
HDMI Dock for the HTC EVO 4G to be Sold Through Best Buy


For some of you that are looking to purchase the HTC EVO 4G in just a little over a week from now (time has gone by so fast since they announced the date and pricing), the Micro HDMI connector was a huge selling point (especially given the device’s ability to record and playback HD video).

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The only problem is that Micro HDMI cables are nearly impossible to find in brick and mortar stores right now (there are very few online stores offering them). What’s more is that the EVO 4G uses the latest HDMI standard  – 1.4 – for connectivity which could cause problems with a number of configurations currently on the market (with determining factors including the cable itself and the device you’re hooking the phone up to).

An EVO 4G product sheet shows that Best Buy will be selling a dock for the EVO 4G that will have a connector for HDMI 1.4 alongside a USB connector for charging. No details yet on the dock (I know some of you are hoping to be able to plug a standard-sized HDMI cable into the back of it) but at least we know what it looks like. Only time will tell (June 4th, to be specific) if the EVO 4G’s “ahead-of-the-pack” feature-set will prove that the phone is perhaps “too” ahead of its time.

[via Android & Me]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Way ahead…

  2. The question I haven’t found an answer to is… How exactly does the HDMI out work? Will it be able to function like an external monitor output, essentially putting the Android GUI on a larger screen? Or will it only provide an output for slideshows and video played from a gallery app?

  3. Are you crazy? Time has slowed to a CRAWL since they announced the availability of the EVO since I have wanted it way before they announced the actual date the phone is coming out. I switched to Sprint from VZW from a Motorola Droid and since I used an old phone to tide me over I have been jonesing for this phone. I thought some days I was going to go crazy, but it will be here next Friday and I can’t wait!

  4. This phone was not meant for mere mortals… This phone is so ahead of its time that its realm is in the 4th dimension…

  5. HTC Evo = The real iphone killer. It almost certainly wont sell as many units as the iphone, but it’s goig to be a much better smart phone. In your eye Steve Jobs

  6. There are websites reporting issues with this dock that it was only transferring 480p where as evo was showing 1080. And I think it would cost about $30.00-40.00 to purchase the dock. I think I will order this mini hdmi 1.4 cable from Amazon for $5.99 cuz I dont think I’ll use it alot.

  7. I will have to find the link, but i read in one review that after testing the HDMI out on the Evo, it only output VIDEOS and not pictures you have on your phone. dunno if this was reviewers mistake or a limitation of the phone itself…

  8. I can’t remember what website reviewed the HDMI out on the EVO, but they said it was extremely disappointing. One video wasnt even read as 720p.

    To answer your question Paul, according to the same site (Sorry I can’t find the link right now) but all that goes on the TV screen is the video. You are not able to output the actual screen of the EVO onto the TV.

    I hope that clears some things up. I for one will be waiting to hear more about the HDMI-out quality before purchasing something like this.

  9. Faisal, you better ensure that Amazon link is a Type D connector head. its the Micro not the Mini that Evo supports. Molex makes type D micros, i got mine for 17.99 on their site.

  10. here is the link from the manufacturer of the Type D i got. they shipped it the next day. very good company.

  11. People referencing sites know this. The PCMag review is total bunk. It is a hotly discussed issue on engadget mobile right now.

  12. i agree with chris, time has seemded to double up since they announced the date. these last 3, 4 weeks have been agonizingly slow. i preordered mine last week at BestBuy and it has felt like 2 weeks have gone by. n im also using an old phone so havent had the luxuries of android for the past 2 weeks

  13. This will be the longest week of my life. I plan on disabling the htc sense interface so that I will have that really cool 3d default android 2.1 ap menu. That alone plus the multitasking dodo’s on the iphone

  14. Buy a dock or cables at bestbuy?
    Have you gone retarded?

    Get them online for 1/10th the price.

  15. i will be disabling the sense as well, just gimme android thats enough

  16. @Faisal

    You might want to save your $6 and get a cable that will fit the Evo 4G, which uses a MICRO-HDMI cable (type D), not a mini-HDMI.

  17. I preordered the phone at BB but have to wait till their second shipment to get the phone =( Im sick of Blackberry and want fun apps and a youtube player that doesn’t look like crap! And the 4G is strong in chicago land area!

  18. WOW,This phone crazy hot…i had it when it first came out…this phone do way more cool things then the Iphone…the iphone cant even get to there second cam unless they put there phone on wifi.. may i go on..anyway this phone is whats up.

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