
Samsung Intercept Sold Early At Best Buy for $100, New Details Revealed [Video]


One lucky Sprint customer was able to walk into a Best Buy a couple of days ago and pick up a Samsung Intercept for $100. The device isn’t supposed to be released until July 11th, but we won’t linger on the details of how this came to be. Instead, we’ll take a good look at the video of the device in to extract some new details.

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One big thing that’s been noted is that the display has a resolution of 800×480. This is notable because the touchscreen is 3.2-inches: this combination of resolution and screen size don’t often turn up in Android devices. We’ve also been able to confirm that the device’s camera is – in fact – 3.2-megapixels like its older sister, the Samsung Moment.

Beside all that, everything else is still the same. Four-row QWERTY keyboard, Android 2.1 (stripped down to play nice with less-than-capable hardware), and an ambitious goal to not be over-shadowed by the Samsung Epic 4G as it has to contend with one of the nicer devices coming to Sprint (and all US carriers) later this summer.

[via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What is the processor in this thing?

  2. 800mhz

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