
Samsung Galaxy 2 Picture Leaks, Announcement In February?


The Mobile World Congress is right around the corner in Barcelona and it looks to be a great event for Android lovers. One device that COULD be announced if the rumors fall graciously into place is the Samsung Galaxy 2 of which a picture/render just leaked:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


That’s a good looking device and if you ask me, looks polished enough that it’s probably not a fanboy render photochop job. We also got a list of potential specs for the device:

  • 1 GHz Snapdragon
  • 3.7 inch AMOLED touchscreen
  • 5 MP camera
  • 32 GB internal memory
  • Android 2.1
  • 3.5 mm jack

As Engadget points out, the Snapdragon processor is a Qualcomm creation and Samsung creates its own chips so this is a possible point of contention. Probably just an oversight by Androphones (or their tipster) but one worth mentioning.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. That’s sexy

  2. What will the RAM be?

  3. It’s fake rendering – its source is hdblog.it and they even said it is not true Galaxy 2 – even the screenshot and buttons below the screen look exactly the same as on some Nexus One’s popular rendering. But of course there are always some people who can’t read (or use Google Translate in that case). I mean Androphones guys of course.

  4. Will the internal memory count as SD (in terms of app storage)? Not a bad device.

  5. Will it come with the cube interface? If so, can I throw up now?

  6. anyone else thinks it’s samsung’s version of the nexus one ? missing the track ball ? with enhanced internal memory ?

    .. wait .. that’s another phone :P

  7. POTENTIAL specs? either they are or they arent….

  8. >32 GB Internal memory

    This is amazing. Surpasses the internal memory of the iPhone, and I’m guessing that it also has a slot for microSDHC. This definitely looks better than the original Galaxy with its minimalist design. I’m just hoping that the screen resolution matches that of that Nexus One at 800×480.

  9. Why do people put so much weight into these “leaks”?? You all know the phone and specs are going to change 40 more times before its actually released. Look at the menu buttons. Look like some other phone that was released on January 5th of this year? I highly doubt that Samsung and HTC have developed the exact same buttons in their independent Android device ventures. This picture shows nothing more than a slight proficiency with Photoshop.

  10. That is almost definitely fake. I don’t call fake on many leaked devices, but this one I will.

  11. @Pope Innocent II
    What do you mean? iPhone 3Gs has 16GB and 32GB capacities.

    Argh. Once I get my job in May (such a long time from now) I’ll be in the market for a new phone. So many phones to choose from now especially on Verizon now. Palm Pre Plus/Pixi Plus, Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One (soon) ahh and probably more to come within the 4 months before I start work!

  12. I bought the original Galaxy recently and very disapointed with Samsungs commitment to support the phone, ie Android software and firmwhare updates so i’ll be avoiding this phone if/when it arrives.

  13. It’ll have 256M ROM and 288M RAM.


  14. im calling a fake, look at the back. menu, home, find buttons. unless they were suppose to be like motorola’s droids .. it looks like it can’t be real

  15. @edmund
    what are you talking about?
    Almost every Android phone has that set-up, HTC, Moto, Samsung
    What kind of phone wouldnt have back, home, search and menu buttons??

  16. That screen looks exactly like the one found on google.com/phone. Great photoshop skills nonetheless!


  18. I’m guessing that this will be a GSM phone?

  19. Will this run the retro android 1.5 version? Clearly the best version of android, at least according to Samsung.

  20. Samsung can go F themselves. After the lack of support we got with got with the original Galaxy, I can guarantee I will never go near them again.

    Like the look of android 2.1? I hope so. Because that’s what you’l probably be stuck with for life on that phone.

  21. The spec looks fantastic apart from the camera, what is wrong with Samsung they use fantastic new technology like amoled screens but still insists on using 5 megapixel cameras, I have had the i900 & i8000 and the photos inside or in low light are rubbish & blur easily, will they please use at least 6 megapixel & please will Samsung please put a xenon flash on a Smartphone PLEASE.

  22. Very much agree with Ectomorph and Richy, Samsung just don’t GET smartphones esp Android. Their alleged comment that they weren’t going to upgrade the Galaxy from 1.5 because they were bringing out new Android phones in the Spring 2010 just about summed them up. Their new phone can be the most fantastic ever produced – I for one won’t go near it.

  23. it could still be a contender if the mod community sees it as a worthwhile device for up to date custom builds

  24. Its a Smasung. that means you will have to live with the Androidversion they put into it….
    No Updates for Galaxy jet???

  25. Am i alone in thinking that the area under the screen is a gesture area similar to the pre. If done correctly i think that would be a great way to navigate android. Htc has the rollerball thingy which im not a fan of i had a google ion(mytouch) and i got tired of the 1/4 mile run my finger was put thru to scroll down half a page. I was looking forward to the bravo for the optical pad, but if this pic is accurate then im all for it.

  26. Samsung will put a 1GHz Snapdragon processor in the Galaxy 2. The screen will measure 3.7 inched and be an AMOLED display (touch-screen of course).

    For storage it is expected that the Galaxy 2 will have 32GB and for image capture a 5 mexapixel sensor will be included.

    More details: http://bit.ly/samsung-galaxy-2-details

  27. Don’t buy this phone without researching the support Samsung have given the Galaxy 1 (i7500). You have been warned!

  28. im getting my dugheter that phone for her bday and she loves it and shes 12

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  30. FAKE specs…

    1 GHz Snapdragon
    (Samsung has the Hummingbird and the new Orion Cortex A9, whay would they go for a Qualcom procssor?)

    3.7 inch AMOLED touchscreen
    AMOLED instead SuperAMOLED and 3.7″ instead 4″ or larger in the Galaxy 2?

    5 MP camera
    Samsung already has a new 5MPx Back-light sensor, or they could use the new 8MPx CMOS sensor, all of them with 1080p support

    32 GB internal memory

    Android 2.1
    WTF??, v2.3…

    3.5 mm jack

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