Strike 2: Dell Switches Things Up With the Dell Smoke’s Unique Form Factor

Well the form factor isn’t THAT unique (really, it’s just like a skinny Blackberry), but it is something we’ve yet to see on the Android front. Following up with the leak of the Dell Flash, the Dell Smoke is obviously aimed toward the teenage hipsters (is it still cool to use that word these days?).

The Smoke has an insanely small 2.8-inch QVGA screen, the same 800mhz Qualcomm as its big brother Flash, bluetooth 2.1, dual microphones for noise-cancelling ala the Nexus One, a 5mp auto-focus camera, and 512mb of RAM and 256mb of ROM. For a phone this small and quirky, it’s packing one hell of a punch that I wouldn’t see coming, myself. Similar to the Flash, this phone will also house Froyo, a trend that Dell looks to have no problem sticking to.

Again, all of this epic leakage is courtesy of Engadget, and you can make your way over there for the full details and some initial slides.

Random sidenote: is anyone else suddenly wanting Android-powered remote controls now?

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