
Samsung M910 Passes FCC, Possibly The Moment 2


FCC is always there to save the day when we want to peek a bit further into the future than most manufacturers would like. AndroidCentral took a dive into the FCC pool yesterday and saw a device that looks like it could be a follow-up to Samsung’s Sprint Moment, which enjoyed its success as the biggest selling Android handset in the US for Samsung.

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We can’t find much in terms of specs besides the obvious facts that it’ll have a QWERTY keyboard and most likely will ship with Android 2.1 or 2.2 (Froyo). Wishful thinking, it is! An obvious popular favorite would be a 1ghz Cortex-A8 processor, as well as at least 3.5inches of AMOLED (super?) goodness. Will our Android overlords grant us our wish? We should know soon.

[Image courtesy of AndroidGuys]


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Ships with froyo, WHAT?! I’ll be on that like white on rice

  2. Don’t forget… If this is the Moment 2, it will have DTV tuner, too. A new moment with DTV capability is being tested in teh DC/Baltimore market right now and should be available to the general public as early as sometime in June.

  3. If they dont have a gay 10 dollar charge per month like for the evo, ill be on this like white on rice lmao

  4. I hope this is true and comes out! I get to upgrade from Sprint in September and if this is reasonably priced…Im def gunna take this!!

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