Sprint “Hoped” You’d Get Your 2.1 Update by Now, But You’ll Have to Wait Longer

Earlier in the week word came through a Best Buy internal document that the update to Android 2.1 for at least the HTC Hero would begin today. There was no word on the Samsung Moment, but the hope was that would be coming in just as quickly. The key word here is “hope,” which according to a series of tweets from the official Sprint Twitter, was all they ever had in regards to said update coming today.


I hate to be the bearer of this bad news, especially if you’ve come to the site today “hoping” for an announcement that 2.1 would begin rolling out to your Sprint devices. I’ve reached out to Sprint via Twitter for definitive confirmation.

We did receive an anonymous tip earlier in the week from an UNCONFIRMED source claiming to be a Sprint employee that the actual release of the update would be something more along the lines of May 31st. Take that as a big old rumor though, as at this point any date encompassed in Q2 of this year is up for grabs.

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