With Verizon’s first two Android Phone’s launching today – the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris – there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up all the Android Application goodness they can. But with so many applications on the market now… where do they look?
I can imagine many people feel like they’re being pulled in every which way with no clue where to go – like the Scarecrow in The Wizard Of Bots.
Fear not. Five Phandroid team members did some good lookin’ out and hand picked 10 applications each that they think you’ll want to check out from Android Market. There are overlaps/duplications but I thought it would be relevant to allow them… if more than one has it in their list it MUST be good, right?
Without further adieu:
John Ashton Edgar
About Me: Behind the scenes button pusher for a group of technology websites. Love wine, food, fellowship, and Android be thy name. In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas. Follow me on Twitter @johnashtonedgar!
- Amazon – They have a slick app and almost always the best pricing on everything. Need I say more.
- Astro – Sad to say but Android has lacked a file manager thus far, this fits the bill.
- Backgrounds – There is no better place to get your wallpapers to customize your desktop, sorry iPhone.
- Google Sky Map – Because it’s just cool!
- Google Voice – All my telephone numbers can be run through and controlled with GV.
- My Account – This is a T-mobile app that lets you work with your account.
- Shazam – Ever wonder who sings that song. This does that flawlessly.
- Shopsavvy – Scan an items bar code and it will tell you where to find it online or locally (mapping it as well) with the best pricing. Way cool!
- TED – The best minds in the world give lectures on Technology, Entertainment and Design. Above all, the most informative app.
- Twidroid Pro – This is a pay app but the best twitter client for Android. (@johnashtonedgar)
David Drwencke
Android History – Used G1, MyTouch 3G and have owned an Iphone.
- Pandora – (Free) The application works nearly flawlessly over 3G, EDGE and WiFi. The application incorporates your online account saving your stations and favorite songs. The Android version of this application allows you to do multiple things while the music plays, it truly is great.
- Facebook for Android – (Free) As a Facebook fiend there is no better option on an Android device then the Facebook for Android App. Update your status, post pictures, check out your friends profiles, make comments all from the comfort of your device. This is a must have if you have a Facebook account.
- Twidroid – (Free and Paid Versions) My experience is with the free version which has been fantastic. For me – who is a heavy user while not necessarily being a “power” user – it is perfect. There are push updates, I can make my tweets quickly and I think the interface is pretty straight forward. I also appreciate that the developers constantly update the application.
- FeedR – (Paid) As a fan of many different tech, sports and news pages/blogs I like to know I can gain access to all of the latest news with the click of one button. FeedR has a clean, basic layout, has many options to update on its own, or at my own leisure. Adding new pages is a snap and the pages load very quickly. If you need an RSS reader (with many other options) FeedR is your #1 option.
- Movies by Flixster – (Free) I consider myself a pretty big movie fan and I like to gain access not only to movie times/locations but also movie reviews from the critics and my friends. The newest version of this app ties into your Facebook account so that you can see what your friends have to say and vice versa, which is a cool feature. I can also track the movies I have seen and keep a list of those I want to see.
- Open Home – (Full & Paid) One of the best features of any Android Powered device is the ability to customize not only your “wallpaper” but also your icons, widgets and overall layout of your device. There are so many different themes and styles that just about every device can match its owners style and personality. Though there are other worthy options (Fresh Face to name one) my favorite and standby is Open Home.
- Sportstap – (Free) I am a huge sports fan and I happen to like different teams throughout the different leagues – sports taps allows me to be up to date with scores, stats and information with fast updates tailored to my interests. The navigation is simple and once you select your favorite teams Sportstap will do the rest.
- The Weather Channel – (Free) Its simple and straight forward but I can set a few important locations (home, work and other favorite cities) and I can always know what is coming up and will also be able to answer the question “What will the weather be like tomorrow?” The widget is plain but useful, and the “Weather Alerts” are also useful for when serious weather is heading my way.
- Shazam – (Free) Why? Even though I happen to have satellite radio in my car I still find myself forgetting that new catchy songs title when it comes time to download it. Shazam not only will keep a list of all the songs I tag it definitely is a “wow factor” application when you can use it with your friends at a store, mall, club when the music is playing and there is no way to get the title or the artist. This is an app you may not use every day, but I am happy every time I use it.n’t? Well now you can fix both of these issues with Visual Voicemail. The application is a bit boring looking, but ti is straight forward and it works as described.
- Wapedia – (Free) There are a few options out there when it comes to wiki-clients, however my favorite is Wapedia. The user interface (UI) is solid, articles load quickly. Likely more useful then simply “googling” a question or term.
Raji Aboulhosn
About Me: I’m a huge sports fan especially football and the Vikings. I currently have an iPhone 3GS (don’t hate me and yes AT&T sucks) and I will be getting the Droid when it comes out. I love Android because you can customize it your way and there is still so much untapped potential with this platform.
- Twidroid – Simply put the best twitter application for Android. Comes in either a free version or pro version ($4.89).
- Sportstap – A good-looking interface and a bundled widget make it easy to follow your favorite teams. (free)
- Pandora – You can’t really beat free music so enjoy it. (free)
- USA Today – The easiest way to get the latest news around the globe. (free)
- Shazam – I’m never good with remembering artists names or song titles. This app will come in handy more then you think. (free)
- WeatherBug – Wondering if you’re going to need an umbrella today? WeatherBug will let you know. (free)
- Where – If you travel a lot this might be your go to app. It will help you find a good meal, some good coffee, and will help you avoid traffic. (free)
- Movies by Flixster – Want to know what’s playing at the local theater? If not download it so you can kill some time by watching the latest trailers. (free)
- NBA game time lite (free) – It’s great to see professional sports leagues get on the Android fun. Now if ESPN could get off their ass and gives us a fantasy football app. (free)
- Open Home – Tired of your homescreen? Open Home allows you to customize fonts, colors, icons and much more. (not sure of the price)
Breon Nagy
My name is Breon Nagy and I’ve recently been drafted to write reviews for apps. I’m a self-proclaimed Android fanboy and others have called me a “mobile power users”. I love testing new apps and currently beta test several popular Android apps. My first Android phone was a T-Mobile G1 and I’ve since graduated to an HTC Hero on Sprint. I had a chance to test drive the Droid last week and I was rather impressed. Here’s a list of my MUST HAVE apps:
- Twidroid (FREE/€3.39 Pro) – Twidroid is a feature rich Twitter client. The Pro version allows for multiple accounts, Bit.ly URL shortening, and video upload. Both versions include sending and receiving tweets, @replies, direct messages as well as picture uploading and URL shortening (via several services). It has full search functionality and you can save searches too!
- Astro File Manager (FREE) – Astro is a file management tool that allows you to browse/cut/copy/delete files on your SD card (and read/copy files on the phone memory :). They’ve recently introduced other features such as an application manager and process manager.
- G-Backup (FREE Trial/$4.95 Full) – G-Backup will automatically upload ALL of your SMS, MMS, Pictures, Videos, and your Call Log to your Gmail account. It will sort them into whatever Gmail labels you specify. This is a great way to go back in time to find an old text message or a picture that you deleted off of your SD card.
- Handcent SMS (FREE) – Handcent is an alternative to using the stock Messaging app. It allows you to send and receive SMS and MMS messages. It’s real beauty is in the customization. You can skin the app to look like other messaging apps (*cough* iphone/hero *cough*) as well as change the color scheme of all OR individual conversations.
- Hi AIM (FREE) – The Droid that I tested did not have the stock Instant Messaging client on installed (it may ship with the final build). Hi AIM is a simple AOL instant messaging client that includes some customization. One unique feature is it allows you to set buddy online/offline notifications. (note: there are other IM clients that also aggregate Yahoo/MSN/Skype/etc services)
- Taskiller (FREE/€0.70 Full) – Taskiller is a task manager that allows you to see all of the running apps and processes on your phone. You can kill apps/processes individually or all at once. There is an “ignore” list that will prevent your favorite apps from being killed with the “kill all” button.
- Light Racer 3D (FREE Basic/$2.99 Full) – “Futuristic motorcycles race to the death in a 3D arena”…need I say more? If you’re a fan of a certain ’80s movie that rhymes with Fron, then you’ll love this. If you’re not a fan of said movie, you’ll love it anyway. This is by far the best 3D game on the Market and it works great on the Droid.
- Foursquare – Foursquare is an addictive location based game. You sign up for an account at http://foursquare.com. When you go places, you check in to them. Restaurants, gas stations, retail stores, whatever! If your favorite venue isn’t on the list, you can add it for MORE points.
- Open Home (FREE/$3.99 Full) – Open Home is a Home replacement. It gives you up to 7 home screens (versus stock 3) as well as the ability to customize the look and feel of the app tray, fonts, and icons via themes on the Market.
- Ustream Broadcaster (FREE) – Broadcast yourself live from your mobile phone! Or you can record videos to your SD card for later upload. Ustream also allows you to broadcast from your computer as well. A great service.
About Me: Here are the apps I use often.
- Shazam – Being a Dj you have to stay current and play stuff that gets people moving. Shazam hears a sample of the song through your phone and tries to recognize the Artist, Name of the song, and Album.
- FML by Evan Charlton – This program logs onto Fmylife.com and picks up peoples comments. If you ever have a bad day all you have to do is open this app and laugh your ass off. The app also lets you forward the comments via text and email. It also lets you comment.
- TasKiller – having the G1 had a lot of perks, but memory was not one of them. With 192mb of Ram one needs all the memory one can get so the phone does not lag. TasKiller terminates any undesired program. (EDITOR NOTE: Your Motorola DROID has this by default in Android 2.0 in the settings)
- SportsTap – is a sports app that keeps you updated with sporting scores. It also lets you select which teams you want to get scores from and how often.
- iMusic – searches blogs and free music site to stream or download songs. It also reads what type of music you like and builds categories with top 50 and top 100.
- NubiNews– organizes a collection of news and information sites under one app and lets you switch from site to site without using the browser.
- Flashlight – I know kind of weak, but its been very helpful in clubs, late at night and in the dark.
- Healthy Recipes – has 5 different categories one can choose from. You can also type in which dish you’ll like to make and it will give you healthy alternatives as how to cook that meal.
- My Account – is a T-Mobile app that lets the user see how many minutes he or she has spent, also texts users when they are about to go over their minutes and texts. You can also pay your bill as well as see your payment history. Lastly, it also controls the phone’s Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Data Roaming, GPS and Screen Brightness.
- TV.com –is an app that connects to CBS and CBS owned channels and programming (Showtime, the CW, cnet.com, the insider, etc…). The program does not just stream previews, but full episodes of popular shows. Missed Dexter, well not anyone. You can stream through Wi-Fi or 3G connectivity.
So there you have it… a good selection of applications to start downloading and testing out, recommended by your friendly Phandroid experts. And remember… next time you feel lost in the Andoid World, tap your heels together three times… “There’s no place like Phandroid. There’s no place like Phandroid. There’s no place like Phandroid.”
Thanks to John, David, Raji, Breon and Rob for their work on this article!
Yes myAccount for T-Mobile will work great for those Droid owners. Really, you should edit the list to at least be pertinent to the topic.
MyAccount? Really? Did you guys read the title of the post before you wrote for it? Sorry, I don’t mean to bash you guys, thanks so much for compiling these lists for newbs, but I think the myAccount might be a little confusing for a new DROID owner.
no flickr apps?
Iam happy with my magic but offical flickr upload is the only downside.
also I love spotify as here in the UK I have signed up to the premium and it’s “spotless”
Volume Widget Pro is also great. Paid app but worth it!
Movies by flixter is now called just “Movies”
i wonder if verizon’s equivalent version, My Verizon, will be in the market for droid and eris owners
I am gonna have to disagree with David, the official Facebook app is quite nice, however Babbler has a much better user experience, it can upload videos, you can see requests like event invitations etc. I do keep both installed though because of the official client’s live folder.
Use my FlashLight. Same thing, still free, adjustable brightness, better icon
Ultrachron is one of the best stopwatch/timer apps for android.
Other apps I like are Astrid, SnapPhoto, Taskiller, Places Directory, The Weather Channel, Listen, and Facebook
Yes, this is a shameless plug for Ultrachron! ;-)
Do you think that verizon will port all of there apps to the android market place? i was looking at one of there brochures yesterday and thay have a pretty wide selection of decent games….thoughts?
Thanks for this post, new Droid user here.
I like ShopSavvy the best. Has saved me bunches. Kids Love Santa Live. They cant wait till Dec 2nd happens and they can see him live.
I can’t believe the Locale app wasn’t mentioned with all of its conditional setting glory :)
thanks for the good info! Yes there is a MyVerizon app.
Guys, I was hoping at least one of you would advise some multimedia apps except Shazam. I got 29Gb of music and so far iPhone could manage such loads much better with it’s cover-flow feature then anyone else on the market. I hope to see something like that on Android, cause I’m not buying anything that has Mac on it. Did you see any cool media players to replace the lame legacy player?
Not really 50, is it? Lots of repeats.
@Collin, I think there is a common Android Market Place with an option for carriers to add their own application. All these apps should be available to Verizon users.
I am a big fan for app review and this is a great list. I thought it would make sense to write my own. I tried posting it in the comments but all the links likely got it flagged as spam.
I wrote it as a full article on my syndicated column with full credit and links to Phandroid.
That depends if they have the rights to them. If VZW is just serving as distro, then that would be up to the creator. If they own it outright, then I hope they do.
Would have been nice to have some QR Codes here linking to the Android Market Place. :-/
Thanks for the list of apps! already downloaded some of these on my new Droid last night at the 34th st NYC store, now to try out more.
@Pede They have a My Verizon App – It allows you to “Access your Verizon Account, find your balance, usage, payments, update Friends and Family and services.
Rob, I think your recommendations are most adequate and useful. And I also think that having such reviews and recommendations about new/useful apps is great and we should have them more often.
Thank you for the outstanding work, as always.
This is very helpful. Thanks.
I just got my htc eris.. and i’m having issues downloading applications.. anyone else having this problem?
Check out Size Chart…..
Great Tool for shopping….
I think you should have a list of favorite apps and another of favorite games. Apps for me are Shazam, Pandora, Twidroid (no surprises there). My favorite games are Spot the Difference, Jewellust and Abduction! World Attack.
MixZing is an excellent media player for Android. In my opinion, it rivals the iPod in features and interface. It isn’t quite as fast or elegant though.
@ilovemyeris I was thinking about getting an eris, but was going to wait to see what the htc passion had in store. From your name, I’m guessing you aren’t regretting the purchase? haha.
Loving the Droid so far. Thanks for the software tips, it is nice to have a starting place! There is a my account app for verizon btw.
Thanks for this article, gonna be picking up my Droid after work today. I read some articles that a lot of these applications aren’t updated to take advantage of Droid’s resolution, Android 2.0 etc.
Have you had an issues with these apps in terms of resolution, installation or anything else? (Sorry, new to the whole android/app thing).
In no particular order of importance.. Snappy Countdown (timer alarm app), TasKiller, Bonsai Blast (game), MixZing Lite (music player),gStrings (guitar tuner), WorldTour (wallpaper), Phandroid News (what’s that ?), StarTranslate, FX Currency, Clocks around the world.. There are more, these are just some that are not stock apps that I use with some frequency.
not nearly my list of faves so i thought i would contribute.
touchdown (exchange mail)/
flyscreen /
advanced task manager /
calendar add event /
car mode /
superdial /
handcent sms /
bar control /
mybackup pro /
tone picker
Thank you so much!!! I picked my Droid up at lunch today and am already in love. This list is super helpful since I’m new to the Android and smartphones in general!
Thanks for posting this list! Please post comments of more apps to try. I ordered mine this morning and hope to get it tomorrow! Keep up the good work!
My favorites:
-NESoid and SNESoid: NES and SNES emulators which rock my world
-Google Sky Map (this is a cool one to show friends to make them jealous :) )
-Qik (broadcast video live to the internet – cool stuff)
-Movies (movie listings near you)
-Phoneflicks (access your Netflix account and queues)
-Astrid (awesome Tasks app)
-AK Notepad (best notepad app out there)
-USA Today (good news and weather)
-Google Finance (stock info)
-Locale (knows where you are and changes phone settings)
-Ringdroid (make your own ringtones out of any MP3 etc)
-Layar (augmented reality – awesome)
Well does anyone know how I can get some music? I saw a guy at the Verizon store a while back where he just went to the website typed the name of whatever artist and it popped up all there music. He was able to just select which song he wanted hit download and the song was on his phone. Thats what I want, efficient and easy. Can u please help me?
Picked up a new Droid this morning and loving it so far. Thanks for the great post and all the recommendations in the comments. I’ll be reading phandroid from now on!
Thanks for the software recommendations. I am new to the android platform and have downloaded a few of them. Enjoying so far! I must say I really like Shopsavvy. I’ve found some great deals on products I already buy and am looking forward to the savings :)
Thanks also to the other folks who posted as well
Wow, if this is really the top 50, then the market is in a sad state.
Many of those things should just be built-in — file browser, backup, facebook, movie schedules, task manager, exchange support. I mean, come on, how sad is it when someone thinks MyAccount is something to rave about!
And good grief — there’s still no android phone out there with an acceptable camera, even with the release of the droid. I was really hoping this holiday season would be the time of the androids, but so far all the handsets that have come out are just more of the same lackluster devices. :-(
i’d say the cameras are fine for what they are… phone cameras. the droid has a decent one with a nice interface, though i will be waiting till i can pick one up on the cheap and take it to sprint so as to avoid the big red pocketdrop. as for the myaccount thing, that just goes to show you that the contributers hit the crack pipe WAAAAAAY too hard before writing this. it’s a t-mo app, doesnt apply to the droid in any way, shape or form. they also left out layar and ringdroid, and i dont recall seeing where on the list either. not to mention the horrid repeats.
Can anyone confirm snesoid, nesoid, and gensoid work on the droid? They all quit when I load a rom. As an old-school gamer
haha the new apps are cute I wonder where is the the place to build em? I already have the SDK though… Oh, program-city here we go!
btw, here’s a detailed preview of what you have might missed during the droid release earlier today:
Hope Droid will serve as a hand of midas to Verizon Corp. Soweet
I just went and played with a droid at the verizon store, I downloaded a couple of my favorite games and none of them where working to good on eclaire, I wonder how many apps haven’t been updated yet. Id think google would want all the phones that are out to be running the same version of android, so the devs could be testing there apps on a real device. I think there might be some pissed off android newbies.
Thanks for this…helped me add some new apps
papijump! simple, but addictive.
Tv.com is the best!
must have games
Robo defense – best game (paid and free)
Bonsai blast -free fun game
Flying Aces lite – simple fun and addicting
Trap -free
I recommend the following apps
VLC Remote
NESoid Lite
FX Camera
Exflashlight (I like it better than Flashlight)
Ustream (if you’re into that)
Freshface (only for MT3G phones)
– FlyScreen (a very ambitious app and very original)
– Abduction (who doesn’t love that cute jumping cow)
– Blockx 3D (surprisingly a very good 3d tetris)
– Buka (fun game)
– Shackdroid (if you’re into Shacknews chatty, however you won’t find it in the market, you have to download it from the web)
– ShopSavvy (words cant describe this life savior app)
– Tunewiki (definitely the best MP3 player out there for the Android)
– SMS Popup (if you’re an ex-iphone owner like me then this is a highly recommended app for you)
– Weather Forecast Widget (i’ve tried almost all weather forecast widgets and none of them has a clean interface as this, not to forget that it allows you to customize the backgrounds and choose different skins)
– Archipelago (It may look ugly but i must admit it’s very fun)
Hey could someone help me! Im going to get the Droid but im worried about the music player being so plain and not very functional, are there any music players to download in the market???? Like the heros music player???? Thanks guys!
Spotify is by far one of the best apps for Android. You need a premium account though…
What? No one mentioned the Barcode Scanner app? That’s the first thing I install! Being able to share contacts or install software through a barcode is amazing.
So its judgment day today for Droid, was it? According to Cnet it was a little bit slow nonetheless a good start of droid, other “critiques” says otherwise. But I say, “Hell yeah! droid conquered US for a couple of hours today”. We just hope that their ROI is profitable compare to the hunderds of thousand worth of ads they spend during the promotion period and err.. did I say, their impending “lawsuit” with AT&T too?
Collation of info about droid release today: http://bit.ly/did-droid-conquered-USA-today
Hope Droid will serve as a hand of midas to Verizon Corp. Soweet
1. Advanced Task Manager (auto frees up all your memory except the apps you specify, on your schedule. Widget, too.)
2. Swapper – a very, very close 2nd
3. Flashlight (by flash-the-brain.com, keeps the features from getting underfoot, but just enough of them)
4. AutoLock
5. Pager (canned sms, single-click from Home screen)
6. Bettercut (a little buggy, but I’m nuts about customization)
7. Swift Twitter App (free, solid, and pretty much offers everything Twidroid Pro has). Although I’m trying Xeeku Twitter. Swift is a must-try; you don’t have to like it better than Twidroid, but I”m convinced it’s very cleanly built.
8. Google Voice (limited call plan becomes unlimited, but I can’t really talk about how to do that. I’ll just say I have MyFavs plan.)
9. Weather Forecast Widget v2 (or at least iMap Weather app)
10. Greed. I’m also a sync nut. This feed reader allows other widget use, too.
And if you get a ROM that has Apps2SD, you don’t have to limit it to 10! AppControl offers app backup and batch app install and organization options. Opera Mini is FAST. Grocery King is now easy to use. Note Everything has everything. Klaxon Alarm never fails. SnapPhoto Pro simply takes the best pics. Traffic (Free!) offers one click to Google traffic map. BatteryLife is clean and tweakable. Apps Organizer lets you have desktop folders that have icons (no URL or non-app support though). Missed Call lets you customize almost all of your notifications and LED settings.
I use Bloo for Facebook; once I got it set up, it really does have the most to offer feature-wise.
And I agree, BarCode Scanner should be stock. I think we forgot we had to download it in the first place. I did the same thing with Rings Extended. It seems like that should be stock, too.
I like Meridian Music player, which does everything I need it to, and has great BT support. I dunno, most of my music playing is with the screen off, and video is full screen, so the actual interface doesn’t have to be flashy for me. Meridian is fast and stable.
Oh, yes, and Touch Timer wins the contest to mediate the dreaded time-outs. Not a must-have for everyone, but definitely for moms/dads/sitters.
Yes, Android is pretty bare bones on its own. It’s open source, and the whole point is to get devs developing. I like that, especially when you can backup and batch install your apps.
I noticed the title is just “50 apps.” It really is a great list to get users exploring, or just settle in with some confidence. I’m going to try TV.com sometime soon, really soon.
I couldn’t leave this without recommending Cyanogen’s latest ROM build Not to mention getting out on XDA-developers.com will open your Android world (at least to apps that aren’t available on Market). Check for Advanced Launcher while you’re there.
The released app’s were cute but still very crude – I wonder when will be the contest for droid-app making?
We should realize that one must learn the basic of android 2.0 first before venturing on software production
What Android really does: http://bit.ly/android-2-0-for-newbies-and-pro
“The Fastest Mobile O.S on the Planet indeed”
Is there a media player yet which will play divx/xvid movies?
The shopsavvy app on the droid hasn’t worked well at all, camera has trouble focusing
KeepScreen. Timeriffic. Y5. Trap!
All these should on your Android be.
Pandora does not work on the DROID. Gives me an error everytime.
Didn’t read all the replies…new Droid here and my favorite app is Advanced Task Killer….closes all those programs running in the background that you have no idea how they turned on.
BTW..pandora has been working near perfectly on my droid…a few minor hesitations but not many…I’ve had it on a lot. Battery life..I played on the droid for a solid 6.5 hrs after it fully charged and still didn’t get a low battery warning although the icon looked near empty…and that was with many apps open including pandora.
Multimedia apps:
Cinema: simple video player, like it better than stock… seek, just swiep finger, to pause, just tap screen
tunewiki: plays lyrics while playing your songs… comes with homescreen widgit
Rockon: music player, has album scroll like iphone
Some apps that I love are the Task Manager app that allows you to turn off Programs and save battery life and Picsay App that has Multi touch and Pinch and zoom enabled on it. really cool to see the phone do multi touch .. video below showing you how
**New to smart phones. On my old cell phone when I turned the screen on I would see how many missed calls/text I had. Why do I not see this on my Droid? Can someone please help me?
So its judgment day today for Droid, was it? According to Cnet it was a little bit slow nonetheless a good start of droid, other “critiques” says otherwise. But I say, “Hell yeah! droid conquered US for a couple of hours today”. We just hope that their ROI is profitable compare to the hunderds of thousand worth of ads they spend during the promotion period and err.. did I say, their impending “lawsuit” with AT&T too?
Collation of info about droid release today: http://bit.ly/did-droid-conquered-USA-today
Hope Droid will serve as a hand of midas to Verizon Corp. Soweet
AndroZip is great utility for ZIP, RAR, 7Zip, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2 archives but also great file manager…
Love it!
Got a few nice apps without having to search blindly..
Thank you..
what format is supported to play the roms for snesoid
Swift is a better app than Twidroid IMO.
So after the “not so phenomenal” unveiling of Motorola Droid to USA yesterday http://bit.ly/did-droid-conquered-USA-today
Like us, other buyers are asking too, if did it really conquered america or not (like verizon promises to their “mocking” advertisement)
Now it seems, iPhone realize that they should try Verizon for a change? Dang.. shouldn’t they see what will happen to droid first? before making hasty testosterone induced decisions…
I’ve been playing with my new Droid since I got it on the release date. I had an iphone previously and so far I am ready to dump the iphone.
Only issue I have is that with the gmail app, it only notifies me on the first email that I receive. Subsequent emails do not generate a notice or audible sound. Anyone know of a fix for that, or an app that would let me change that behavior?
Open Home is big drain on the battery..
Anyone that is frustrated by the same notification bug that I previously mentioned (gmail emails only generate 1 notification, after that there is no indication that more emails were received), please visit (and star):
I am picking up up my droid tomorrow finally! I purchased the storm 5 months ago and I am on my 3rd phone. So even though I paid 320.00 for my phone 5 months ago, I still have to pay some cash for the droid. I made a HUGE stink and instead of making me pay almost 400.00, I only have to pay 60.00. So as far as I am concerned, as long as I am away from the storm, I will be happy. Of course seeing the commercials here in the U.S., I was feeling goose bumps! Thanks for all of the 411 on the apps.
Can you watch a slingbox on droid without wifi?
This is normal, a new OS might encounter a glitch just like any on the past. on the other hand, google should have pay attention for that problem. Anyway, I still keep good faith about android 2.0 OS as the fastest OS on the planet :D
Droid App creation here we go
Sling…… PLEASE create a sling player app for the Droid!!!!!!
Hi Guys! Thanks for posting this – you inspired me to re-do my list into a top ten(ish – I got a bit carried away!) http://efan78.com/140/10Apps.
New Droid owner here, looking for few apps, any suggestions would be great:
switch between open applications
read txt messages to me through my bluetooth (this was avail on the voyager)
Ive just had my Eris for about a week–but reading about and trying a lot of apps. Heres my pics and all are FREE:
1) SLACKER RADIO–more programable stations–less power.
2) WHERE– get gas prices, local news and has a chatroom
3) FOX NEWS SETTINGS–best news reader widget for free
4) ADVANCED TASK KILLER–easy to use and turn stuff off.
5) BACKGROUNDS– Easily find a new background you’ll love
6) SPORTSTAP—news and scores with updates
7) DROIDLIVE lite– Internet radio stations–awesome
8) BOB MARLEY CLOCK–choose clock#2 at 2×2–perfect.
9) COLOR FLASHLIGHT–also has a strobe,candle and more
10) AP MOBILE–newspaper reports even local and videos.
Where is the Superfan Application for Directv??
Where is adobe 10. I am missing my NFL games and paying for them. I can’t see them on my phone.
Anyone know when we can watch NFL games on the DROID???
Is there an app so I can voice dial with my bluetooth?
is there an app to make my bluetooth voice activated ?
does anyone know of a widget that will put your most recent text message on your home screen?
Or an app that will make your message notification bar bigger?
Flash support and directv superfan support will be available early 2010
I prefer Swift for my Twitter AP over Twidroid. Faster downloads and no buttons to hit for opening links.
I was hoping someone might direct me to a Good Feed Reader hopefully that will sync my Google Reader, and not something web based cause I can go online if i wanted that!
is there a version of skyfire for android? this is a truly amazing web browser with integrated flash so all of the websites look perfect, it will also request a page as a full blown browser like firefox if a mobile version is not available for that page, awesome love it on my window’s (pos) phone and would pay money to see this on android.
For flashlight apps, MotoTorch Lite is the best. Its a widget you drop on your home page. One touch fires up the camera flash LEDs. Another touch turns them off. Works great!
Is there an app for running? Specifically, will nike plus work on the droid eris?
How can i make my battery last longer? Is there an extended life battery I can get?
and what about the flac support in an android application :( :( .. coz the os is not flac compliant :(:(:(:
Good lists, I have to say that, though I did really love Open Home, I prefer Panda Home. Its more customizable, allowing you to have anywhere from 3 to 9 home screens, 2 every screen side docks, works with Open home themes, customizable icons… and free. Absolutely perfect alternate home program for me.
cardiotrainer is a great app for tracking your runs/jogs/walks. free version does everything i want.
You should really take a look at the home replacement app ” GDE- the new home experiance”. Very unique home app that has a very small memory footprint. It is themeable, supports use of better cut, and no lag at all on my un-rooted G1
anyone know of an app that will open tif files, also an ap that will allow you to turn the screen on without using the unlock button???
The camera and other problems are going to be corrected witha update. I think it is going o.t.a. on dec. 11th but dont hold me to the date.
I’ve just gotten an Eris and cannot figure out how to search for apps. Is the only option to scroll through hundreds of them in hopes that you’ll find the one you’re looking for?
What happened to Meridian? It plays MP3s and MP4 that you copy or download to your phone.
Also, Hi AIM seems to slow my MyTouch3G to a crawl when its running. My home screen takes 15-20 seconds to run when that app is going. There’s an update but I doubt it will make things better. I wish there was another recommended IM app…
i have played with this fone and it is awesome…its better than the iphone if u ask me and im a big apple fan..plus my mom doesnt kno anything bout fones and i couldnt get her out of the store
any app for sirius or xm ???
I’m surprised there is no mention of Dolphin. It is best web browser available currently for Android.
Any way to download and play poker on moto droid..example pokerstars
The iPhone mega-hit, finally here for the Droid.
Looking for the app that makes icons out of the contact list that you can select and go directly to the phone no.
As for the poker question …..redpokerclub.com
Just found this gem not a long while ago… it’s great if you are ever paranoid about losing your droid. Search market for “Droid Locator”. The free version overrides any volume settings and rings max volume; the paid version sms back with gps location. The dev got several other apps that are definately worth checking out as well
That facebook application is really terrible. You can’t send messages from it. It isn’t synced; it is updated every thirty minutes. It is more like you download the application to get notifications from the facebook website. you click on the notification and it takes you to facebook mobile. It is really quite trifling. It does do a good job at letting me view peoples profiles for that I give it a one.
I have a blackberry that syncs my address book and calender through outlook. Can this be done with the droid and is it easy to set up?
taskiller didn’t work on my eris. i went into the verizon store for a different problem, but they mentioned the app “advance task killer free.” it works much better and saved my battery a ton!
and laura- go to the market app. then the third item down is the search option. click it and search. or press the search button on your phone next to the back button.
if anyone knows of an app for the droid that allows you to see ur contacts while on a conversation please let me know also id like to see where droid users can have a popup like the old versions of motarola phones showing missed calls view now view later screens screens thanx droid love it
So much bad blood in here that am even sacred to tell the truth. My idea of a smartphone for now is one without win-mo, 4”, plays almost every video & audio format, allows bluetooth connectivity for sharing files, allows java, has a physical keyboard (preferably push ups), runs a browser that features the latest adobe flash player, 5mp, 32gb, a stable os with a huge collection of useful apps (preferably free or not to expensive), nice ui, widgets, usb charging through a computer, long battery life, capacitive touchscreen, metal body. Price tag btw $500 – $700 (but the cheaper, the sweeter), wifi, multitasking, very fast processor, pdf viewer, doc viewer and editors, & of course can make calls & receive sms. Let’s just call it a better Iphone without all those silly security measures that has made it impossible for me to fall in love with it. We can also wait to see if the first phone running maemo 6 has got it all.
Anybody wanna sell an ipod touch 16gb 3rd or 2nd gen (preferably 3rd gen) holla me @ prodigy046@ovi.com
how will you download a movie ?
Check out Peak Memory Usage. It is an app that shows all your running programs and the amount of memory they are using. It also shows the peak memory the program has used. Very nice way to see how your memory is being used on your phone http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/tools/peak-memory-usage_chnv.html
1.Volume Control, self explanatory.
2.Screeble, help to drastically improve battery life by giving you more control of your screen timeout and also eliminates unwanted screen timeout during activities like watching videos or playing sudoku :P
3.Handcent is the best and most customizable messaging app.
4.Palringo puts all your im accounts together.
5.Dolphin Browser is the best Android Browser (multi-touch zoom support on Droid)
6.White Killer is the best Task Killer.
7.Explorer is the easiest to use File Explorer.
Does the Driod have an application for Client Access or way of accessing iSeries or AS400?
Check out QwikList Voice. Uses the voice recognition to make lists right from the home screen. Also can add stuff using barcode scans. Quick and easy. Totally worth the 99c.
What the doodle
Shop savvy
Google sky map
I love whatthedoodle! Guess what someone’s drawing, draw your work all for points. Quick 10 round games. Shop savvy is also excellent. You must be sure to hold phone steady when scanning barcodes. If it doesn’t work try closer or farther with the camera. Dizzler is a great music app. Will find and play anything you want! Google sky map tells you star constellations where you point.
Adobe is working on a flashplayer that will be out the first 1/2 of 2010!! Love my droid and all the free apps I can get and still have Verizon!!
Favorite games for Android are: Spot the Difference and Jewel Lust.
wow!!!!!!!!what a terible list …syncmypics…is way better than all the apps they pickd an thats not even in my top ten …if anyone would like a list of apps that are very cool an shows off ur droid let me no..d.patterson32@yahoo.com
The Droid application Crystal Track IT is awesome. It lets me know where my cell phone is (and where my kid’s cell phone is) all the time. It even shows me how fast the car is going that my child is in. If I lose it (which I did) I can easily find it through my log in account on their website….Check this one out – definitely a thumbs up!
Hey everyone, I’ve developed an app for Flickr that runs on Android phones. The app allows you to do most everything you can do with your photos from your phone. You can check it out on my website: michaelmosher.wordpress.com, or see a description here: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/multimedia/flickr-droid_bqhg.html. I don’t mean to advertise here, but I wanted to let people know that there is an now a good, functional app for Flickr for Android.
explain how to get this bob marley clock?
So how do you make your own apps to sell? I noticed that in my passion of music that the apps are very restricted and I wanna make money with my genius ideas of apps. Just dont know how or where to create them. Suggestions?
A quick list of the best android apps for the droid
i can’t see the font on my message box is there an ap that i can get that will give me biger fonts?
I love love love my droid. And I love Pandora on it. I am likely naming my next daughter Droidina Pandora. Just kidding, but thanks for the list. Since I can get lost in a box, I will check out the Compass app. Is there a free Scrabble app, or something Scrabble-esque?
Where is TV Guide listing for my area? I would like to bring up the TV schedule to see if there is some good programs that I should run home to see. Of course, a TiVo app would allow me to record it if I don’t make it. A simple grid style display would be great with data from Comcast, Verizon Fios, etc.
TV Guide Listing in grid form for TV Listing in my area. Get from Comcast, Verizon FIOS, etc.
Pretty good list of apps, but instead of the flashlight app I would go with DroidLight, it uses the camera flash which is LED and very bright. Also yes Verizon does have their version of “My account” for the Droid
USB Tethering
Wireless Tethering
uh huh
Forget Pandora. LastFM is the shit, you enter bands you like and it plays music from those artists…ONLY!, or you can choose to play similar artists, which choose other artists based on your genres of selected artists. i cant say more. 100% the best mobile app. aside from that check out SOMAFM.com, best streaming internet radio from san fran, cal. PC or mobile, best streaming ever.
i just got an LG GW620 on upgrade for t-mobile. first of all.. is there anyway i can change the theme? any app for that.. second.. my battery life goes down so quick if im on the internet or whatever im doing any ways of solving that and anyway or an app on putting a pin on my messaging and so on. and anyway to change this pattern to a pin because patterns get on my nerves! but dts a minor.. but just give me a few that could make my life with an android more enjoyable because right now iphone is looking tempting!
Got a Droid and here are my favorite apps:
1. Google Maps. Replaces the need for stand alone GPS navigation devices!
2. Voice Search. Hands free convenient access to web, phone numbers, etc.
3. Google voice. Love getting auto translated text messages
4. Fractoid. Let’s face it Geeks are drawn to Droids just as fashionistas like iPhones. Fractoid creates an incredible variety of cool math-based art, has the best implementation I’ve seen of pinch and zoom, and shows off the processing power of a Droid/Nexus One better than any other app.
And iPhone has nothing of equal quality in ANY of these apps.
try iMusic it’s amazing
So i loved my android phone till i realized there’s no bluetooth file transfer support… and pc sync sucks.
I still like my htc but i was so disapointed that every cheap cell phone had bluetooth file transfer built in and my 500 euro Hero didnt… that’s embarassing. Did you knew this? Did you ever tried to send a file with bluetooth?
What about ringtones? I love when one of my handpicked tones goes off while in the midst of a mixed group. It lets them see a little bit into my personality. I personally like the ones from Droid Ventures, especially the Geico ad ringtone. It gets a laugh from about 45% of those within earshot of me when it goes off!
Just got the HTC Droid Eris and I want to love it but can’t for one reason only: the vibrate mode for an incomming text is about 2 nan0seconds and I miss EVERY single text on vibrate (and vibrate is my most needed feature. Please help before I have to return the phone. And i checked most of the apps for vibrate but none are for notification
Is there any good football games for he droid
I just got my droid and downloaded many apps already, LOVE IT!!!!!!! Pandora, Flixster, Wadapedia,Dictionary.com and tv.com. Thanks for info from all the people who are commenting on useful apps too.
is there a way to make htc be droid or some sort of app for droid?
I’m looking for a writer to write about Droid app for our Phone magazine. Please contact me if you know someone. Thank you Doug
Just found a sweet music player called btunes! Check it out in the market…it kicks ass!
Another great music player is museek: http://www.museek.ethz.ch
It has a cool music map and really nice, similarity aware play modes.
What about an application to block those stupid admob ads. I can’t find any application that will block those.
does anyone know how to get rid of the lock screen on the Moto Droid?
Music Junk is way better than iMusic. (more search results, better interface, faster downloads, lyrics, preview.)
Does anyone use log me in on your droid? I can not get mine to get all of the way to my computer.
I. Like the droid but it needs a flash for the camera and a way to. Lock the keypad when phone is unlocked. Any ideas?
Grooveshark! for god sakes people, pandora sucks serious balls. Ok, granted, as of right now the android app is for VIPs of the website only($3 per month or $30 pre year), but this app is soooo worth it. Also Grooveshark on your computer is free. Play any song, any amount of times you want, for free. Has a radio feature (the pandora button), and you can skip as many songs as you want with no audio adds ever. Make playlists, upload your whole Itunes library to the website, and search other people’s playlist and libraries. The best music site/app out there by far!
I’m trying to keep track of tour dates, is there a app for that?
Best app my hubby and I have Downloaded for our HTC Droids is OurGroceries. Syncs your lists so when one person updates it on their phone it will show on the others. Its connected thru email and is SUCH a timesaver!!!!
Alex, try gigbox
You plug in your favorite bands and it allows you to customize the updates you recieve. I’m hoping jambase will get an app like this out soon.
i would like to know if you plan on having a different mode for receiving text message like , to vibrate a little longer and the set a reminder if you forget to check like on the other phones . some would ring and vibrate , or just ring , and if i forget to look at it rightaway it would remind me what ever mode it was in and the text notifcation should be louder and longer , because i always miss it, and a night sometimes people texxt me and i never hear it because the notifaction is so so short.and only notify one it needs more different sounds that a loud and strong . thank you
Joyce-handcent sms offers different vibrating tones…i have a problem missing text also, but i check my phone a lot for that reason.
My fave apps are MP3downloads and FxCamera…I really love the toy camera effect. I take some of the coolest pictures with it.
I really wish that there were more apps for texts though, cause i wasnt crazy about the set up with handcent sms. i played and played with it and just didnt find any way i liked it.
Just got the Moto Droid. Is there an app that can allow me to download movies I already bought from iTunes on to my Droid?
Just go my new Moto Droid. Is there an app that allows you to download the movies I already bought from iTunes onto my Droid?
soo the droid doesnt come with the instant messengers like yahoo, aol, msn, andd so on. but you are able to get the app on your phone for free?
I want an app that recognizes my pet’s RFID.
. kiley wrote on April 26, 2010
soo the droid doesnt come with the instant messengers like yahoo, aol, msn, andd so on. but you are able to get the app on your phone for free?
Kiley, there are a couple that I use. I use EBuddy and/or Meebo
I have 2 IM apps… one is EBuddy and the other is Meebo. EBuddy you actually get the pics and icons. I like them both
I just bought a HTC hero from sprint and can’t download iMusic, I am guessing this is only for Version customer HTC users? Love the phone just trying how to get through using it other than hello and goodbye.
if i get 2.1 and it messed up does it void my warranty
On my second of two Droids as first and second both seem to have software problems – confirmed by Motorola on the first one.
I need an App which will allow me to ANSWER the phone.
Otherwise, this Droid is going back to the store, too.
I also find that the browser will just close out for no reason, and it is almost impossible to reply to an email (it goes to draft while typing!), or to open one to read (the phone sends it to trash while reading it)
Are there Apps to fix these problems? I like the phone better than the Blackberry Curve, but the BCs had problems, too, which is why I am on a Droid.
New to Verizon – one month customer. Other than phone nightmare, happy with V.
Does the droid have an application to download free MP3 type music to save? I had the Music Lite but apparently it’s not working anymore… any suggestions???
Some favorites of mine that I didn’t see mentioned: Locale, Goggles, TaskPanel, NewsRob, AtBat ’10, KeyRing, Verizon Fios DVR Remote and Mobile Remote.
Things I have on my iPod Touch that I wish were available: a CNN client (a real, supported by CNN one, not the chintzy ones that are out there), and better apps from FedEx, USPS.
“Where’s My Droid” is the greatest app ever invented. Lose your phone in your house and try to call it to locate it, but you forgot that you put your phone on silent mode? Now just text a certain word or phrase(of your choice in settings) from someone else’s phone to yours, and your droid will ring on loud for you to find it. Or lose your phone somewhere throughout a long night? Text another word or phrase (that you input in settings) to your phone from someone else’s GPS enabled phone, and find your droid’s EXACT location via GPS!
Documents to Go (Full Version by DataViz). Paid. Reads all versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF files. You can also edit, delete and create. It’s like the only one missing in this extensive list.
Doodle Jump!
Why can’t i find “iMusic” anymore? I had it before but lost it when i switched from the G1 to the Cliq XT. When I search for it in the market, it says “There are no matches in Android Market for the search: iMusic”
Why aren’t there any aba apps for the android. iphone has several.
umm.. excuse my insanely awesome math skillZ, but this isnt 50. a few were named numerous times.
How can I get free movies on my Druid phone the same way you get free movies on the iPhone there site is tysiphone help.com to get free movies
you all are making me really want an Android, i have iphone, but i’ve looked through so many android apps and the 2 that i really wish i could get are Google Goggles, My911! So jealous!
Documents to Go (Paid App) – view and edit Word, Excel, Powerpoint files.
iTriage (FREE) – find doctors, pharmacy near you. Check symptoms, procedures, etc. It is by doctors.
what happened to imusic?
what is the droid application that allows you to llok up your contacts by just writting a letter on the screen?
I mean “look” up your contacts….sorry
The app that allows you to link to a contact by drawing anything (letter, symbol, whatever) is Sign.
I didnt scroll all the way through the comments but WOW, not impressed with the list above. How is GESTURE SEARCH not mentioned????
If you want a cool yet extremely useful app for your android based phone download Gesture Search. This app is amazing for quickly locating anything on your phone by drawing a letter or combination of letters on your touch screen.
-Contacts-Apps-Videos-Music-Bookmarks etc…..
For ex: when i draw an “e” on my touch screen it pulls up a list consisting of my ESPN and EBAY bookmarks, contacts with first or last names beginning with E, the EMAIL application, all media with an artist or title beginning with E and so on.
Definately the most used app on my droid X outside of Advanced Task Killer (obviously I like battery life)
is there an app for the DROID that shows the sunrise and sunset on your screen.
I have a Ipod touch and once you buy the apps there yours.
is it the same for Droid x from Verizon? Where are the apps coming from and are they tested to be good or do they lock up your phone some times?
I came across this app that controls your Direct TV from your Droid phone, just do a search in the market browser for it . I can be 2000 miles away and tell my Direct TV DVR’s at my home to record any shows that I want. So if I am at a convention and I hear of a good show to record I just do it from my Droid, and it’s there waiting for me when I get home. awesome app.
shazam is not free, u only get 5 downloads a month, after that u have to pay………..
Check out accordion app for Android: http://www.androlib.com/android.application.us-accordeon-qjnqj.aspx
we just released it and you gonna love it, I promise!
Anyone know a good sync with outlook? for free… .?
also has one used one of those foldable keyboards and recorded word documents… I am interested in both…
thanks… this site helps me not waste my time looking for crazy cool apps. thanks everyone!
The video and audio formats compatible with Droid x:
Resolution: 480 x 854 pixels
Video: MPEG4, H.263, H.264, DIVX, XVID
Music: MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA, WAV, MIDI
If your video or TV shows are not Droid x playable video formats, you have to transcode them to the video formats listed above. When you google Droid x video converter, you will find Aunsoft Video Converter is the google recommended program. I have tested it, safe and good.
hope it helps you.
I like mymobuy better than shopsavvy. It’s much better.
ok this might be a stupid question but if I dont know I have to ask. when the price for an app, is 2.99 is that a one time charge or monthly and how do you pay? yes Im old and new to all this so thanks
I have seen a Blackberry app for tracking one’s single malt collection. Is there any sign of that becoming available as a droid app?
Outlook and General File Sync that I use is MyPhoneExplorer.
You need to install a PC client and the android app. The thing I find annoying about it is that you have to turn on USB Debugging and I had to install SAMSUNG Kies with USB drivers. While all of that seemed so stupid to me, the end result is a good sync to Outlook Contacts, Calendar and Notes. I don’t sync email so have not tried that part.
BUDDY, it seems that the app you are referring to will most likely be a one time charge of 2.99. However, there are some apps that require subscriptions but I don’t know of any with an up front cost. I suggest reviewing the developers we site before proceeding with the purchase if you are unsure.
would love an APP to pinch to zoom the phone besides the pics and browser, windows has a great one ZOOOMER so why dosnt droid have one. im sure they got one for Iphone
This was really helpful. Thanks for the recommendations.
Would have been more helpful if so many apps hadn’t been repeated over and over again. The first and second lists are nearly identical.
Does anyone know how I can get some free music easy? I went to the verizon store a while back and saw a man get on this music website type in the name of an artist and then a list of there music popped up. He was able to hit download on what song he wanted and then it was on his phone. At there time I really didn’t have a need for it but now I got a Droid and would like to find it but I haven’t been able to yet. I would like something easy and also like to make them into ring tones if I could. Could someone please help me out?
zedge is good