
Next Version of Android: F for Froyo


I never expected this but the guys over at Engadget recently interviewed Erick Tseng – Senior Product Manager of Android.. where he dished up some delicious info. The next version of Android will be called Froyo –  short for frozen yogurt!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Froyo-androidVery interesting indeed! Personally I had my bets on the F being Flan considering it would match the cake like code names – Cupcake, Donut & Eclair but I’m sure thousands of others thought so, too! No other info has been given on Froyo (like when we can expect it what version of Android it will be… 2.x maybe even 3.0..) so for now the name will just have to suffice.  It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t match cake type names either – it’s still sweet!

See what I did there….. with the pun…… you know…ok … total fail :D

Now, what might G be for? Let the speculation begin..NOW!

[Via Engadget]

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  1. Granola… LoL… since we’re having all food names i’ll say it’s a sure bet.

  2. Could G be for gingerbread, gingersnaps, Galaktobourekos (custard tarts), or Garlic flan……..

  3. Gelato?

  4. I hope this means I get 2.1 pushed to my Eris soon.

  5. Gelato, of course.

  6. I’m hoping for Gelato. I just hope Froyo gives some love the media player. I like the improved gallery in 2.1.

  7. Flan isn’t a cake…its a custard

  8. Gnew York Cheese Cake. Imo.

  9. Man this froyo better be delicious

  10. If its named froyo it better be smooth and tasteful

  11. I’d say Gelato is a good guess. Especially if they’re going with frozen yogurt for the next release. Frozen yogurt and gelato are fairly similar.

  12. i suspect that as the photo gallery has had an update we should expect to see the music player get a beautification in Froyo or Gelato/Gateux/Gingerbread

  13. So many updates…what’s taking the Droid so long to get upgraded?

  14. definitely gogurt

  15. Gateaux for G? ;)

    I’m still waiting on an Eclair update for the Hero! I’m definitely getting a normal Android phone after this phone. Can’t be waiting months for an update, only to find it’s still behind everyone!

  16. I say Gumdrop

  17. ^^Gumball

  18. It’s really sad, how the majority of android phones are still on Cupcake(1.5).

    Google needs to slow down, in 4-5 months we went from C(Cupcake) to F(Froyo). Its no surprise the manufactures/careers haven’t updated their phones, when they work on one OS version, Google releases another.

  19. Gingerbread. definetly. or maybe grahm cracker? gelatin?

  20. IMHO. they seriously need to slow down.
    It is becoming a huge pain for developers to support their android programs.

  21. I’m guessing “A” is Android and “B” is “Beta”?.. no confectionery there :P

    “G” for Gum… would be cool seeing the Android mascot blowing a bubble.

  22. Froyo is not out yet…..in 4 -5 months they went from cupcake to eclair because technically 2.1 is still eclair.

  23. Froyo?!??! What the hell!! It should be Funnel Cake! Everyone knows that is the best F dessert!!!

  24. How does Google number these? 1-1.5-1.6-2.0-2.1????? Shouldn’t it be like 1-1.1-1.2-1.3-1.4-1.5-2.0 (2.0 (2.1) being 2.0 not 1.6 because it has some major UI advancements.) or may be it should be 1-2-3-4-5-6.

  25. I don’t know why it chooses numbers it does but this is how it went

    Platform Version API Level
    Android 2.1 7
    Android 2.0.1 6
    Android 2.0 5
    Android 1.6 4
    Android 1.5 3
    Android 1.1 2
    Android 1.0 1

  26. Maybe this will look better

    Platform Version API Level
    Android 2.1 7
    Android 2.0.1 6
    Android 2.0 5
    Android 1.6 4
    Android 1.5 3
    Android 1.1 2
    Android 1.0 1

  27. is froyo 2.1 or something else?

  28. Gingerbread in the shape of the Android.

  29. The web has a HUGe misconception that 2.1=Flan, when it’s truly a part of Eclair.

    I think 2.0/2.0.1 should have been 1.9 because 2.1 is really a true major change when it comes to UI.

  30. So 2.1=Eclair, 2.x=Froyo

  31. Glucose O.o heh..

  32. Ganache
    Graham Cracker Pie
    Green Tea Ice Cream :-)
    German Chocolate Cake

  33. Gingerbread duh! ?

    …I am waiting for the Tiramisu one in 5 years time :P

  34. @Q
    A is probably for alpha, and B for beta

  35. Gâteau?

  36. Google
    Im out of ideas

  37. Gingerbread sounds good but considering Froyo I’m guessing Gelato. Maybe the theme is desserts grouped in three’s: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair; then Froyo, Gelato, Helato? (traditional Argentinean ice cream)

  38. Gingavitis

  39. +1 for Pinkberry!! The BEST Froyo evarr!

  40. i unrelated topic. motorola dext would be coming to singapore and so is the lg eve, motorola milestone and nexus one might come with contract on a singapore telco! also xperia x10 is def coming as stated in sony’s enewsletter. so its 5 times the good news for singapore!

  41. granola? no, i got it… GOOGlEBREAD!

  42. Ganache…this is a no brainer! And I do not work at Google (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)…

  43. Very interesting! I like it! I didn’t know that the different versions were going in alphabetical order till now. I kind of figured they were naming it after breads too, but I guess they’re going with desserts. This could be fun…hmm I suppose I should make a list of desserts in alphabetical order and see which ones actually come into fruition.

  44. now i want yogurtland….

  45. Phandroid, why have you no news?

  46. I’d vote that “Froyo” will be 2.5, based on how they did the 1.x series.1.0, 1.1 then 1.5

  47. Grits!

    …what? You don’t think so?

  48. +1 for gelato.

    Hi google name chooser person! (who is hopefully reading this thread lol)

  49. gumdrop or gingerbread for sure

  50. Gummybear

  51. If the dessert were in Dutch, griesmeelpudding would certainly stand a chance! haven’t checked google translate on this one, so good luck guys.

  52. They should skip those and go right to h for hype cause that’s what they sold me since they came out on my g1 and on my my touch. Or I can just buy the nexes one, NOT

  53. *sits silently still waiting for a 2.1 upgrade for his hero*

  54. i dont care. i talked to a tmo guy, and there setting up for the release of a moto device in march. i asked him what it is called, and he said he did not know the name, but it was codenamed Zeppelin!!!

  55. Seriously guys… It’s so obvious!

    G = Gonnorrhea

  56. Hey Guys,

    you’re all wrong…it is

    Googlehupf like Gugelhupf the Cake with a hole in the middel…. :D

  57. well if they are all dessert based i would say the G would stand for gelato also it makes sense

  58. I am excited… I just hope that implement a lot of the enhancements that are requested here.


  59. No other info has been given on Froyo (like when we can expect it what version of Android it will be… 2.x maybe even 3.0..) so for now the name will just have to suffice. More details: http://bit.ly/froyo-new-android-details

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