
Gmail update brings a unified inbox for all your email accounts


Gmail All Inboxes View tablet

After Gmail recently added the ability to add accounts from Yahoo, Outlook, and the like, Google is adding another helpful feature those living the multiple account lifestyle will no doubt appreciate.

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Today the Gmail team announced a new update — which should already be live in your Google Play Store app — that brings a single unified inbox for all your email accounts. The unified inbox appears under the “All inboxes” option in the slide-out menu, but unfortunately it can’t be selected as the default view. At least not yet anyway. What’s more is Gmail’s conversation view now plays nice with your Yahoo, IMAP/POP email accounts, condensing those long email conversations an into a single, easy to organize thread.

Gmail has also improved autocomplete when searching for older messages, making it faster than ever before, while adding new arrow animations when opening/closing a conversation, larger attachment previews, and the ability to save to your Google Drive with a single tap.

If waiting simple isn’t an option for you, you can always download the apk from us right here: Gmail 5.1

[Gmail Blog]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I still can’t add an exchange account to the Gmail app, otherwise this would be healthy.

    1. I have the option to add an Exchange account.

      I opened the Gmail app…
      Opened the side bar on the left…
      Click “Settings”…
      Click ” Add Account”…

      And the picture you see below is what popped up.

      1. I have those options, but for some reason ever since 4.4.2 I haven’t been able to get exchange to work on my N5 unless I use a 3rd party app. I don’t mind enitely but I’d prefer to use gmail over Cloud Magic especially since they’ve gone freemium and I’ve enjoyed using Google’s options for email previously

  2. This is really the last thing I would ever want. I want to have to specifically go to my work emails, not have them mixed in with everything else.

  3. lot of hate im seeing about the combined inbox upgrade on a few websites including this one. I think its great, been hoping they would do this for a few years now. My blackberry and win phone had it and it’s useful for inbox triage.

    Seeing the inbox separated is just a click away or vice versa. Unified is not mandatory.

    1. It works well for some people. I like a unified Inbox. Unfortunately it seems that unlike the individual in boxes, you can’t turn off the threaded view in the combined view. Threaded drives me crazy (and seriously, no one ever seems to trim the replies in an email chain anyway so why bother?)

  4. I’ve always liked the Gmail app EXCEPT, give me a way to turn off and permanently disable that stupid conversation view, I really don’t know why they call it a feature. It does a $hit job of organizing my mail, I happen to WANT to have all separate emails, and NO I don’t want to see emails I have purposely deleted showing up in a conversation, that’s why I deleted it, to make it go away! Please let me turn this off in mobile like I can in full web Gmail!!!

    1. Yeah, I much prefer my emails in chronological order. I just want to read the email I opened, not the 10 others each with their own reply button.

      Also, if I wanted my Inboxes combined, I’d give out the same email address to everyone.

  5. Sweet! Now I can filter all my crappy email accounts in one shot. I’ll have to remove my gmail accounts once and for all.

    …AND you can’t, unless I delete all the app data. That’s lame.

  6. Third party email apps, like Aquamail and K9 already do this, don’t they?

  7. Screw that. I have separate accounts because I don’t want to see them all mixed together. I don’t even want to be using the same app, but Google nixed their stand-alone mail app.

    What I’d this obsession with unifying all your identities? I have separate identities for a reason!

  8. Wait wait … it is impossible to have multiple email accounts on the same device , Hitlery Clinton said so!

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