HTC Rosie Screenshots

We’ve seen the videos from Haykuro’s HTC Hero ROM and apparently the brand new UI is called “Rosie”. The upcoming June 24th HTC Event flyer shows a hipster laying in the grass with a rose laying on his chest, further proof that the issue at hand will be the announcement of the HTC Hero with Rosie UI? Or maybe we’re reading too far into it.

Needless to say there are a LOT of people eagerly anticipating the HTC Hero and Rosie UI and (thanks to Jeff from CodeSector and his Flickr) we’ve got a bunch of screenshots that will have you yearning further:

Setup Screen:

Another Setup Screen:

Main Screen:

Calendar Widget:

Clock Widget:

SMS Widget:

Lock Screen:

Lock Screen 2:

Media Player Widget:

Media Player Widget 2:

Media Player:

People Widget:

Weather and Settings:

Weather Widget:


Bookmarks In Browser:

Bookmarks Widget:

Browser – Page Loading:


Edit Contact:

Fast Scroll:

Lock Screen:


Stocks 2:


Twitter Widget:

World Clock:

Forget Justin Timberlake… Rosie just brought sexy back!

This all comes from Haykuro of course, who is the homeboy who made this all possible via his Hero ROM on XDA Devs.

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