
Motorola’s Android 2.1 Upgrade Timeline Gets An Update


Over the weekend, it appears that Motorola has updated their chart outlining upgrades for several of their Android-based phones. Most phones are still only planned to be receiving Android 2.1 (Motorola Droid’s rollout has finished, while the Milestone is still currently being rolled out in stages for other international markets).

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For the Motorola Backflip, they’re targeting a Q3 window, with all of Motorola’s phones with T-Mobile USA (the CLIQ and CLIQ XT) looking at a Q2 window. Upgrades for Verizon’s Motorola Devour and the some versions of the Motorola DEXT (the international version of the Motorola CLIQ) are still to be determined (Asia’s 2.1 upgrade for the DEXT is planned for Q3, as well).

Only time will tell if some of Motorola’s MOTOBLUR-enabled phones will truly be getting their upgrades as the entire month of June still qualifies as Q2.

[via AndroidCentral]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. One of the best things I ever did was sell my Cliq. I will NEVER own a Motorola phone again. At least not one with Motoblur…

  2. Just give the Backflip 2.1 ASAP so my wife can stop bitching and I will be happier than a pig in snot. She loves MotoBlur which is why she chose the Backflip over the Droid. Now I have to deal with the incessant bitching and moaining about 2.1 and pinch to zoom… blah blah blah… It’s driving me batty!

  3. I work for a carrier that sells the Cliq and xt and am disgusted that it hasn’t already gotten 2.1. Three of my family members have them and are disappointed with the lack of Google navigation and other features that android 1.5 lacks. Its sad when the 2 year old g1 has a better OS than a 6 month old Motorola does. I stopped selling the Cliq months ago and talk people into the mytouch on a daily basis. The only thing worse than a Cliq right now is a behold II man, what was Samsung thinking?

  4. lol @ Darkseider

  5. 2.2 … want 2.2 for Droid! And not 6 months from now!

  6. I like how Q2 probably means july 31st.. not complaining, just anxious. Also, if anyone else hasnt noticed the pattern. just as 2.1 is starting to show up on updates, we are already passed 2.1 and want 2.2.. and most likely when 2.2 rolls out we will already be so hyped on whatever is gonna roll out next that we wont appreciate it fully. Im as anxious as everyone else but sometimes have to sit back and enjoy what i got while i patiently wait. … says the moto cliq owner with 1.5 still

  7. Who cares? We want to know when we get 2.2.

    Any phone not at 2.1 yet should just get 2.2.

  8. @everybody- you should have bought a Nexus One. There is only 1 phone guaranteed to get updates in a timely fashion. That’s the Nexus One. If you bought a phone that isn’t stock Android,expect a 6 month wait. That’s only if the manufacturer and carrier are interested in paying for all of the work that it takes to upgrade the phone they already sold you with no additional revenue to them. Why should the manufacturer and carrier keep paying those costs? That is especially the case when the phone will be hardware obsolete at the end of your 2-year contract anyway. They WANT you to buy a new phone. Upgrading just makes you want to keep the phone longer, thereby costing them even more money in the end. If you went for a UI cover (Sense, Motoblur, Timescape, TouchFlo, etc) then you exchanged the added benefits of the cover vs. Google updates. That was your choice.

    If you have a stock Android phone (Droid, Milestone, Moment) there really isn’t any excuse to not get the update within 3 months of the Nexus One. All they have to do is update the drivers. It’s not that big of a deal. Those companies are just being insensitive to customers.

  9. this will be what stops android becoming #1. i love my milestone, i was cool waiting for 2.1 (2.0.1 was good yeah) but i will be really hesitant about what i get next, if android at all, if there is no sure way to know if there will ever be an upgrade for my next phone. i have 1 year till I am due an upgrade, strides better be made by then. Sense, Blur etc are not helping either. Carriers seem to think we want this but sights like this (OK we are the geeks but still) show we do not!….end. cheers.

  10. I am sooooo done with Motorola phones after waiting for what seems like an eternity for my Cliq update….And I have grown to HATE Facebook because of MotoBlur….Nothing is worse than having to see every freakin annoying update from every one of your contacts….Why isn’t there an option to filter contacts Motorola?……If you havnt purchased a MotoBlur phone I suggest you stay away……I just hope the N2 or Project Emerald are close to what the EVO can offer me at T-Mobile…..I just refuse to give up my sim card, low bills and great customer service for a kickstand….Yep, I said kickstand….Its the best feature on the EVO….What other superphone has one?…..It would be great for alarm clock usage and watching video on a big screen….Hope T-Mobile gets a kickstand soon….I’m talking to you HTC.

  11. Well for those talking about 2.2 there is only one simple answer to the problem. Prior to buying an Android handset make sure it is already rooted and you’re golden. This way if the manufacturer/carrier wants to screw with your updates there is always the option to root and install the latest and greatest custom ROM. Hell the G1 is already running 2.2 and will only be a matter of time before the AOSP is updated to 2.2 source to get it on all rooted phones + dog. Whereas those folks with a device that is unrooted/unrootable are at the whim of the manufacturer and/or carrier.

  12. Having 1.5 on the Cliq isn’t all that bad. I would love to have 2.1 but what if 2.1 with Motoblur doesn’t have all the features that everyone is talking about. Honestly, I have a GPS in my car so that part doesn’t bother me. I just want Live Wallpapers. Call me a “Trekky” but I was Star Field. LOL!

  13. @Chris,

    What problems do you have with the Cliq? I don’t have big problems with it. I just think there must be better ways to do things.

    I won’t get Motoblur on my next Android phone either.

  14. For Cliq users…

    Q2 means no later then June 30th but this is just “planned” and plans can change at any time.

    I have been super patient and this is my first post… I have owned this phone for three months and for it not to be 2.1 compatiable is getting ridiculous… especially considering that this was the first phone released with Moto Blur.

    Backflip users can go to the back of the line behind Cliq XT users as those devices came out much later.

  15. Agree with “Seriously”

    Not being able to filter which contacts in Facebook come to your phone via Moto Blur is really annoying. I have several peoples annoying updates blocked on Facebook but that doesn’t transfer over to Motoblur. Everyone comes in even if their staus updates are blocked on FB. Annoying.

  16. @Tom
    Glad to see that I’m not the only one that is sick of MotoBlur….I can honestly say that the only feature of MotoBlur that I would miss is the Live RSS widgets that I have on my desktop for 6 of my favorite websites….Yes Phandroid you are one of them!….I really don’t cant imagine Motorola being able to enhance MotoBlur to a point where I would be a repeat MotoBlur phone buyer….I guess thats the price us early adopters pay for the latest and greatest technology….Even though its outdated the second I bought the damn thing…Sigh.

    I really doubt that we will be getting Live wallpapers….I’ve only seen them on a Droid and N1 and they are pretty sweet….But remember that the Cliq runs way more slowly and stutters just switching home screens….Just imagine how much Live wallpapers will slow down the phone and kill an already bad battery even faster each day…..I almost hope we don’t get them so I can enjoy the way they were meant to be displayed on a nice large screen with a fast processor…Bring on Project Emerald! ! !

    P.S. >>>Kickstand Please….LOL

  17. This timeline isn’t newly updated. Its been like this for over a month now. Since 2.1 was annouced for the Backflip.
    Agree with the dislike of MotoBLUR, never used it, never will. Just wish the Backflip will get root so we can get a vanilla ROM.

  18. i can wait, phone’s workin’ ok for me now and 2.1 is the icing on the cake.

    only less than a month now.

  19. 5. webby wrote on June 1, 2010

    2.2 … want 2.2 for Droid! And not 6 months from now!

    it took the droid 3 months to get smart ass lol

    so what until august lolz that another three month. Probably cliq get 2.2 os in thanksgiving lol

  20. @ Seriously

    Yeah, I agree with the early adopters comment. I bought the Cliq after hearing about Android phones for awhile but not really researching them. I have used Apple computers for nearly 15 years.. the only reason I didn’t just buy an Iphone was because I can’t stand AT&T. I choose the Cliq as it had a pull out keyboard and a nice display and was sold on the MotoBlur technology and having all of my updates on one screen. what I was blown away (in a bad way) by was the fact that you can’t customize who gets threw. I figured if someones status updates were blocked on Facebook they would be blocked on Moto Blur (or at least you would be able to go in and do in manually.)

    Lame. I haven’t heard anyone else complain about it either which is surprising.

    Nice phone. Sturdy (to the point of it being brick-like) but my girlfriends Iphone has recieved two significant updates since I bought this Cliq five months ago. The Cliq got a battery fix and a touch screen fix… hardy updates…more like remedies.

  21. honestly having to wait this long is ticking me off!!! I’ve had to change my cliq twice cause the keyboard keeps dying… I read ok reviews about the my touch slide… i think imma wait for that one and fudge BLUR

  22. I don’t care about 2.1. If we don’t get 2.2 for Droid Motorola I have at least 734 people who is going to sell there phone anyone say strike all u with motor droids need to go on strike we have waited long enough been loyal and we don’t get the first froyo that’s some bull.

  23. I have a Motorola Droid, version 2.1 update 1. IT STILL DOES NOT SOLVE THE BLUETOOTH PROBLEMS. I hope version 2.2 will come out soon with a Bluetooth that works (finally). I can’t imaging why it is so hard to fix the Bluetooth issue.


  25. about time

  26. i bought a behold 2 because it looked like a good phone, but without the 2.1 upgrade its terrible. Samsung needs to pay a little more attention to the phones the release!

  27. Honestly I like the cliq a lot I mean its a life saver when ur waiting 2 hours between classes the only bad thing about it is that its taking too long for the updates to be available for this phone at this rate I highly doubt us cliq users will get FROYO by the end of the year that is if we get it…about Moto Blur I have no comments since I’ve never used it and from the post I’ve read I doubt I’ll ever use it…
    please hurry with the 2.1!!!!!

  28. Motorola might as well give up on their Blur phones, none of those users are going to get another Moto phone again. However, let’s see some love for the Droid. We purchased a stock Android phone, for crying out loud! Give us FroYo!

  29. i tried blur and it is terrible. 1. i don’t need updates from my 308 friends on FB cluttering my cell screen. 2. It littered my Contacts list with FB “friends” who I really DO NOT want in my cell phone address book. Now there are hundreds of contacts in my contacts list making it EXPONENTIALLY UNSAFE to try to find and call someone while out and about. I mean, we all know not to use the cell while driving, but making it as unsafe as this just makes things worse. As for the Motorola phone itself, 1. Voice Command sux – literally incorrect 95% of the time (I tested it over and over and over again). The results are so far wrong it is like a joke. 2. browser – terrible 3. delay in upgrade to current OS – unforgivable. In short, I bought a brick that I would take back in a heartbeat. My 44 month old Samsung T 509 was way better than this phone.

  30. I have no problems with the cliq its a solid phone that does what I want it to. As far as the motoblur goes it sounds like rubbish and im glad I read about it before getting the phone. When I got the phone I simply signed up using an email not connected with any social sites so I dont get updates from myspace or facebook and my contacts list hasn’t become overloaded with every impulse add I”ve done on myspace. As far as the update debacle goes I have to say it sounds like an unpardonable oversight, though I’m not sold on the proposition that the newest firmware is always the best (sometimes it can make things worse). Also the 1.5 firmware on my cliq has not been a barrier on the android market, which to me as a new android user is the best thing about using an android phone. (yes I’m an app addict ) Do I miss animated wallpapers? of I do, the’re mesmerizing, (ironically the last phone I was able to use them on was my nokia 5300 a so called ‘dumbphone’) but I want my phone to be more than just visually stunning.

  31. I have no problems with the cliq its a solid phone that does what I want it to. As far as the motoblur goes it sounds like rubbish and im glad I read about it before getting the phone. When I got the phone I simply signed up using an email not connected with any social sites so I dont get updates from myspace or facebook and my contacts list hasn’t become overloaded with every impulse add I”ve done on myspace. As far as the update debacle goes I have to say it sounds like an unpardonable oversight, though I’m not sold on the proposition that the newest firmware is always the best (sometimes it can make things worse). Also the 1.5 firmware on my cliq has not been a barrier on the android market, which to me as a new android user is the best thing about using an android phone. (yes I’m an app addict ) Do I miss animated wallpapers? of I do, the’re mesmerizing, (ironically the last phone I was able to use them on was my nokia 5300 a so called ‘dumbphone’) but I want my phone to do more than just be visually stunning. Don’t know how the update thing will turn out, but have to say for me at least judging by this phone at least, android phones are very good phones, update or not.

  32. wut r u cliq users talking about. I had one since it first came out and I haven’t had any problem with the facebook issue u guys r talking about y don’t u guys just get rid of the widgets so u won’t b seeing ppls update its not that hard.

  33. i dont have any problems with my cliq.My uncle has the Samsung Moment and its alright but the cliq is wayy better!Even better than the G1. i had a g1 prior to the cliq.. it was stupid as Sh**! it always went crazy.. i dont see any problems.. and i’ll wait patiently for the update because i love my phone regardless. and if you have problems with your FB on it you just simply take it off your home screen stupid! and if your gonna complain about all the FB status and contacts crap then you obviously dont know how to use it.. maybe you should try reading the owners menu or even getting a jitter bug phone for you bc this phone isnt for slow people

  34. Can’t stand motorola. Good thing this phone was free because i’d be even more pissed if I payed for it and not receiving updates to a phone that not even a year old. Lemon laws apply to phones too. Motorola will never get their game together. Ill never buy motoro,a and will steer anyone I know away from them.

  35. Wow the motorola backflip is getting 2.1 and now if you look up the time line the droid it gett the 2ed undate in 9 or 10 weed now there getting 2.2 why is the backflip only getting the 2.1?

  36. As a cliq xt owner I’m starting to get pretty irritated I called moto because of the delay in the update coming out and I get the same answer l “we are working on it and it will be available as soon as all the bugs are fixed with motoblur” now when I purchased my phone I was told the update would be up at the end of Q2 well still nothing tmobile should offer some kind of trade in for people that are not happy with there phone

  37. dont be too mad at least urs is on the chart i traded my behold 2 back to tmobile for a cliq xt cant wait till i get it samsung said strait out it will not get a 2.1 update at least motorola seems to still claim ur getting one :D

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