
Chrome for Android 42 adds website notifications


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Those who prefer to fool around with the beta release of Chrome have already been treated to these features, but for everyone else some great new features have arrived to Google’s mobile web browser. Chrome for Android 42 is out, and it brings a big new feature.

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On tap is a new system that allows properly-coded websites to send notifications straight to your phone whenever new content is available. This sort of functionality is typically only available from native applications, so the ability to get them through your web browser without having to install anything else is a pretty cool feature.

Other changes include an improved function for adding your favorite sites to your home-screen, as well as your typical bug fixes and performance improvements. It’s all waiting for you at Google Play so give it a go as soon as possible.

[via Google]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yup… I really love how powerful Chrome for Android is becoming. I’m gonna begin to delete some apps with nice mobile webpages with notifications being available.

    1. Facebook lol

      1. I did kinda have that in mind… LoL!!

        1. lol I did too…

  2. Wow, I’ve been waiting for this feature for a long time! If it works, it will save me from checking dozens of blogs daily just to find some of them have no new content.

    1. 1. Download gReader 2. Enjoy saving endless time. I use the PRO version because they recently started video ads, but it’s definitely worth it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noinnion.android.greader.reader

    2. RSS has been around for over a decade

  3. Need to fix the scroll lag… I think I read something recently on that though.

  4. Is there a way to turn this off? I can already use RSS feeds for blog updates and the last thing I need is another way for website to push ads

  5. Bring on the spam notifications…

  6. No! I don’t want more notifications.

  7. Hot! So thanks to Google getting even better with integrating their tools, my RSS reader app(s) can now go. My phone is becoming more and more like a necessary tool with each update.

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