
Huawei Bringing A 2.1 Android To China – The C8600


Something interesting just popped out of nowhere from the folks at Huawei. Besides the fact that they’re creating a phone Branded for Vodafone, we’re learning that they will also bring a new handset to Beijing, China with the Huawei C8600. The phone looks like it’ll run a modified version of Android 2.1 called the “Dynamic Desktop”. You thought 5 – or even 7 – homescreens were enough? Try 15.

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In addition to the 5 horizontal homescreens, you’ll be able to flick your way through another 5 screens either vertical direction. Tech.163.com was able to play around with this device and – according to them – Chinese Android users have something to go ape-nuts over. While the specs have yet to be fully detailed, their early impressions of the phone’s performance is very solid saying that it will outperform the Motorola Droid/Milestone running Android 2.1.

The little bit that we do know is nothing outside the ordinary: 3.5-inch capacitive touc screen? check. 1500mAh battery? Yup. Anything else? Unfortunately not. Expect this phone to be carried by China Telecom, at least, with other CDMA2000 carriers being compatible. I wonder if Huawei will bring this gem stateside but, if we’re going off of history alone, I won’t count on it. If you can read Chinese or want to take a shot at Google Translate, make your way over to tech.163.com pronto.

[Thanks, Pocketables]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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