
Adobe Launches Photoshop Android Application


Photoshop is hands down the most popular professional image editing tool. In fact, the brand has reached the pinnacle of success where the actual brand name becomes a verb like Google, Kleenex, and Xerox. When a picture is obviously edited you say it was “photoshopped” regardless of what picture editing tool was actually used.

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Guess what?


Adobe is bringing a mobile version of their award winning software to Android Phones with Mobile:

Transform photos with essential edits like crop, rotate and flip. Drag our finger across photos to adjust saturation and tint. Auto-upload and share your photos with a free account. From Adobe, the makers of Photoshop. By downloading you are agreeing to the Terms of Use at

Here is a quick few pics that show off a before/after scenario and some screen UI stuff:


When Android is compared to Apple the main place the iPhone wins out is the App Store – in terms of quantity and quality of apps. I’ll admit it – but I still think the advantage will eventually swing in favor of android as more and more momentum is built. This Photoshop Mobile App is a great example of prime time developers/company’s recognizing the value of Android. More will follow.

You’ll definitely want to check out their Official Video Demo for which, unfortunately, I can’t find embed code. Any way you look at it this is pretty awesome. Today we had a few writers suggest applications for Droid newbies… add this one to that list. Positive comments are already piling on the Android Market listing.

[ – Thanks Jacob, Nigel]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. So I take it there is no Photoshop app from Adobe on IPhone……..?

  2. No, there is a photoshop app for iPhone. But now we have one too :)

  3. Well, Picsay (and especially the Pro version) is a pretty nice photo manipulation app. I wonder what features Adobe will bring to put it ahead of the competition.

  4. Wah-wah-wah-win! Wait, adobe giving something out for free? Bwah!?

  5. Any idea when this will go live on the app market? Cant find it at the moment. (EU user)

  6. is it free ? if so can someone direct me to the .apk file please.. as I don’t have android market on my android phone….

  7. Well, as a Photoshop user I have to wonder why anyone would want to edit a photo on a tiny screen rather than upload to a PC (or Photoshop Express) to make edits and enhancements. There are many free programs for PCs and Mac that could do a better job.

    But, to each his/her own…

  8. folks, if there’s an app for iPhone and you want it for Android, be sure to let the author know and show them this:


  9. Doth my eyes decieve me? Is that a QR code I spy on the corner of the ad? I was hoping that those would be brought over to the US sometime (had them in Japan all over the place a couple years back).

  10. I can’t find it :(

  11. If Adobe can come up with a copy of Illustrator for Android, I will name my firstborn after the company.

  12. @Christopher:

    Yeah, noticed that as well. Wonder how much longer until QRs become commonplace in the US.

  13. baycruisers, there’s a lot of good reasons why one would want to edit on the field or just having a little artistic fun on the go.
    Just the other day I saw that Arcsoft has an entire suite of android apps including video editing:

    “The new ArcSoft PowerMobia for Android features powerful multimedia software components in compliance with OpenMax standard, multimedia codecs able to provide leveraged performance and more features compared to Android’s default ones, pre and post processors and special effects for audio, video and images, advanced capture technologies, end-to-end applications (including Camera, Media Gallery, Photo Workshop, Video Editor, Local and Streaming Media Player), as well as the ArcSoft PowerMobia UI Engine, which can provide 2D/3D UI effects and animations. “

  14. @baycruisers and ari-free:

    I can think of only one reason why: notoriety. Recall the person who “fingerpainted” a still life on his iPhone and the picture was used as the cover for the May 25 issue of the New Yorker:

    Imagine someone doing that with something created on an Android phone. That would be quite the feather in Adobe’s cap.

  15. Seems it’s not been released to the UK yet. I am guessing it’s a US only app at the moment :(

  16. Got it!! and it’s awesome!

  17. @Chris
    AFAIK the month old iPhone PS app is still US only…

    Anyone wanna up an APK? Assuming its free…

  18. QR codes seem to already be gaining steam in the U.S. I was just in my company’s HR dept signing some benefits documents and they had QR codes down at the bottom of them. I didn’t have time to scan and see what they were.

  19. I’m pretty sure (completely, actually) that Kleenex has never been used as a verb. I think the term you’re looking for is “genericized trademark.”

  20. yeah, someone please upload the .apk somewhere =D

    we might be waiting forever for a european version just like iphone users

  21. can someone please explain to me what these QR code things are? i’ve been seeing them around recently and i have no idea what they are.

  22. @Pablo
    You are awesome.
    The two apps seem identical (Android/iPhone OS) minus the preset effect option that is only on iPhone OS…

  23. Just cropped afew pictures that needed it which were on my phone, saves transfering it to the pc and back again.

  24. If anyone is curious, that QR code decods to market://search?q=pname:com.adobe.psmobile

  25. not worth the free download, only has like four dif settings, black and white, saturation, tint and exposure.

    its photoshop i expected way more.

  26. @phoenix
    you can download barcode scanner for android and scan them. Generally they contain text or web links. In the case of apps presented with a QR, the QR will usually be a link that will point you to the download site. (Or the market)

  27. And once again, a US company fails to recognize that there actually is world outside the US.

  28. can’t wait to hear the announcement: Adobo releases FLASH PLAYER on android

  29. well the app isnt bad annoys me how it always runs in the backround i auto end it like every hour or so

  30. Kinda depressing from the lack of features. wish there was a paint brush tool or something.

  31. now compare with Foxy for Android

  32. Doesn’t seem to exist on Android Market.

  33. For all those ppl who can’t find it on the market:
    – Download app called Market Enabler
    – Fake T-Mobile US
    – Search on market again and enjoy!

    Not sure if it needs root first :)
    Tested in NZ – works like a charm.

    BTW: This app is not really worth downloading. Needs at least Levels adjustment option to be of any use.

  34. Does anyone have the answer to why I cant find the app on the market, ive even scanned the bar code on the photoshop mobile site and still cant find it…is it not available to UK users?

  35. Why does this program keep running in the background after you exit? even if it is killed with an app killer, within 5 minutes it re-appears.

    I really expected more from adobe for an app.

    Picsay works just as well.

    Hope there is more to come.

  36. Hi, my name is Brady Kroupa and I’m the Engineering Lead on Mobile for Android.

    I just wanted to say our team’s been listening to your feedback. I’ve posted a blog entry (link below) responding to some common feedback including the “always running” issue. We’ll be releasing an update soon that’s available for download internationally.


  37. 1. To the person asking about QR codes, think of them like 2-dimensional barcodes. URLs, contact cards and even plain text can be encoded in them. With the right app, a quick scan of the code with your phone’s camera gives you the information/card/URL. In the case of the QR code for for Android, it has the Android Market URL for the app.

    2. To the person complaining “its photoshop i expected way more”. No, it’s not. It’s NOT “Photoshop”. It’s It’s a mobile phone companion to the online site, not a mobile version of the desktop Photoshop application. I suggest you actually visit and see what it’s about so that you actually understand what the app is for.

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