
HTC Hero Pre-Order At Amazon UK!


Want an unlocked HTC Hero for use in the UK? You can now Pre-Order the HTC Hero at Amazon.co.uk for July 15th Shipment!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


It is listed for £429.99 which equates to about $710 USD – anyone going to dive in for that price? Keep in mind that July 15th date is tentative and could change. They say it will be dispatched and sold by Amazon.co.uk themselves, no telling whether other retailers and the carriers themselves will offer it earlier or later than that date

And a friendly reminder – hit up our HTC Hero Guide and you can sign up for instant Email notification – we’ll shoot you emails as the phone officially rolls out over different parts of Europe. We got your back!

[Thanks Vaios!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Hi guys,

    in fact, i just preordered a unlocked one here in The Netherlands at http://www.pdashop.nl/product/71594/htc-hero-absolute-white.html for some 480 euros. They report the probable delivery date being 10th of July.

    Best regards,

  2. ouch…429quids a bit steep…..


  3. FYI: The HTC Hero has been available for preorder in Belgium for at least a week now. For 479 euro it should be yours on July 10th: http://www.pdashop.be/product/71594/htc-hero-absolute-white.html

  4. You can get it a little bit cheaper over at play.com –


    Still quite expensive though at £399.99, but at least it’s free delivery :-P

  5. You probably won’t pay more than 500$. In my experience things like this tend to be 10-15% more expensive in Europe :)

  6. Says 5th July on Play.com, which is a week today.

    Just wish T-Mobile or Orange would be more specific on a release date.

    Shouldn’t it be around the same time as it’s released sim-free???

  7. This is stupid and overpriced. I would wait for it to come to a carrier. Or wait till Hero is ported to G1 and Magic.

  8. means it’ll be around in asia soon …. but if its not coming then , i’ll just import it… btw, can we say that since htc pretty much stripped away the “googleness”, this one isn’t “with google” branded hence even more open for any update from htc…. (htc said, legally theyre not allowed to make changes on “with google” branded devices)..

  9. Well i m keeping my eye on this phone. Definitely its bette than previous one.. I love this phone.. Just waiting for few days now…

  10. just when i decided to go with the Magic…
    i hope it will be open for pre order in Malaysia soon.

  11. “things like this tend to be 10-15% more expensive in Europe”
    That’s because we have to pay VAT and it’s included in the price.

  12. i want… hopefully i wont have to wait until “holiday season” for it to come to the states! the next few Android phones look like a joke compared to the Hero (aka G1 Touch)!!

  13. HTC Hero is proposed by eXpansys for £399.99


  14. I am hoping they release a sim version also

  15. Damn… got message that it won’t be delivered until the 17th.

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