
Battery draining WiFi bug could be what’s holding up Android 5.0 Lollipop rollout [UPDATE]


Android 5.0 Lollipop DSC07199

A battery draining WiFi wake-up bug could be what’s causing delays with the rollout of Android 5.0 Lollipop for the Nexus 5 and other devices. The bug was discovered — and now confirmed — in the latest Android L Developer Preview, as posted on the Google bug tracker page. Scrolling through the page, you’ll find countless users reporting Nexus 5’s that have been impacted with the bug and, at least for now, the Android team seems to be stumped on what’s causing it. Googler Trevor Johns did chime in on the issue saying,

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“Android Engineering is aware of an issue affecting Nexus 5 users running Android 5.0 which causes significant “Miscellaneous” battery usage while WiFi is enabled. This appears to be caused by an abnormally high number of IRQ wakeup events. We are continuing to investigate this issue.”

So while it’s not confirmed that this battery draining WiFi bug is what’s causing the delayed rollout of Lollipop for the Nexus 5 and other devices, we’re sure Google wants to release things with as little bugs as possible. We’ll let you know if we hear more.

UPDATE: Annnnnnnnnd…. it’s been fixed.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. And what’s causing the Nexus 6 availability bug? :glare

    1. ….Carriers? (Always blame the carriers)

      1. Dammit Verizon!

    2. Ordered mine today! **obsessive f5’ing***

  2. “So while it’s not confirmed that this batter draining” typo found.

    Wow I feel special. On a serious note, I’d much prefer that my Nexus gets a bug free release for once than get it now.

  3. Hopefully it is a quick fix. I would think that after months of using the developer previews, this would have been noticed. I’m hoping it is a recent bug…

  4. It wouldn’t make any sense to role 5.0 out before the Nexus 6 is released. Unless this is holding the Nexus 6 from being released which I highly doubt. If the Nexus 6 is not released week I’ll be mad and might just find myself getting a Note 4 or Z3.

  5. So I guess this is why my device loses like 24% of the battery while I’m sleeping now, instead of the normal 1-3%.

    1. If this is the reason for it it means that you’re keeping your wifi on at night while you’re sleeping. Hardly a wise decision if you want to save battery life.

      1. That’s not the reason. I been keeping my wifi on all my nexus devices for years. It normally only uses 1-3% overnight.

      2. Having wifi on or off barely changes battery life. I leave GPS, wifi, bluetooth and nfc on while only draining 1-2% an hour when not in use.

        1. That’s quite remarkable. I never thought those things would use so little battery life. It’s experiment time to verify this for my CM 11 Nexus 5! Thanks for the interesting response!

      3. Many times you save battery by using Wi-Fi over mobile data. If you have bad signal or use varying types of network types it’ll take a beating on the battery.

        1. Agreed. I’m on a small but reliable network and my data switches from LTE to HSDPA+ from time to time. Even if someone’s data connection type doesn’t switch like that I’ve noticed that it eats into my battery life a fair amount even if I don’t use my data for very long.

  6. I think this started to happen to my MotoX 2013 when it upgraded to 4.4.4, the battery usage while idle is terrible!!!

  7. I was wondering what was going on with the battery. Right now I have just over 3 hours of screen time which drained 14% of the battery but miscellaneous accounts for 44% of the drain.

    1. U goto be shitting me lol 3hrs of on screen and it’s call a bug. I’m using a Note 3 with 4.4.2 but i get not even close to 3hrs of on screen to have my batt goes from 100% to 0 lol. Battery life was amazing on JB until the KITKAT update.

  8. I ran both early previews and I still have yet to see this “Miscellaneous” battery issues that others have seen. I have been following the bug report.

    1. I’ve ran a bunch of developer preview builds they all contain this bug in my experience

  9. Android can never work properly can’t it, is always lag, bugs or malware, just ditch it

    1. The only thing people are likely to ditch is you if you keep that attitude up.

    2. I guess that is the difference between Google and Apple… Google finds bugs before it releases an update and pushes back the update to fix them, Apple releases an update, gets alerted to bugs and then continues to push out the update while it takes a month or two to fix the problems.

      I think I prefer Google’s method.

      1. You’re right, I totally agree

  10. It’s been marked as fixed now, let the rollout begin!

    1. Yeah I just noticed that and then they locked the thread because people are asking for the OTA. The bug tracker is to track issues so they can be fixed.

  11. great… more delays— glad they found it prior to a full release— hope they offer up a patch by the time the Nexus 6 is released.

  12. Is this the same for google play devices ? i.e. HTC one M8

  13. Does this bug also affect the HTC one m8 update? Even with the WiFi off it shows it on in the history tab in the settings menu and it drains the battery from 60 to around 10 percent in 3 hours with the screen of and on power saver mode

    1. This is only known to be in 5.0, so unless you already have the update…

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