
HTC Tattoo Caught on Video


We have been hearing a lot about the Tattoo over the past few days so if you are really curious about the hardware, now is your chance, especially if you understand German. AndroidPit.de has recently put up a new video that details the hardward (sort of) of the upcoming Tattoo handset.

From our perspective this is good and bad. Although the design looks decent, it also looks pretty plasticky. Something the replaceable faceplates don’t appear to help with. However, its pretty hard to avoid a build like this when one of the mantras for the device is “make it mine.”

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[Via EngadgetMobile]

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  1. He says something about being able to upload designs to a website, which will then use the designs to make new faceplates for you.

  2. I met a developer for Verizon on the train this morning to work. he was playing around with one of these phones on the Verizon network! I guarantee you that’s where it winds up soon.

    Does this count as an exclusive? i can try to catch video of it tomorrow if i see him again.

  3. I prefer how the phone looks without all the plastic on it… looks cyberpunk when its nekkid.

  4. maybe that’s the HTC Desire..

  5. I am kind of disappointed with the sudden design change being implemented on Android phones by HTC. I think with Magic and Hero, the HTC android phone was going towards a particular unique look that differentiated from the rest of the phones out there. It would have been great had the rest of the Android family of phones by HTC continued in the trend of some unique modern and fresh designs.

    But now with the Sprint version of HERO, and then the Tattoo, it looks like the “same ole” again from HTC.

  6. @Trep a website where you can buy new design covers for the phone.

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