
Android 5.0.2 Lollipop begins rolling out to some Moto G 2nd Gen owners


Motorola Shells for Moto G

After a Motorola employee tipped us off earlier today that a wider — more bug free — Lollipop rollout would soon hit Motorola’s 2013/2014 smartphone lineup, we just received word from one reader that his Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen has just received an over-the-air update to Android 5.0.2. Previously on 5.0.1, his Moto G 2014 (US model) is now running software version 22.21.28 with Android 5.0.2.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It’s still unclear if he was simple one of the lucky few who gets to test the update before a broader rollout, or if this is Motorola opening up the floodgates for all. As for our own Moto G 2nd Gen, it’s running KitKat with the device still saying it’s “up to date” with the latest software. Waiting is the hardest part…

Thanks, Jose!

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Motorola says promised Lollipop update is coming ‘really soon’ to 2013/2014 smartphone lineup

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  1. Just got my OTA of 5.0.2. Reno, Nevada.

    1. Any issues that you’ve noticed…or has it fixed the probs? Let us know…thanks!

  2. Got my OTA of 5.0.2 as well, coming from 5.0.1. Chicago, Illinois.

    1. Great news! Put it threw the ringer and let us know how everything’s working if you would! Thanks!

  3. Just got an OTA update from KitKat to lollipop for my Moto G second generation in India.

  4. Just got the OTA from KitKat to lollipop for Moto G second generation in India.

    1. U serious…!?!

    2. Please send the screenshots…

      1. The system download is in progress rt now. Its a 377.4 mb update. Have attached a snap for now. Will post screen shots soon.

      2. And my phone is the retail version bought from flipkart on launch day.

        1. After downloading can you send about phone screen shots and more screen shot.

        2. Mine too but purchased in dec

      3. Screen shots shared. Pls check.

    3. I am also in India but my mobile is showing that system is up to date

      1. Here are the screen shots

        1. You’re from which city

        2. See mines bhuvan
          You’re from which city?

          1. I am from Nagpur,Maharashtra. I bought 2 phones at a time. One for me n one for my wife. I have received the update but her phn is still on KitKat. May be Motorola is seeding the update randomly.

          2. I’m from Tamil nadu (chennai)
            Thanks for your reply

          3. May be tomorrow all might get update

          4. Fingers crossed…!!!
            Btw m from haryana…

        3. I think you are lucky

        4. Can you reply me you’re from which city

        5. Nice I would like to get the update? How’s it going on so far? Bug free, or fuked up update?

    4. R u really get lollypop update. Because am also using moto g2nd generation.

      1. Yup I did… Have posted the screen shots. Pls check.

        1. Then y not I got update. If you have ota zip plz give me.

  5. Droid Turbo in Michigan has not received update yet. Still running Kit Kat 4.4.4

    1. That’s because this update is for the G, not the Turbo which is a Verizon exclusive device. Although Motorola says the L update will indeed be coming to the Turbo, there is no news yet on when. In other words, you are currently up-to-date.

  6. Europe… still nothing, still at 4.4.4.

  7. I am waiting
    I am from india still no updates

    1. I am also from India and I didn’t received it

  8. i used moto g2.i never got lollipop update,pliz help me.

    1. Motorola runs a staggered update schedule to avoid any last bugs being mass released if possible. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is be patient for now. Its worth it.

  9. Begins rolling out does not mean that you should all instantly have access to the update people!

  10. I got Lollipop on my xt1063 (Moto G 2nd Global), on November 11. Last night I got 5.02. I’m in Venezuela, however it seems not everyone has been updated. Guess I got lucky!

  11. Just recieved update. Waiting to test it out

    1. which place are u from ?

      1. The U.S.
        So far so good

        1. nice to hear from u
          i didn’t get the update and i’m from India.Hope i’ll get it soon :)

          1. I heard that it will soon spread out to all worldwide versions soon, so I think that will be the case. :-)

  12. What if the G2 is rooted and have a custom recovery? Would that disable Lollipop OTA notification?

  13. It’s so good to have a Nexus 5 and always receive the latest updates.
    Oh.. wait.. Nope! Still on 5.0.1 with that horrible memory leak bug :(

  14. I already updated around 1 week ago on my Moto X 2nd Gen powered by qualcomm quick charge 2.0 technology. Never heard about the 2nd Gen Moto G though!

  15. My Moto G second gen prompted me for an update to Android Lollipop yesterday and after installing it there are a few differences that I’ve noticed right away. First of all, I’m having a really hard time connecting to the wifi at my job. Before, the phone was picking it up automatically and prompted me to go the user sign in page, but now, when it tries to go on to the sign in page, it stops as if interrupted by something else. Also, there isn’t a wide selection of live wallpapers to choose from. The phone also seems to be running slower, the batter is draining faster and I no longer have the set of options that come up when you turn off the phone. Now it just says Power Off. I still have to use if for a bit more before I can really say whether this upgrade is in fact better or not, but so far, it doesn’t seem all that great..

  16. Hai guys Moto G 2nd Generation users, Stop searching and waiting for Android lollipop update, i have update my Moto G 2nd generation with the help of below site. It is pure android lollipop 5.0.2 update no need root or flash your device. Check This link – http://www.songshippo.com/android-lollipop-moto-g-2nd-generation-india/

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