Roewe 350: The Android Car

April Fools Day is coming up, and last year I wrote a fake article claiming that Ford and GM announced an Android Car. Kind of funny, but we actually thought the idea was good. So did a bunch of other people but Chinese Auto-Makers SAIC, makers of luxury cars, is launching an “Android Car” of sorts called the Roewe 350.

Running Android 2.1, the Roewe 350 will have more than just Google Maps and Google Nav, with integrated chatting, web surfing and more. Whether or not you’ll have access to Android Market or if they’ll have their own auto-mart of sorts is unknown, but I’m hoping for the latter. It would be nice to see Android in THIS case be regulated to ensure that the apps available are safe for  your car.

The Roewe 350 will supposedly cost about 70,000 to 130,000 yuan, or about $10,250 – $19,000.

[Via Mashable]

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