
T-Mobile Says Stay Tuned, Planning Something “Big” for June 19th Regarding MyTouch


We all knew that – with the decline of the Sidekick brand (and even with them trying to breath new life into it) – T-Mobile was putting their money behind Android and the MyTouch brand going forward. With the T-Mobile MyTouch Slide set to continue on the course that the original T-Mobile MyTouch 3G set sail on, T-Mobile’s getting as serious as they’ve ever been with it.

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A recent launch timeline leaked from Engadget shows crucial dates in the MyTouch Slide’s path to a full-scale national blitz leading up to June 19th. “STAY TUNED – THIS WILL BE BIG,” are the words associated with that date. As we all know from our netiquette courses (you did take a course on netiquette, right?) when you type in big letters like that, it means you’re shouting, excited, serious, or all of the above. Beside all that, there are also reports that T-Mobile stores nationwide will be opening early on June 19th.

There’s no telling what T-Mobile has planned for the MyTouch, but they are obviously making a big deal out of it and so will we. We’ll add the date to our calendar and hope to get a bit more information on what’s going on June 19th ahead of time.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. has to be froyo 2.2

  2. bypass the myTouch official 2.1 update.
    2.2 update for BOTH myTouch and myTouch Slide with espresso?
    One can dream can’t he……….

  3. the average buyer doesn’t know what froyo is. I doubt this is the announcement.

  4. Unless they are giving away the unit, I don’t see how it will be big enough to stop the 70,000 subscribers a quarter from leaving for real Android hardware.

  5. After reading Phandroid’s particular take on this info, I’m realizing that it will without a doubt be related to the myTouch line. They refer to the HD2 as being “Bigger than life” so maybe its actually a BIG ass “myTouch Big”?

  6. It won’t suprise me if tmobile just a $10 discount off the phone. What is tmobiles problem. Verizon gets a snapdragon with the incredible,sprint gets the evo 4g with the snapdragon and tmobile settles for 6oo and something processor. What are they smoking at tmobile.are they watching the trends or the market?

  7. Probably some 1.6 android phone with a slow processor and a tiny screen but has a nice colorful case.

  8. We ALL already know what it is…..Froyo 2.2 for the the Slide and probably (hopefully) 2.1 fot the original MT3G.
    Even if the average smartphone user doesn’t know what Froyo is, they’ll know what an upgrade/customization is when that see one/it. Besides, the average S.P. user doesn’t know what a 1 Ghz Snapdragon Processor is either but that hasn’t deterred Verizon from including it in there National Droid Campaign’s and the last time I checced….they weren’t doing too bad!


  9. hahaha so true anthony so true

  10. I agree with Anthony too. That’s why I will be leaving TMO on June 4th for the EVO. I’m tired of waiting for them to get a decent piece of hardware. Their pioneering spirit died after the release of the G1, a great phone I have carried since the day it was released. See ya Tmobile!!

  11. It will be either their sidekick replacment which is an android phone or they are introducing their Iphone deal which at that point I will leave T-mobile I dont want all the dropped calls users get on At&t cause of network over usage by millions of Iphone users.

  12. Come on people… Why would they have a new phone debut on the timeline for the Slide? Opening early that day for a promotion so I highly doubt any new device.

  13. I’m going with Anthony on this one. Either that or they’re going to release the MyTouch Slide with Windows Phone 6.5! Yeah!

  14. So would this be the Project Emerald that was rumored a few weeks ago?

  15. They are giving HD2 for free with a 2 year commitment.

  16. Go ahead and leave T-mo for AT&T or VZW because they don’t offer the device you want. The great thing about T-mo is they don’t require contracts anymore (try that with one of the others) and you can bring whichever device you want to their network and they will happily accept your 59.99 a month.

    Or, you could sign up with VZW and pay 99.99. It’s up to you.

    I realize that the lack of devices is just one of the reasons the T-mo is bleeding customers; apparently, people do not realize that it is more expensive in the long run and less flexible to sign a contract for a heavily discounted phone.

    I will keep my N1 that I paid in full, direct from Google, and save that $20 every month instead.

  17. I agree with Sardo. I would love to have gotten a Droid Incredible, but feature for feature, my monthly bill would have increased from $80 to $120 had I switched from T-Mo to Verizon. Prohibitively expensive calling/data plans coupled with contracts aren’t worth the price of admission. I got a Nexus One instead and am utterly thrilled with the outcome, despite the up-front cost of the phone.

  18. It’s gonna be an iphone morons, they said something BIG. Froyo is nothing, no one mainstream even knows theres a 1.6 and 2.1 already, much less a 2.2 update. Att is also offering iphone customers an early upgrade for a new iphone on June 19th, so this is probably the launch of the iphone. If t-mobile gets the iphone, i will be saying fuck off to att lol.

  19. Too often “SOMETHING BIG” with T-mobile is already old news to us because of leaks, etc.

    But one CAN hope …

  20. Buy one get one free maybe, lol.

  21. @ Eddie T-mobile already has buy one get one and have extended to to June 20th

  22. T-Mobile has the best Android phone in the world right now. the Nexus One…. I’m watching hulu.com video tv-shows on it every day with it’s upgrade to FroYo.

  23. Like I stated before it will have some sort of revelance to the Slide as it’s listed on the timeline. (obvious)

    As far as Froyo the answer is no for now…not anywhere around launch…

  24. You all are RETARDED! Android 2.1 is hardly cause for hundreds of stores nationwide to open early. The ONLY phone worth opening early for is the iPhone. And we know we aren’t gettin that. It has nothing to do with a freaking software upgrade or a promotional rate plan. Shit, for a bunch of geeks you guys sure dont think realistically do you? I mean seriously?! “Employees, lets all spend tens of thousands of dollars on overtime for employees to open the doors at 8oclock tomorrow morning so you can tell the masses the myTouch is getting Android 1.2” I mean what the hell. Its going to be big, but not a freaking software upgrade or a damn sidekick successor announcemnt. My guess is a N1 or Galaxy announcement.

  25. if we are dreaming then im hoping that they announce the HTC desire on T mobile USA lol if it isn’t something to that caliber then im getting the Nexus One

  26. yep i say that day will be the nexus one release date in stores. finally i can play around with one in the store and decide if i want to buy it or not. iphone on tmobile? aint happenin no time soon guys.

  27. It will be the Nexus One. It will be available in T-Mobile stores, not just online.

  28. @coolMANDINGO

    It costs money for carriers to get the best phones. T-Mobile has none (money & phones).

  29. Definitely the Nexus One.

  30. They mention the MyTouch Slide throughout the leaked agenda. It has to do with the slide and nothing else. I say mass rollout of HSPA+ and adds showing speed increases. Problem is . . . I will have already left T-Mobile for the Sprint Evo 4G two weeks earlier. After 8 years . . . I have had enough of mediocre phones from T-Mobile. I’ll be back after a few years only if they get their act together and get on the cutting edge with their phones.

  31. It’s not the iPhone. It’s not an update. It’s a trade promo to g1 and original mytouch(not1.2) users. The promo will allow you to trade your previous “outdated” phone for the Mytouch slide with a small price for non-contract customers and free with an extension of contract for contracted customers.

  32. While I wish they would be releasing a new phone, (like the samsung G S) its not gonna happen. Tmo = slackers. The end. So it will prolly be something decent like a buy 1 get one deal. But not something that should be considered BIG by my standards.

  33. I believe the MyTouch 3g was official on June 22 of 2009.
    Now the MyTouch 3g Slide is going public June 2 of 2010. I had the chance to speak to TMO sales Rep. who was using and testing her phone on 2.1. She said the froyo 2.2 would be sent to TMO employees later for testing.
    While using the phone it looked,felt,and worked very well for a mid-range phone. Way better then my MyTouch 3g which is running out of memory. I believe its worth the money.
    I think the June 19 “SOMETHING BIG” is going to be Froyo update, internet speed increase, New price plans, and accessory sales for the slide. All for the BIG Slide experience. I don’t think it will be the Nexus One because TMO turned down a deal with google to put the N1 phone into there line up about a month or so ago.
    As for me I don’t have the patience to wait for June 19 and the hope of the N1 so I am going to gamble on the slide and lay the Mytouch 3g to rest.

  34. Got to be something with the Nexus One. I bet they will announce that their stores will be carrying the phone directly. TMO affiliate iWireless just started carrying the phone.$299.50 with a contract. I still think this is too much. Should be much less with a contract.

  35. I heard rumors that all behold 2 users could get a. Nee replacement phone for free. Maybe they’re gonna give away my touc& slide to us unfortunate behold 2 oeners

  36. I saw a private store with the Nexus One in the display show case in NYC about two weeks ago. They wanted about $899.

  37. I don’t know what ‘Website’ means.
    I just wish all the news/gossip and just let us know. I just got mt3g so I hope we who got the T-Mobile 1st get the latest update/easier to use. Will get better feedback.

  38. Does anyone read more than just tech stuff? T-Mobile USA just replaced their CEO with the executive who brought the iPhone to T-Mobile in Europe. His name is Phillip Humm. AT@T of course wants to extend exclusive arrangement and Apple wants to end it. Rumor has it AT@T and Apple reached a compromise. One other US carrier would start selling iPhones provided it was NOT AT&T’s arch rival Verizon. Given that T-Mobile and AT&T run compatible networks with SIM cards and Apple has successfully marketed the iPhone through T-Mobile in Europe under the direction of Phillip Humm, and finally given the expense of opening all locations early during the slowest time of year (summer) if it has to be really big not just another android phone.

    Also since the new version of the iphone has already been leaked, Steve Jobs isn’t going to hold a product announcement without something really big to announce.

  39. what about the motorola cliq, that is a great phone that stuck with android 1.5, 2.1 is supposed to come out in Q2 but it is taking forever, t-mobile needs to work on the cliq now

  40. i dont c why people have so much hype over the htc evo. especially in comparison (or contrast) to the slide. ok yeah there the snap dragon, but the 600 proccessor is compatible with slide 3.4″ screen. the slide can pretty much do whatever the evo can, besides dual cameras, and a kickstand (really?), and HD quality. Plus, everybodys complaining that t-mo doesnt have high end phones. has anybody else noticed that the evo and the hd2 are the same phone, except one runs android and the other runs windows?

  41. i really dont think its mytouch slide related…the slide is to be released on june 2nd..the timeline says that demo devices will begin to roll into stores on june 7th…i think it has alot to do with whatever demo device there receiving…hum and i do beleive steve jobs is making a announcement on june 7th as well..maybe related or just a coincidence? you decide

  42. 1. When Have stores ever opened up early for any update on Android.
    2. tmobile may not be smart but they are not stupid. they wouldn’t introduce a phone with almost half of the processor speed of their competition……. oh wait they did do that. I meant they wont do it again.
    3. maybe the CEO now is really in charge and tmo has changed there ways.
    4. hoping it is something to do with “project emerald” because my g1 is lookin a bit old right about now.
    5. why woud they need to open any store just to announce a new handset that is “coming soon” don’t they usually annonce it and then open the store up on release dates?
    6. there is no way in hell to add all the damn rumors that are floating around the great magenta together and have it make sense
    7. if it a damn iphone with steve announcement coming up i will kill myself but be tempted to get it b/c that is the only good phone the tmo
    7 1/2. or it could be to take the wind out of the others porduct. see who gets the most buzz…. wouldnt be a fair fight now would it.
    8. just give me a phone that has:
    1ghz+ processor
    3.7+ inch screen
    Lots of internal mem
    flash on camera
    qwerty (wont miss it if it doesn’t)
    android 2.1+
    Front facing Camera
    8+ mp main camera

    i think that is what most people want… right? (plus all the regular wants that g1 users always say like headphone jack, proximity sensor, yada yada yada)

  43. what the hell is wrong with Tmobile? when are they going to stop the hemorage that they have, for people leaving to other carriers for superior phones? evo 4g, droid, droid incredible…etc, etc. if they would have taken their head out their ass with the HD2 and made it an Android device that might have helped them. Even now, that those other phones are out…..LET US KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING TO COME OUT WITH TMOBILE….DONT KEEP IT A SECRET TILL THE DAY IT COMES OUT…i have tmobile now, and had to go back to my g1 after dog chewed up mytouch. i want to wait because supposedly something is coming out ie: project emerald, or samsung galaxy S….BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM SO TEMPTED TO SAY FUCK IT AND GO GET AN EVO 4G TODAY, AS I DONT WANT TO WAIT AROUND…FOR NOTHING. LET US KNOW SOMETHING TMOBILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. I went into a store today and asked about june 19 cause im considering buying the mytouch slide, but wanted to wait if it would affect the pricing or anything. at first the guys said they didnt know, but then after helping me look around a bit the guy who was attending to me said they were announcing a Samsung, along with what he described as a small square-ish phone, which to me sounded like their answer to the Kin One from Verizon LG Remarq from Sprint, or Motorola Karma for AT&T?

  45. I love all these people that HAVE NO CLUE what the processors of the phone are for!!!! The reason why a phone has a 1 GHZ processor at this time is for the physical size of the screen! Any phone with a screen larger than 3.5 inch requires the 1GHZ processor to effectively run the video.. But instead everybody would rather add their 2 cents in and its not even worth the 2 cents.. Run a 4 inch screen with 600MHZ and it will be pixelated.. Then everybody would knock the phone for being pixelated.. Here is a simple solution.. If you DON’T KNOW THE FACTS THEN STOP POSTING MISSINFORMATION AND MISSLEADING PEOPLE THAT WANT TO KNOW OR LEARN!

  46. Ok, Ok, OK. Let’s look at this logically. Every one on this post is hoping for a new phone release from TMO. This is not true at all. TMO want to but as much hype in to their franchise device as possible. The franchise device is the mytouch brand. The picture featured in the article with the timeline is specifically for the mytouch slide and therefore suggests that this event will be for that device. You people need to stop assuming that a new supper phone is launching on June 19. Its not going to happen. The event will be centered around the mytouch slide and will most likely involve a free phone give-a-way or a phone trade in all involving the Android powered devices. It is capitalism at its finest. By this, I mean that this “Big” event is T-Mobile’s direct response to the competition, which is the new iPhone 4. It is going to be a war of the franchise devices. Look at the time line. The mytouch slide launched June 2nd. TMO delayed a nationally advertised launch for a reason. The reason: the launch of the iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 is set to launch on June 24, while the mytouch Slide, although it is already undergone a “soft launch”, will launch officially on June 16th. The June 19th event is geared to have the mytouch Slide out sell the iPhone 4 within its first week of official launch. That is why the mytouch Slide is set to release one week before the the iPhone. The big event will involve free mytouches or something to that degree.

  47. Ok its one out of 4 things that they’re gonna announce
    1. That there gonna be carrying the N1 in stores since google is scrapping the online sale
    2. The Foryo update for MyTouch 3G devices http://www.tmonews.com/2010/06/mytouch3g-users-youre-wish-is-about-to-come-true/
    3. The Galaxy S but i’m hearing that is launching in July http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/06/08/t-mobile-rumored-to-launch-samsung-galaxy-s-on-july-21st/
    4. Maybe the might shock all of us an announce the HTC Vision http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/05/21/htc-vision-rumored-to-be-a-desire-with-qwerty-keypad/

    I highly doubt #4 but we can always dream……..

  48. Tmobile is going to have the iphone!!!!!!!

  49. Bull Jabberwocky you all. T-Mobile has nothing but hot air and slick marketing for crappy HTC phones. Don’t bet on iPhone. – T-Mo and AT&T are not compatible for data. T-Mo is rolling on the 1700 AWS band not used by any carrier. iPhone won’t be modified for that.

    Best news would be a smart Nokia running the world standard Symbian system – cause Android doesn’t work period. Google has moved on hopefully to improve. Chrome so it works almost as well as IE, or Firefox, or Opera, or Safari, etc etc. Or maybe Google will just collect $$ from BP.


  50. HaHa! It’s two Symbian phones to kill off Android once and for all! And 25 cities with HSPDA+. Guess I won’t have to Sprint and Black&Blue Berry!


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