Motorola MB810 Passes Wi-Fi Alliance

A new Motorola smartphone, the MB810, just received its certification from the Wi-Fi Alliance for wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n. And with the announcement, speculation has run rampant that this very well could be the Motorola Shadow, a device that made its rounds in the news earlier this year as a proclaimed Droid 2 or even Nexus Two. And speculation as it may be, all signs are pointing to this being the case.

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Just a little bit of what you might expect from the Shadow:

The Shadow will most likely be a GSM device, which makes sense considering Motorola hasn’t had a recent success like the Droid outside of Verizon, and spreading the love around a bit would sure help out in their accounting department. Most reports see this one dropping sometime during Q2 of this year on AT&T, so if this is the case expect to hear a lot more very soon.

[via Phone Dog]

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