
New Moto Devour In Silver


Like we just discussed, the Motorola Devour, previously the Motorola Calgary, will be launching for Verizon. Our guess  is sometime in Q1 and with new and improved Android 2.1. BGR reports one of their contacts has spotted it in a new and snazzy silver.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


What do you all think of the new looking Devour? Anyone getting excited yet? As a Droid owner myself, I am excited to see the keyboard on the Devour. Key spacing and size looks much more user friendly then the hardware keyboard on the Droid. Keep checking back for more specs and info!!

[Via BGR]

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  1. Droid still looks sexier XD
    this one have a lame design (IMO)

  2. there’s no edges around the keyboard (think the sidekick)? isn’t that gonna make it a bt uncomfortable to type?

    also, imo, no qwerty keyboard can be good when it’s not a 5 row keyboard. g1 keyboard ftw.

  3. i am guessing that most people would hold it like a g1 keyboard, and yes the g1 keyboard is the best physical qwerty keyboard i have EVER used.

  4. ya its kind of ugly..the droid was manly..and the best keyboard i have ever used was the touch pro 2..shame it was windows mobile..but they got android working on it now so i kind of miss it :/


  6. make it all flat black with soft-touch and it’ll be much nicer.

  7. moto blur = fail

  8. If only they had kep the look from the original remder, which kept the RAZR-esque keypad, WAY bigger screen, etc.

    Oh well.

  9. a newer phone with motoblur would be great.
    but why is it in silver?!?! Horrible!
    I love my white g1
    and I very much like the white cliq (i was thinking of upgrading to it.
    this phone looks like it would look great in a sleek black (and maybe white) but not silver!
    and the g1 keyboard is still better!

  10. @Sweed…….I have the Cliq in white and love it….The keyboard is great and I upgraded from my Blackberry and will never go back to one again…..I happen to think MotoBlur is amazing so the people tgalking crap about it are either jealous or have no friends so a social networking phone is about as useful as a rolodex to them!

  11. +1 felix. would have potentially gotten the CLIQ if it wasn’t for the fact that now i gotta upload my shit onto MOTO’s servers too? WTF…who thought that was a good idea? just keep it stock android and the masses will be happy OR give it a skin all your own (ala Sense).

  12. From the looks of this picture I like how the keyboard and the screen slides out. It’s centered and the keyboard looks well spaced. What happen to the trackpad?

  13. I don’t understand why people are disliking the silver, I kinda like it actually. My guess is that Motorola will release this in two colors though, since images of this phone have popped up in black as well.

    @stevO: It looks like the black square in the corner may be an optical trackpad, which I think would be neat (so long as it worked well).

  14. I think it looks like old tech. By its looks it seems like it was made about 5 years ago. I see Android running on it and it looks like it doesn’t fit. Sorry Moto, you might have another failure on your hands. That is unless the specs are good. I have not seen those yet and those are more important than the looks.

  15. Sweed oh Sweed have u used this phones keyboard…oh you have not? Really? So how do i know g1 has a better Key board?

  16. You know i like totally meant. ..got to fix this not so dandy keyboard thing…

  17. Ewwww! Looks like one of those free giveaway clock radio/calculators. Keeping my Droid, thanks.

  18. Moto blur sounds kinda lame the Droid is gunna be better

  19. that silver really looks like CRAP

  20. I’m actually more of a Droid Eris fan, becuase it looks slicker and is a tad more user friendly. I personally don’t need a physical keyboard and it even seems a little clunky; Not that I wouldn’t go for one in the future if someone pulls it off superbly, I would like to have a dual system so I could use either.
    I would go for an Eris over the Droid except it’s underpowered and no Android 2.0. Oh well I have time, my contract isn’t up for a year and a half so by then I’m sure there will be some sick Android offerings to be had that will put the Droid, and all other current Android devices to shame. Maybe something a little more N1-ish on Verizon…mmmm now my mouth is watering.

  21. As for this phone, it needs a bigger screen, a new color job, and something more like sense UI-which I’m really digging in an Android phone-to make me want something even close to this. But I suppose it will broaden Android appeal to some folks and expose some who may not have gone for a higher end looking Droid or Eris.

  22. Why aren’t you guys covering all the new Android app releases? Is somebody doing that? I need someone to keep me up to date!

  23. This looks like a nice device to place at the bottom of the Droid line. An Android phone with training wheels for the not as bright. An excellent entry for VZW to try and use to lure away SideKick users from Tmo.

  24. I hate the silver. Black looked better. Moto Blur looks like @*#!. I hate bubble text! The screen could be bigger but I will say the layout of the keyboard has potential. I kinda like the little bit of frame on the top and bottom. The biggest problem I have with my droid is that it’s hard to pick it up without hitting something by accident. You get used to it but a little dead space is nice to be able to grab on to. Just put regular Android on it and stop messing up a good thing.

  25. Wowa Jaymonster…you really thinks it looks that bad?

  26. Phandroid, what’s your problem lately !! we’re not seeing any news or updates

  27. Is it just me or does the silver make it look even more like a toy than the black version?

  28. I won’t be getting excited for ANY Verizon Android phones until they stop making you buy the $30/month additional data for “smartphone” plan. I realize that even though Android gives every phone smartphone capabilities, in reality phones such as the Devour compete with presently classified “featurephones”, such as the Instinct, Omnia, Envy, etc. Data plans for “featurephones” are only an extra $10/month. Only when Verizon offers one of these plans for an Android phone will I get one.

  29. I don’t like the name, to be honest. First, “devour” is a verb, and in fact, another word for “eat” (in a voracious manner). So when you refer to the phone as the “Motorola Devour”, you are calling it the “Motorola Eat”. Doesn’t flow. Compare that to when you use a noun (Hero, Droid, Galaxy), or an exclamation (the Bravo) or adjective (the Incredible). Second, the word itself makes me think of monsters ripping into their food. Seems a bit unpleasant in connotation.

  30. i think the moto razar v8 the old and the new are the best motorola sell phone till now , am using motorola for 10 yrs, and am still used , it’s the best use ever for all application and internet use , whenever a new phone come out i buy it
    now i have E8 and is just beautiful and strong and the most of all very functional

  31. I just handled one of these. It has a pleasing heft; it feels more ‘aluminum macbook’ than ‘cheap clock’ as was mentioned earlier. Feels great, but is definitely a blunt object that you could bludgeon with.

  32. I absolutely love it. If it weren’t for Verizon charging outrageous prices for their “smartphone” plans then I would have one; but I already have a 90$ monthly cell phone bill and couldn’t afford to add it. Everyone seems to be dissing the color silver for some reason, on which I don’t particularly understand because almost every phone out there is black, white, or silver. I don’t mind the color as long as the phone does the job. As for the “MotoBlur” I haven’t used it and I have no clue what it’s for. I really like the Devour… I like Motorolla phones they are sturdy and durable. I had my Razr for 4 years before I upgraded! I love Verizon phones. I can’t wait to get my plan lowered so I can get one without paying outrageous plan payments for this device!

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