Samsung to Take On Apple’s iPad With 8-inch and 10-inch Tablets

When we first saw Samsung’s Android-based tablet device outed by their South African Twitter account, it made a very positive impression on us. Regardless of what you think about Samsung, their support, and their TouchWiz UI, you have to admit that the Samsung Tab is a nice looking specimen.

According to the Korea Herald, that 7-inch device won’t be all we’ll see on the shelves this year. Samsung’s supposedly set to bring us an 8-inch variant this October, while they’re bringing the iPad-sized 10-inch version just in time for the Holiday season this December. The devices are expected to be headed for the company’s home in South Korea and will be equipped with wireless data connectivity radios to work with SK Telecom.

Samsung Hub describes the pricing as “aggressive” as Samsung’s undoubtedly gunning for the throne that Apple’s been sitting on for a little while, now. It’ll be interesting to see what they do on the apps side of things as there’s a clear  need to provide experiences that go well with a screen this large. Hopefully they’re holding talks with content providers leading up to the launch of the device because it’s hard to see them being able to take Apple on without any weaponry. It all begins this August when the 7-inch variant is set to take a stance on the front line.

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