
Verizon Promotes iPad: Will Android Support Waver?


This isn’t directly Android related, but its a pretty big scoop and we felt worthwhile in the grand scheme of things. We know that Verizon passed on the first iPhone, probably at least in part due to what they considered unacceptable exclusivity/money terms, and their decision to instead back the first touchscreen BlackBerry (Storm) proved a bust. But in the past 6 months it seems Verizon has completely redeemed themselves, throwing their weight behind Android and enjoying a HUGE boost because of it.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

But now, with the launch of the iPad and rumors (yet again) swirling that Verizon could snag an iPhone, will Big Red’s support of Apple products mean less face time for Android?


Before you run off and begin spreading rumors that Verizon is getting the iPad be warned… that is NOT the case. The concept here is that Verizon KNOWS the iPad will be a HUGE success and wants to some how, some way, capitalize on the phenomenon. Rather than let AT&T’s underpowered 3G network (at least that’s what Verizon would call it) get all the business, why not use this as an opportunity to promote Verizon Mi-Fi, where you can have your own Wi-Fi hotspot virtually anywhere with a low monthly cost?

That’s exactly what Verizon is going to do.

This isn’t a huge shocker – it seems that “insiders” thought the iPad/Mi-Fi connection was obvious. But this is the first time we’re seeing the connection made in an internal memo. At this point we can only guess what Verizon does externally.

So how does this relate to Android? Most company’s have a certain annual advertising budget and sure, that will fluctuate and can be affected by market conditions, but right now its no secret that Android is earning the bulk of Verizon’s ad dollars. Verizon have positioned themselves as the Droid network, and with the HTC IncrediDroid on the way, we can only assume they’ll continue the assault. But if the carrier determines the iPad and potential iPhone are too much of an opportunity to pass up, their initiatives will be split, and I think the question is how much of the Advertising pie will be dedicated to Android?

When it comes to business for manufacturers and carriers there are certainly preferences, but loyalties and allegiances don’t take priority over smart business decisions. Verizon doesn’t even carry Apple products and they already slant some of their promotion towards the iPad – what will happen once that AT&T exclusivity runs out?

I hope Verizon stays on the Android bandwagon. You can’t blame them for trying to attract Apple dollars… I’m just hoping they don’t do so at Android’s expense. Verizon can think, say and do anything they want in regards to Apple, but with Android they have a proven winner and I hope that’s something they don’t overlook when entering into whatever negotiations take place in those big boardrooms in the back.

PS: It also appears that my critics were right – only Microsoft Project Pink phones today and no HTC Incredible announcement. I admit, I rushed a little bit to judgement and was flat out wrong. I attribute this to a “hearing what you want to hear” kind of situation, but either way, I take the blame!

[Yet another exclusive credited to the HTC Incredible ForumiBowToAndroid in specific this time!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. iPad promotion will do absolutely nothing to effect Android. It’s like comparing apples to oranges (oun no intended). The iPad is a 10″ tablet with ZERO phone capabilities and about as easy to pocket as a volkswagen. They just want some extra income by selling data plans to the suckers that bought these things. As for Android phones if anything it will make them even more popular considering you get iPad functionality, fit in your pocket form factor AND it’s a phone too.

  2. Just for the record, I’m typing this off of a MiFi connection right now, and it’s not all that impressive. I’m currently assigned to a job site in Camden, NJ, and cell reception here is iffy at best, but my Droid gets better reception and faster 3G speeds than the MiFi garbage.

  3. Verizon has also got the pre for sale with the mifi on it enabled for free. I think that would appeal to ipad and on the go laptop users.

  4. @darkseider – Amen!

  5. I don’t think it would have much of an effect on Android. I don’t even think the iPad will enjoy the full success of the iPhone. It won’t have the amount of lead time before competition comes that the iPhone did. And on top of that some of that competition will come with phone capabilities.

    Fact of the matter is that Android is projected to start outselling the iPhone in a couple of years. And I think those projections are off…AND that doesn’t count the phones coming out like the Incredible, EVO and so on and so forth. It would be foolish to not stay behind Android….especially when you have more freedom with what you do with the phones you offer.

    And I believe the iPhone is not on Verizon right now because of Android. Apple can’t afford to release and not get the sales that the iFans swear it would get on Verizon. It would be direct competition with the next gen Android devices and would need to blow them away. And then it couldn’t possibly blow away all the Android phones to follow it. It could CLEARLY signal the end of the iPhones time on the throne. Right now they can hide behind not being on Verizon as a reason the Verizon phones are selling. They won’t actually go head to head until they are sure the iPad is the next big thing and the iPhone can sink to the back of everybody’s mind like the iPod.

  6. @ Phil – Beautiful statement. I’m more inclined to believe that is the reason why there is no Verizon iPhone but we will see what happens in the near future with this.

  7. The future potential of Android is certainly impressive, but I, for one, will never doubt the ability of corporate executives to value short-term profit over long-term gain.

  8. If the iPhone comes to Verizon, Android will pretty much die. Verizon will rally all of their ad dollars behind stealing every AT&T iPhone customer. Android is freaking awesome but it still can’t measure up to mass market adoption of the iPhone.

  9. Phill
    Beautiful statement. I was an avid iPhone user and was totally hampered by its closed eco-system and lack of customization. Went to Google,got my nexus one and activated it with T-Mobile.
    Its a great phone, at times though I miss iTunes and some of the automatically syncing stuff but overall, my iPhone is now collecting dust,

  10. “…and the iPhone can sink to the back of everybody’s mind like the iPod.”

    Umm… except there are currently over 250 million people with that iPod in their pocket rather then the back of their mind. What the tech addicts to realize is that most people could give a rats ass about an Android “superphone”, they want a new iPod that is also a phone. Add in some e-mail, games and easy syncing and the love affair starts. Just imagine what it would have been like if Verizon had it instead of ATT. Hell half of America is still looking for showtimes for that Droid movie after those first Verizon ads.

  11. As far as I know, Apple mainly handles their advertising through their own system. If you look at AT&T’s commercials, they seldom even feature iPhones in them, if at all. Those are all coming from Apple.

    I will always be a fan of the iPhone over Android. Not that I dislike Android, I just find the iPhone to be a better crafted phone than any of the Android phones. Better touch technology = more efficient, more accurate touch keyboard and more intuitive keyboard technology = less time having to go back and fix what you said.

  12. And I believe the iPhone is not on Verizon right now because of Android. Apple can’t afford to release and not get the sales that the iFans swear it would get on Verizon. It would be direct competition with the next gen Android devices and would need to blow them away. And then it couldn’t possibly blow away all the Android phones to follow it. It could CLEARLY signal the end of the iPhones time on the throne. Right now they can hide behind not being on Verizon as a reason the Verizon phones are selling. They won’t actually go head to head until they are sure the iPad is the next big thing and the iPhone can sink to the back of everybody’s mind like the iPod.

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