Android Pillows Get Worldwide Love

There have been some REALLY cool homemade Android products out there – many of which I’ve considered buying myself. My favorites thus far are the Android Robot Figurines/Actio-Figures, Android Plush Bag, and knitted Android Doll. But today’s story goes to show that even the simplest of robot related goods can cause a geeky stirrup so widespread you wonder what the heck is going on.

Introducing the Android pillow:

I don’t mean to diss the creator of the Android pillow – Etsy member Craftsquatch – but its just a white pillow with a Green Droid sewed on. Sure… kind of cool… but not sure how it got such ridiculous fanfare from around the interwebz:

The pillows are 12″ by 12″ and sells for $20.If you’ve got a computer geek you’re trying to find a gift for and they happen to be a social media addict, designer, or have some other online/software obsession you may want to check out Sasquatch’s other listings as well:

Moral of the story? Plaster an Android Robot onto some unrelated home decor object or craft it into something unique in a DIY manner, post it online and become loved by the universe. Or send one to us and we’ll post it for you!

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