
Knock Knock. Who’s There? SciPhone.


If you’re the type that doesn’t mind buying Fimberland boots at the Flea Market, flaunting the fake logo and cosmetic looks while knowing the soles will be falling off within a few short months, we may have found you an Android Phone to match. The SciPhone N19 and N21 Android phones are now available and they are definitely looking like BlackBerry Storm and general Mobile DSTL1 knockoffs:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


The specs are about as impressive as the rip job – not too good. Here are some specs for each of the Android Fonies:


  • 400 MHz processor
  • 2.8-inch screen
  • 320×240 pixel resolution
  • 128MB ROM
  • 128 MB RAM
  • MicroSD slot (8GB Max)
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • 2MP camera
  • 1200 mAh battery
  • GSM 900/1800 bands


  • Dual SIM
  • 624 MHz processor
  • 3-inch screen
  • 240×400 pixel resolution
  • 128MB RAM
  • 256MB ROM
  • MicroSD slot (16GB Max)
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • 5MP camera with auto-focus
  • G-Sensor
  • 1200 mAh battery
  • Dual NXP EDGE networking

I try not to be critical of smaller companies trying to leverage Android and really build something innovative. Geeks Phone One would be a great example of  a company employing that approach. But the SciPhone doesn’t really bring any innovation to the table and I have to say… disappointed.

The price point isn’t shabby though at $150 and $235 respectively without the need for a contract. So if you’re dying for Android and don’t want to tie yourself down there is this option… but I’d be more inclined to go the EBay route. Just sayin’

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. no 3G(

  2. Wow… a BB Storm with android is attractive. But I’ll never buy a knockoff.

  3. do we even know for sure if those are really running android? The knock off HiPhones run windows mobile that’s dressed up to look like an iphone.

  4. Eh, knockoffs dont bother me as long as they are quality. The BB Storm lookalike would be nice if the hardware were nicer. I mean, what pile did they find that processor in?

  5. @josh
    since android is open, they wouldn’t have the need to find a backroute. it’s there, just slam it on the phone.

  6. Yeah, it’s android- if you go on youtube there’s video reviews already….the N21 is actually kind of sweet, but i’m pretty sure it has proprietery connectors and a resistive touch screen….at $230, that’s just not going to cut it.

  7. @Pieter
    You would think so but until I see a review from a trustworthy source im not believing it.

  8. This isn’t knockoff! Do the research – simple googleing will do!

    Same company that produce DSTL1 produce this one to! It’s just a matter of branding for different markets! That’s business model that’s very known in ODM business

  9. The Sciphone logo ruins the phone.
    that part of it just looks ugly
    but if the phone is quality then I might look into it
    I want to get a new android phone (upgrading from my g1)and need to get it on at&t
    this seems to be the best price I can get an android without a contract.
    it also seems like my escape from paying a data plan because I use wifi anyway.
    I just need the specs explained to me.
    battery life is an issue and I don’t want it to start slowing down either.
    I’ll wait till I find a professional review of it
    or somebody here can email me at sweedtwail@yahoo.com

  10. I say: Get one fast before that company get’s sued to the ground :-)

  11. Why would the company get sued for using a free operating system? I’m not getting one of these phones, because I don’t like the resistive screens. But I think it’s really good that there are finally some other cheap options available to cover all corners of the market. Remember the software will always be moddable, it’s all about the hardware :D

  12. I saw the SciPhone N21 on ebay the other day… for like $200 I think?… yeah… who wants to buy it… haha…http://cgi.ebay.com/SciPhone-N21-Google-Android-Smart-Phone-WiFi-AT-t-PDA_W0QQitemZ280415148530QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCell_Phones?hash=item414a0b99f2

  13. @Nedjo

    Wow, I didn’t believe at first but you are sooo right! Now another twin is a Russian version under the guise of RoverPC: http://www.mobile-review.com/pda/review/roverpc-twin.shtml

    They all even sport the original General Mobile firmware!

  14. And further details that Yuhua is the ODM manufacturer of the X2 which is the base model for the DSTL1 and all these other clones.

  15. It’s just a nice budget android device

  16. I have to ask…if a car is made in America, is it called a clone of the French cars since the french were the first to make a car? The answer is no. These terms are meant to undermine any credibility these manufacturers may have. Remember what we said about the Japanese cars? “Flooding our market with cheap inexpensive cars”. Now Sciphone is even using a known OS and it is being called a “knockoff”. The “Open Handset Alliance” which Android is apart of is the new wave of technological “openess”. We have been putting foreign parts into our American cars for years, but we don’t call them clones…actually…we call them dependable. As a logistics manager for electronic manufacturers…all phones/computers/electronics are either from china or the Pacific Rim…even the iPhone. So stop with the labelling…it does not become you. I have an i68+ and I have even more upscale phones running either Android or Windows because I sell them. And in actuallity there is no need for those other phones unless you either use your phone as a toy or need it for business for syncing, windows apps or e-mail pushing. Otherwise your phone is just an extention of your ego.

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