Motorola Droid to Receive Android 2.2 “In the Near Future”

After Google surprised us with an earlier-than-expected roll-out of the official Froyo update for the Nexus One, we were wondering what device would be next in line to receive the upgrade to Android 2.2. For good reason, most people are speculating that it’ll be the Motorola Droid, and Motorola has come out to say that that expect Droid users to receive the update “in the near future.”

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“We’re excited to see Google’s news of the next version of the Android operating system and look forward to integrating it on our Android-based devices as it’s made available to the open source community.”

While I can’t comment on specifics, we do expect DROID by Motorola users will receive Android 2.2 as a software upgrade in the near future.”


One thing to note in that quote is that Motorola mentioned they’ll be looking forward to getting Froyo on their “devices”. Normally, I’d just chock this up to bad wording, but if you know how PR works (in any industry), you’ll know each and every one of their “official statements” are carefully crafted word for word, and letter for letter.

Still, we won’t get our hopes up too soon that their MOTOBLUR devices might see the upgrade soon, but the Motorola Droid sure is a fine candidate for seeing the upgrade turn a very near corner.

[via Slash Gear]

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