T-Mobile G1 Bigfoot… Made By Motorola

Yes. That is the answer to the following question posed by BGR:

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Our question of the day is, does anyone care what I just wrote?

t-mobile-bigfootI suppose you want to know what he just wrote: The T-Mobile G1 version 2, also known as Bigfoot, is not an HTC phone. The T-Mobile G1 Bigfoot is made by Motorola. WHAT?

If the rumor is true, and BGR supposedly confirmed this with a couple sources, the second version of the HTC made G1/Dream will not even be made by HTC! If this is the case, why in the heck would T-Mobile be calling it the G1? Having the next generation version of the same exact product made by a completely different manufacturer is pretty much unheard of and there is a lot of randomness flying around this rumor.

Perhaps it won’t be called the G1. Maybe it will just be called the Bigfoot. Whatever conspiracy theories and naming probabilities you can come up with, the bottom line is, the Android Phone you see pictured here is/was/will-be manufactured by Motorola.

Noted is the distinctly Moto-ish font on the keyboard. Also noted is the complete dizziness when trying to sort all of the rumors when putting this into perspective. Here are some of the rumors that lead up to THIS rumor, for all you rumor mongers:

What the heck is going on here? Let boys be boys and rumors be rumors… this will all be sorted out soon enough. In the meantime, feel free to speculate until you’re blue in the face.

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