
Independent Games Festival Adds Android, $50,000 In Prizes


Here’s a chance for some of you Android developers to get motivated about creating some unique and cool games for our beloved operating system. The Independent Games Festival has added Android as one of the mobile gaming categories (sitting alongside devices such as the Nintendo DS, PSP, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad).


IGF is a pre-cursor to GDC – the higly-respected Game Developers Conference – and it will give some of the smaller guys a chance to shine as they show off their newest games and compete for prizes. They will be offering nearly $50,000 in cash prizes for awards such as the Nuovo Award, Excellence in Design, Best Art, Best Student Game, and the Audience Award.

The most lucrative of them would be the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, which nets the winner $20,000. Enticed yet? submissions for next year’s IGF are open as of yesterday, and you have until October 18th to submit your creations (November 1st if you’re a student). The final ceremonies will then kick off March 2nd, 2011 as GDC 2011 goes underway. Head on over to IGF’s site for more details.

[via Droid Gamers]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I love IGF and now I love it even more. But I wonder what quality the Andro apps will be for this competition.

  2. Had never heard of this but I’m interested. Thanks Phandroid for the heads up.

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