
Xperia X10 Mini: Quick Demo


I had never seen the Xperia X10 Mini live in flesh so i was excited to see that Sony Ericsson had it on display at their booth. And it could be awhile before I see it because the current plans include a European distribution but nothing in North America. In any case, the simplicity of the phone was nice and above all this thing really lives up to its name… it is really REALLY mini!

Don’t get me wrong, the hardcord Android heads aren’t going to love this phone – it simply doesn’t have great specs. But with SUCH a small screen it is able to become arguably the most pocketable Android phone. The UI is dumbed down and contains 3 main elements:

  • 4-corner UI with an icon in each corner
  • Top tier of horizontal screens to use widgets
  • Bottom tier of horizontal screens for app drawer

Essentially this phone is like a two-story Android house where you can swipe left to right to go room to room within widget or app floors and can change floors by swiping up and down. That’s actually probably making it more complex than it is!

sony-xperia-x10mini_1Despite launching on Android 1.6 I think the X10 Mini could be a pretty big hit simply because of its size, simplicity and sexiness in that little package. The people who choose this phone aren’t getting it because of the high-tech nature alone. They are people who will upgrade from a feature phone and have something more capable and more awesome.

Looking good SE… now can we speed up the process a bit?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. You guys have great videos! I don’t know of anyone else uploading 1080p video from I/O. Keep it up.

    I love this phone, I think for someone who wants a smaller, simpler phone it could be a great choice at a lower price point, especially with a 2.0+ upgrade. For me, though, I’m sticking with the 4.3 inchers, and preferably running stock.

  2. If they bring this here, I would perhaps buy it. My Eris is small, but this is smaller. As long as it has 2.1 with Google Nav and a decent camera on the back, I’m totally down with it!

  3. I just paused it on the paper next to the phone it says 5MP camera and 600MHz processor… bring it here SE! To the US!

  4. I’m glad a phone like this is coming out. My friends girlfriends choices for phones are in the form factor more than the performance. I’m sure this’ll appeal to them, but also give a pretty full performance in terms of smart phone use.

  5. I think the Mini Pro with the slide out QWERTY keyboard looks even better (cuter also) and should make texting and all manner of typing really easy. I’m not going to get one, but I thought it made sense for power-texters.

  6. nahh I dont like ericsson phones

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