newly released duo of spin-offs to the X10 – the Mini and Mini Pro – will position them for further long term growth. We imagined Sony could be reviving the Walkman brand with Android at the helm to bring the iconic image back to life, but that didn’t end up happening. One can only imagine how Sony Ericsson’s numbers would look if all of their eggs were sitting safely inside the Android basket (Motorola can’t say they’re disappointed in the results they’ve seen, if it means anything).

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