
Best Buy Gaming App Released for Android


GC_Gaming-300x57Best Buy wants to get into the pockets of all the gamers out there (and probably get some cash out of those pockets in the process) through their mobile Best Buy Gaming app just announced. Sprinkled among “weekly gaming deals” you will find news content from GameSpot, trailers, and screenshots for upcoming and popular titles. Sure, it’s a bit more promotional than it is functional, but that shouldn’t stop you from checking it out if you do a lot of your game shopping at Best Buy. Check it out in the market now.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[via TalkAndroid]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Please leave QR codes…

  2. I agree with spencer. Its pointless to make us go to another page just so you can get more ads to load. Its lame.

  3. Can’t find it on my Milestone in Canada.

  4. They want you to click through to their applications site to see the QR code obv.

  5. Check it out in the market now.

  6. +1 on QR codes.

  7. qr is on the link

  8. It seems like BB is “All In” on Android!

  9. yeah I went to best buy the other week, picked up their brochure and it has EVO on the front, the Motorola i1 on the back and inside in big letters: Whatever Your Carrier This Summer Is Powered By Android

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