
You Guess: Android Announcement at Google I/O?


android-robot-ioIf the closing remarks from yesterday’s keynote are any indication, we should be prepared for some groundbreaking Android announcements today. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking about what they COULD be for the last 24 hours. From strong possibilities to pipe dreams, I’ve thought about the potential. I hope they announce something for EVERYONE instead of another Free Gift for attendees… but I’m a jealous onlooker – I suppose we could have both.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Lets get some conversation going on the possibilities:

  • New Android Phone announced
  • Lots of new Android Phones announced
  • Verizon Wireless joins Open Handset Alliance
  • AT&T joins Open Handset Alliance
  • Both/More/Others Join OHA
  • Android Netbook announced
  • Android Netbooks given to everyone
  • What do YOU think?

And to voice your opinion, why not use something Google announced yesterday? The regular comments are turned OFF and I’ve embedded the “Conversation Element” from Google’s new “Web Elements” to guide our discussion. I’ve left regular comments ON if you prefer that method:

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Android Market Update: New Countries Getting Android Phones

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  1. well he didn’t really specify that it was going to be unleaked android announcement…

    i mean we’re all hoping it is, of course. but it could be anything at all.

    i for one am hoping that google voice will enter open beta.

  2. Since my power is out and I am forced to do all browsing from my G1, ill comment here.

    If it has anything to do with Android, I hope new carriers are announced as I’m growing tired of tmobile. A cdma phone/carrier would be nice.

  3. @Ryan – he DID say it hasn’t been leaked yet. Watch the video here:

  4. Please Gawd let it be Google Voice going international.

  5. right my point was the “android” part of that comment. i really should STRESS what i’m talking about. but the shift key is waaay over there :(

    sorry for the confusion

  6. I hope for a lot of new android phones anounced…

  7. 1) Microsoft Exchange support?
    2) Google Cloud interfacing for Android
    3) A google services phone (no carrier)
    4) WoW for Android?!?
    5) An Android powered space station
    6) Google has found a way to end Homelessness
    7) Google is buying somebody… Facebook, im looking at you.

    Seriously though, I doubt that they are going to announce any new phones… unless they are carrier-free. We have all seen how protective and secretive carriers have been about their Android phones… well..companies that matter at least (sorry Orange and Dell). I just don’t see that happening. I bet 1 million fake monies.

  8. um let’s see, true voip for the G1, flash, google voice, just let it be something good and something that i wont have to wait a year to get… and not another phone..just want more use for my G1 not a new phone;p

  9. It will be flash support for android devices.

  10. i dont mean to sound lame ( which i might anyways ) but what exactly google I/O?

  11. Google I/O is a sort of developers congress…
    Correct me if I’m wrong guys!

    For the guessing part:
    Hoping on Flash for android, hoping for contact birthdays to be added, hoping for docs support, hoping for a lot of cool stuff!

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