
ODROID On Video, HDMI Out Looks Sick


The actual device looks like a hot mess but the HDMI Output exhibited here shows the ODROID – an An Android Multimedia and Gaming Device – hooking us up with some pretty hot HD Video:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It actually looks promising. And what’s more, if you’re playing video games on this device and can use Video Out to display them on a large TV, that would be one heck of an option. But the device itself is just plain ugly:


If it works and it rocks I maintain the sentiment of who really cares, but it wouldn’t HURT to put this thing through some sexified design paces. We’ll be keeping an eye on this one. For more on ODROID check out our initial post.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Who cares if it’s not pretty? Do you think the first gameboy was hot looking? Or those PS contollers – butt ugly if you ask me. But the functionality is what we (gamers) are concerned about. And it does look like it is running smoothly. (And thank God it doesn’t rely only on touch screen, I dislike the ipod touch for that)
    I believe this device has serious potential.

  2. Something like this just makes me wonder what the hell Sony is waiting for with a PSPhone.

    Imagine how awesome it would be to have the combination of the technical prowess of the PSP Go, 3G functionality and Android?

    That sounds ridiculously awesome, if you ask me…

  3. this is great but im not going to pay hundreds for a device that lets me play snes games on the big screen

  4. looks great i think it looks cool

  5. You say you don’t care if it’s ugly…

    Well most people do. The first game boy was ugly, but that was YEARS ago, no one would buy it today!

  6. Than an Atari Lynx??

  7. Honestly, game consoles have a knack for being downright butt ugly. In the current generation of consoles, I’d say that the only one that isn’t an eyesore is the wii. And that one isn’t too hot on the inside instead.

    But this one is unusually ugly. :)

  8. With Archos 5 coming out, yeah probably a little more expensive, what advantages does ODROID have over it. I think I rather have the Archos 5 unless ODROID can provide console like graphics and an extensive game library that only the ODROID can handle.

    Just my 2 cents!

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