Not long after Google announced that Android 2.2’s source was being published to their developer site, many Nexus One users (the ones that originally got FRF50 shortly after Google IO) received an OTA update with the build number FRF83. There’s no word yet on what this build changes or does, but we should note that it must be flashed directly over FRF50 or you’ll error out (this makes sense seeing as this one was being pushed to non-Googleplex devices – those devices did not officially receive FRF72).
If you want to try this out for yourself, be sure to download the file here. Revert back to FRF50 just to be on the safe side, and ALWAYS perform a full Nandroid backup before trying risky flashes like this.
[via XDA]
[Update]: Looks like there’s another file floating about that will allow you to flash FRF83 over FRF72. That can be had here.