
Get 1500 Newspapers On The Entourage eDGe


entourage-edge-ereaderThe Entourage eDGe is a dual-screen, Android-based eReader/tablet that is currently available for $500… but if you fork over $29.95/month more you’ll have access to 1500 newspapers and magazines (or 99 cents/issue or $9.95/31 issues of anything). The opportunity comes with a partnership between eDGe manufacturers and Newspapers Direct.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Subscription to the service comes through and some of the publications available include:

The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Globe and Mail, National Post, The Guardian, Daily Mail, International Herald Tribune, Irish Independent, Le Figaro, The Australian, New Zealand Herald, Gazeta Wyborcza, Marca, Bangkok Post, and Kommersant.

Take a look at the eDGE in aCTIOn:

You heard them…

Read. Write. Surf.


But can it compete with the likes of the Kindle, Nook and others?

[ via CrunchGear]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Great concept, one that I think would do very well in an educational setting where every student gets one and all of their instructors utilize it for their course. Lots of schools have done this with the iPod Touch and Mac Books, so it isn’t a stretch for a device so education-friendly as this one.

    For mainstream consumers? Not a chance. It looks cheap and is kind of ugly, a big no-no in today’s tech market where flashiness and polish are important parts of the user experience. At $500 you are competing directly with the iPad while the Kindle and the Nook clean up the e-reader market at a much lower price point.

    I want you to succeed Entourage Edge, but I would be shocked if you did.

  2. Looks pretty awesome! Lot’s of possibilities and a lot of potential.

  3. take video and pictures easily???? how so, besides that it does look interesting

  4. Had to tripple-check this wasn’t a parody.. What a freaky ad..
    The device seems handy enough, but I think it tries a bit too much to be a swiss army knife–comes off a bit like an 80s toy.

  5. interesting, i wonder what the limit in size of the sd card is.

  6. What’s a newspaper?

  7. Anybody know what orange-shirt boy was reading? Something about a slave girl, “perfectly bare”,”tantalizing”, “deliberate”, “protacted”, “course scourge”?

    Looks like my kinda schoolwork.

  8. @Logotic Orange-shirt boy’s book was “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave & Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”

    Probably not what you were looking for :P

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