
NVIDIA CEO Huang Says Android is an OS to Unite Behind


NVIDIA’s CEO – Jen-Hsun Huang – made it a point to remind people that Google’s Android operating system was one to stand and unite behind as the tablet market heats up and moves forward. Where Windows was once the only sensible option to provide a tablet experience, Android has risen to become the standard offering for manufacturers that opt to use third-party software.

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Huang spoke with reporters in Taipei on Monday giving his thoughts on why it’s smart to move forward with Android and move away from Windows:

“Windows is too big and it’s too full featured for smartbooks and tablets. The good news is that we finally have an operating system to unite behind. Android is an operating system that has gained a tremendous amount of momentum all over the world. Android has become the fastest growing mobile operating system in the world and, in fact, it has surpassed the iPhone in terms of growth and in terms of users.”

Speaking further, he applauded Andy Rubin and the Android team at Google for their vision and direction, saying that it’s “exactly where the industry needs to go”. He alluded to Google’s ability to make Android extensible as a platform that allows it to be more than just a phone’s operating system, as well, but said there’s still room to improve on that experience.

According to Mr. Huang, we’ll be waiting until the fall to see just how these operating systems and devices are coming together, and to get a good idea of how they’ll evolve even more from that point forward.

[via PC World]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. such a big company supporting Android is a big plus

  2. Wicked!

  3. Sorry, but I’m a Mac user and doubletwist is slower than hell on my iMac 24″
    I hate that program.

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