Facebook Launches Android SDK

Amid an apparent meltdown in the Facebook for Android app, the official Android SDK has been launched in beta for developers to use at their disposal. Up until now developers have had to rig up interface solutions through the iPhone SDK, but the official support should now make it easy to create Facebook tie-ins across apps.

First demoed last week at Google I/O, the Android SDK will bring advanced functionality to Android developers over what is currently available for the iPhone, including access to Facebook’s recently announced Graph API. Users will be protected with the strong authorization of OAuth 2.0, and will be able to publish stories from apps directly to their News Feed using Feed forms.

Is this a sign that Facebook is starting to get their Android ducks in a row? We sure hope so. Maybe ex-Android Team member Erick Tseng is making some good moves there already.

[via TechCrunch]

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