
Massive Mid-Weekend Round Up


roundupIt’s been a week since CES but I’m still in Las Vegas – but don’t worry… the sporadic updates will soon be coming to an end. There has been a LOT going on in Android world and to keep you on the top of your robot game we’ve compiled a list of happenings you’ll likely want to know about:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Geeks’ Phone ONE Hits Break Even
The Spanish company called Geeks’ Phone recently launched their “ONE” phone and shipments will be going out to customers within the next two weeks. Although the company was formed less than a year ago with limited resources and facing a huge number of obstacles, co-founder Rodrigo Silva-Ramos announced the company has hit the break even point. Unfortunately the employees are making zero dollars at the moment, but such is the risk you take as an entrepreneur. Let’s hope it pays off. [Read More at Geeks Phone Blog]

Motorola Backflip to Europe, Asia & Latin America
We already know the Motorola Backflip is headed to North America but company reps are now confirming that upcoming announcements will divulge what carriers in Europe, Asia and Latin America will receive the device. It’s headed to AT&T in the US which makes up “North America”, but we’re hoping to see a Canadian release as well. [Read More at Electric Pig]

Nexus One Pricing Change
We were among the first to report that the Nexus One would get a pricing change and that is exactly what happened. Google and T-Mobile worked out a deal where existing customers are now eligible for a discounted price and those who purchased the phone before the discount was available will get a $100 rebate. Pretty nice Google and TMO… much appreciated. [Read More at PhoneScoop]

Samsung Moment Update Requires In-Store Visit
Sorry ’bout it if you like OTA as your method for updating your phone’s firmware: Samsung Moment owners on Sprint will have to physically visit a Sprint store to have their phone flashed with the latest update, improving battery life and AGPS among other things. I’m guessing many Moment owners will see this as a huge hassle, but it’s hard to argue with getting an update. [Read More at Sprint]

Apple Execs Love The Nexus One
Apparently Steve Wozniak – an Apple co-founder – told reporters of his love for the newly released Nexus One made by/for Google. That isn’t the complete story, or perhaps more appropriately, that was MORE than the complete story. Crunchgear explains how media folks took his words WAY out of context for pure linkbait. Pretty shameless and wack. [Read More at Crunchgear]

HTC Bravo to Sweden on 3?
Tipsters are suggesting that the much-rumored HTC Bravo could land on Sweden’s carrier named 3 Mobile as early as March. of course the specs are so similar to the Nexus One that some are saying it is just that – although adding HTC Sense into the mix would be a nice development. We’ll let you know. [Read More at IntoMobile]

Hisense HS-E90 Android Phone
It looks like China Mobile will be getting another Android phone, this time from Hisense who hasn’t previously released a phone with the operating system. The Hisense HS-E90 The Hisense HS-E90 has CDMA / EVDO Rev.A, 3.5 inch HVGA touchscreen, music and video players, Bluetooth, FM radio, 5MP autofocus camera, MicroSD card support, and a 1500 mAh battery that should last up to 4 hours in talk-time mode, or up to 180 hours in stand-by. [Read More at UnwiredView]

Order Groceries with your Ikan Android
Here is an innovative new use of Android – helping you keep the fridge and cabinets stocked with food and drinks. Here is the concept explained by CrunchGear: “As you finish using a product, before you dispose of if, scan it with the Ikan. The system will then log that you need a new jar of vegamite, and keep a running list of what you ran out of. On a preset day, it’ll email you the list of items that you used up, allowing you to print it out and take the list with you to the store, or read it on your phone as you shop.” [Read More at Ikan]

Google Vacates China, Affecting Android?
By now you know all about how Google has pulled out of China – you know with the hacking, human rights groups, censorship of search results and all that stuff. Well Google could lose hundreds of millions of dollars based on the decision, and Om Malik seems to think that Android may face the brunt of that decision. It won’t necessarily hurt the platform itself but it could definitely hurt the growth of the platform in China. And with now being a crucial period of platform adoption, wow…. that could be really bad.[Read More at GigaOM]

ICD Ultra Android Tablet
Rumor has it this could head to T-Mobile US/UK and/or Verizon Wireless.

Snagged at CES by Android Authority.

Mossberg Adds Nexus One Notes
Good ‘Ole Q&A with Walt Mossberg revealed answers to a few Nexus One questions that you may have yourself. So if you’re wondering about expandable memory, AT&T/Verizon coverage area, or syncing with Macs you’ll want to check it out. [Read More at AllThingsD]

Google Defends Early Termination Fee
The blogosphere (including us) made a big fuss about the Nexus One ETF, mainly because there were separate fees imposed by both T-Mobile and Google that when combined, cost WELL more than the price of buying the Nexus One unlocked in the first place. Google has now come out defending their fee. It seems the fault SHOULD be on the shoulders of T-Mobile… but if Google’s whole purpose is to change the way the mobile purchasing systems work, why can’t they negotiate the ETF on behalf of customers as well? Those are BS and Google is – as they claim – trying to make the system more simple and transparent. They’re in the best position to speak on behalf of the consumer than anyone else so… little help Google! [Read More at WSJ]

Nexus One vs. Motorola Droid
A decent video pitting the Nexus One vs. Motorola Droid in many categories. Just 1 bit of advice… never call anything a shmackdown again… especially when wearing a zip up turtleneck. It just doesn’t work.

Force Nexus One 3G Mode
The folks at XDA have gone through some steps to force the Nexus One into 3G mode. Until the folks at HTC, Google or T-Mobile fix this problem, you may want to try this alternate method out. Let us know how you fare. And if you were wondering how T-Mobile reps are handling it… see here. [Read More at XDA Devs]

Xperia X10 Delayed Until March
Not much to say here except we’re not surprised. Sony Ericsson never seems to be on time, especially with their Xperia line. Expect March instead of February. Drats. [Read More at SEMC]

Rogers Customers – Update Your HTC Dream To Magic
This happened weeks ago but for those that didn’t know, Rogers customers can upgrade their HTC Dream phones to HTC Magics for free. The news was made official by Rogers Rep Mary in Android Forums. [Read More at Android Forums]

Unknown MOTO Hits FCC
We’re not sure it’s Android-related, but with Motorola’s furious robot pace we have to assume there is a good chance. This device just passed through the FCC with T-Mobile 3G bands in play. [Read More at TMOnews]

Viliv P3 Android Device
This looks badass and was captured at CES. We’ve got stuff of our own we’re getting ready to put up, but until then, check out ElectricPig.

Upcoming Android Applications:
We’ve seen a few applications that have either launched, are in beta or will soon be launching and we thought we would share a few noteworthy ones with you:

We’ve got a bunch more where that came from… stay tuned… but for now keep your fingers crossed for the Baltimore Ravens as they prepare to take on the Indiannapolis Colts. WHEWP!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola Milestone: UK Price Drop

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  1. Finally Rob!

  2. “Order Groceries with your Ikan Android”
    Seeing this made me search with wondering if there was already an app available for scanning grocery products (or writing in) when you use them. I was surprised there was only one I could find that offered scanning with the camera (Grocery King), but it wasn’t clear from the reviews how close it is to something of the same (and 1% the cost of Ikan). The site for the app lists wonderful features that seem to cover most everything you’d need. Perhaps Ikan is designed more for those with lot’s of money and no knowledge of Android phones. ;-)

  3. +1 Jer
    Yeah, what is the idea of the hardware ? Or, is Ikan basically a hardware company ? :-) Android handsets have been capable of scanning grocery barcodes since day 1.

  4. Great write up my man much appreciated, have you heard any more news on when 2.1 will come to the droid? Keep up the solid work!

  5. Looks like Android is having a better start to 2010 than the Ravens. Well, guess I can’t have it all!

  6. @Jer @Todd A… The barcode scanning isn’t the big draw for Ikan, it’s the list it compiles and sends you when you shop so you don’t forget to replace anything.

  7. At last! An android phone with an FM radio – finally something that almost matches the hardware on my 3 year old Nokia!

    Just need FM broadcasting and it could finally be time for an upgrade ..

  8. Apparently, Sprint didn’t do a very good job of informing its Sprint Stores that there was a Samsung Moment software update… just called my local Store and they don’t have it yet (and most of them didn’t even know what I was talking about). They told me to try again tomorrow, or at the end of the week. Nice head, Sprint.

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